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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Russia liberates Grodivka, Novogrodivka, Selydove, heck, the entire Donbass:

Ukraine is in full rout mode now.  Their attempt to seize the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and threaten to melt it down as blackmail has failed, the front never got close to their goal.  They're stuck in empty wilderness and getting turkey shot there, achieving no strategic aims.  Meanwhile, in Pokrovsk direction, they're losing fortress city after fortress city, practically without a fight.

These are the most fortified cities in the world, falling like dominoes, one per day.  The problem is there are no troops or ammunition in the region, at least no troops willing to fight.  So the best laid fortifications go completely unused.  Russia isn't really conquering these cities, they're just waltzing into empty ghost towns.

There was one city that fought hard for months against Russian advance, Konstantynivka, but it fell today too.  Perhaps the people there finally ran out, or perhaps they saw how pointless it was to be fighting hard while everyone else in the army gave up and ran.  With the fall of Konstantynivka Ugledar and Vodania come under threat, so expect these fortress cities that have withstood assaults for years on the front line to fall next.

The Ukrainians who stubbornly continue to fight in Nevelske, just a stone's throw away from the capital city of Donetsk, are going to be surrounded and cut off from the rest of Ukraine.  If Russia keeps advancing south from Selydove they can cut off a huge section of Ukrainian forces into a cauldron and boil them all away.

Accompanying these gigantic losses in territory are daily losses of 2300+ Ukrainian armed forces.  Killed, wounded, missing, taken prisoner, or deserted, it doesn't really matter, one way or the other they're out of the fight.  Ukraine can't conscript people fast enough to keep up with the losses, while expanding the size of the front line by adding in Kursk region.  It's one of the stupidest assaults in military history.  And the conscripts aren't nearly as effective as the people they're replacing.  Right out of training camp with zero motivation to fight, elderly or youths, sickly or mentally ill, or straight out women, these are the 'reinforcements' Ukraine has to work with now.

It doesn't look like Russia will be stopped by anything now.  Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Ukraine.

If megafortress cities with multiple hills and industrial plants and high rise buildings like Novogrodivka fall in three days then there is nothing that can stop Russia's current advance.  Of course, on other fronts Russia is completely stymied -- like Siversk, Senkovka, Nevelske, Ugledar, Chasov Yar -- but that no longer matters because all those other front lines will be enveloped and destroyed from behind so long as there's no one stopping the Russians in Pokrovsk.  Like any game of Go or Fire Emblem it doesn't matter how many pieces you have if you're surrounded it's over, if there's a single puncture in a balloon all the air whooshes out.  And if the Ukrainians pull troops from the other sectors to defend Pokrovsk then next it will be their sectors that are being routed for lack of men and ammunition.  It's a catch-22.

Exactly as I predicted, by throwing all their forces into Kursk Ukraine has destroyed itself.  It's unbelievable how much the neo-nazis want to ape the Nazis, they even went to die on the very same battlefield.  Like some elephant graveyard, they just instinctively knew it was the place to be and the time to go.

Ukraine is a gigantic country, so even taking a new city every day won't conquer Ukraine this year.  But we can say this was the year Ukraine's fate was sealed.  All that's left is mopping up what's left of their shattered forces now.  To put things in perspective, Russia is now advancing with the same speed as the beginning of the war, where they took Ukraine by surprise and were basically facing zero opposition.  This is what a skyscraper collapsing at freefall speed looks like.  There's no opposition at all, but the skyscraper still doesn't instantly teleport to ground level.  It still falls through the air for quite a while.  We are watching the fake nation, cobbled together over centuries as part of the Russian Empire by taking slices from the Ottoman Empire, the Austrian Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Romania, Hungary, etc., and then given independence for no good reason under its administrative borders in 1991 for the first time in history, free fall towards its total demise.

There's no such thing as a 'Ukrainian.'  Ukraine is a polyglot of nations the plurality of which were Russians, which is why the pro-Russian party won the free and fair election in 2010.  When the coup overthrew that elected government, it was by a crazed Nazi minority that wanted to refight World War II -- the same Ukrainians who joined the SS in World War II and were applauded at the Canadian Parliament, who had a war crime record rivaling anybody in the war, butchering innocent Jews, Poles, and Russians alike.  This same Nazi minority fought a guerilla war against the Soviet Union for ten years or so after World War II, refusing to surrender alongside their German allies.  Pacified for decades, their descendants came back in 2014, roaring for more blood.  They immediately made clear who they were and what they stood for, by burning dozens of peaceful protesters alive in Odessa, and then bragging about shelling kindergartners in Donetsk.  After that they started erecting statues and naming streets after their Nazi forebears and wearing Nazi insignia and naming their regiments after old Nazi regiments.  It's insane how brazenly they made clear exactly who they were and what they stood for, while the west insanely went along with it and gave standing ovations to former, literal, Nazi SS soldiers invited to the Canadian Parliament.  Simply because they were 'Ukrainians' who had fought 'Russians.'  I.E., Nazis who had fought the Soviet Union.

Ukraine recently banned its largest Christian denomination for daring to share religious beliefs with the Russian Orthodox church.  They tear down the war monuments that celebrated victory over the Nazis, because to them those war monuments memorialize victory over themselves.  They are anti-God and anti-Germany-losing-World-War-II.  The west supports naked Satanists.  Before Russia's rescue operation began, they were openly threatening to genocide the majority population of their own country, for the crime of speaking Russian or having Russian sympathies.  Of course these people spoke Russian and had Russian sympathies -- before Lenin and Kruschev changed the administrative borders of the Soviet Union, these territories had always been part of Russia, not Ukraine, for centuries.  They were settled by Russians, not 'Ukrainians,' (whoever the hell they are), after Catherine the Great secured these incredibly rich and fertile lands from the Ottoman slave raiders.  Before then the area had been an empty desolation.  No one dared live there for fear of the Ottomans.  It was as empty as the USA's western frontier in the same 1700's period that Russia came to settle it.  Ukraine has no historical, cultural, or moral claim to these lands!  It was given to them by the stroke of a pen, at a time when no one thought it mattered, because who cares if you're part of West Virginia or Virginia, North Dakota or South Dakota?  That's all that was happening when all these regions were part of the U.S.S.R., meaningless realignments of borders that didn't matter.

They don't even have a democratic claim to these lands.  They lost the election.  The last free and fair election held by all Ukrainians in Ukraine, the pro-Russia party won.  Multiple referendums have been held in the disputed regions since then and they all voted to join Russia.  All the polls, conducted by western polling agencies, before and after 2014 show these people preferred Russia over the Nazi-coup-government of Ukraine.  There is zero legitimacy to Ukraine's war aims.  Zero, none.

Since the Ukrainian military offers no resistance, I hope Russia doesn't stop at Donbass and continues to roll up 'Ukraine' all the way to the border with Poland.  They should liberate Odessa, Kiev and Kharkov, and give the old Polish, Hungarian and Romanian territories back to Poland, Hungary and Romania.  Ukraine should be wiped from the map, a lesson for all idiots who dare to defy nations ten times as strong as them and literally invade across their border.  Any Ukrainians left alive who don't want to be part of Russia are free to move to the E.U., who is already hosting a large portion of the surviving Ukrainian population as is.  The E.U. is largely empty anyway due to their catastrophic low birth rates, I'm sure they would welcome as many Ukrainians as want to come.  The land of Ukraine always had and always should belong to Russia.  If the people don't like the facts of history they're free to go live in Poland or Germany or the U.K. or whatever.

When Ukraine ran its own territory, it ran it into the ground.  From 1991 to 2024, they managed to reduce their population by over half at a time the world's population nearly doubled.  They're one of the only countries on Earth with a lower per capita GDP than they started at, under communism, in 1991.  How the hell do you produce a worse economy than communism?  They have fewer freedoms now than they had under communism.  The largest religion is banned, their freedom of speech is banned, their freedom of assembly, their freedom of the press, all elections have been called off 'indefinitely,' their land has been sold off to foreign megacorporations, their debt is infinite and unpayable, their men have been kidnapped off the streets and ground to dust -- their living standards are on par with North Korea's.  Now they don't have electricity for most of the day.  How much misgovernance can a nation do before it cedes the right to exist?

This is a country larger than France, with some of the most strategic waterways/ports in the world, the most fertile soil on Earth, and trillions upon trillions of dollars' worth of vital fossil fuels and minerals.  It's the garden of fucking Eden.  The easiest and best place to live on Earth.  They took that natural bounty and managed to lower their gdp, half their population, turn off their power grid and suspend all freedom for the people they were given the right to rule by the arbitrary dictates of Lenin, Stalin and Kruschev.

Crimea never voted to be part of Ukraine.  It was annexed by military force in 1992 or whenever.  Until then it had been an independent special region that had seceded from the U.S.S.R. and Ukraine alike.  Other portions of Ukraine foolishly did vote to secede from the U.S.S.R. in 1991 and become the stitched together monstrosity we see today, but they never imagined it would turn out like this.  In their founding constitution they voted at the same time as their independence, that they would be a permanently neutral country with friendly relations towards Russia.  They also agreed, at their founding, not to have nuclear weapons.  They also wanted a country where Christianity was legal, speaking Russian was legal, elections were held, etc.  They never voted for this.  In fact, Zelensky campaigned as a peace candidate who wanted to get along with Russia in 2019, the last time there was an election in Ukraine.  One more betrayal on top of all the others.

Russia tolerated Ukraine's secession under the terms that were negotiated at the time.  They have no right to renegotiate those terms, to unilaterally throw them out.  If Ukraine can take back the terms of its independence, then Russia can take back Ukraine's independence.  Fair is fair alike.

Anyone alive at the time in 1991, if they had been given a crystal ball showing Ukraine's future, would have voted to stay a part of Russia.  This is clear to anybody.  It is one of the most miserable corners of the world, right there alongside Venezuela, North Korea, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Palestine.  A country founded on false premises is itself false.  A fake country.  A mirage. Meanwhile their alternative future, where they had stayed a part of Russia, well look at Russia, it's now the 4th largest GDP on Earth with 5% annual growth.  Their population has stabilized.  They have regular elections and more freedom than France (look how France arrested Durov but Russia didn't.)  Most of all Russia has a bright future due to holding fast to traditional values and not letting extreme feminism and LGBT+ shit indoctrinate their youth.  Russia has managed to make something of itself with a country that's 90% ice.  If Ukraine had been governed by Russia, with the insane natural bounty that land possesses, they'd be the richest and most flourishing part of the realm.

What we are doing today is enforcing the will of dead ghosts who voted in 1991, we respect their self-determination, people who never would have voted the way they did knowing what we know now, and are willing to go to war with the largest nuclear power on Earth for the sake of that holy moment of self-determination -- while simultaneously not respecting the current votes of living people and trampling over their self-determination, who voted over and over again to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.  Who just this year, a couple months ago, with gigantic voter turnout voted overwhelmingly for Putin, the very man who 'brutally and unprovokedly' invaded and conquered them.  How can we care so much about the referendum in 1991 and so little about all the referendums since then?

Where were we when the Hungarians or the Czechs or the Poles rose up in rebellion against Russia?  With far greater claim to a moral right to independence than Ukraine ever had?  Why were we not willing to go to war with Russia then but are willing now?  Are we less afraid of Russia now than we were then?  Why?  Russia has bigger nukes with hypersonic missiles to deliver them now -- they are far scarier today than they were in the 1960's, the 1970's, or the 1980's.  Why do we care so much about Ukraine's referendum in 1991 but nobody else, anywhere, at any other time in history?  Why is this the one vote we are willing to die over?

Is it for the moral reasons we claim, of trying to resist bullies and tyrants hurting their neighbors?  Then what are we doing supporting Israel?

Obviously there is no special reason, unique in history, why only Ukraine deserves to keep its borders sacrosanct across all time and space.  There isn't a single Kantian more that can be crafted that would justify U.S. foreign policy.  The moment you craft any sentence that dictates our support of Ukraine into a universal principle, it would require so many other insane and outlandish decisions, none of which we are making or have made in the past, that it would instantly crumble to dust.

Luckily Trump is going to win the election, just like Russia is going to win the war, and he has already promised to stop supporting Ukraine.  RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, both proponents of ending the Ukraine war, have endorsed Trump as a solid peace candidate that people who want peace can trust.  He has been 'outed' as the peace candidate, there can be no further doubt as to where he stands.  And when he wins the election, that will also verify that I am in the majority of Americans, that we specifically voted on this question -- peace with Trump or endless more war with Kamala, and the majority of Americans voted for peace.  Which means most people agree my arguments are sound and convincing.  That I'm already in the majority and the only remaining supporters of Ukraine are holed up in some bunker somewhere.

The moment Trump wins I'm going to be vindicated on so many things.  Instead of being a 'far-right extremist,' I'll be the governing majority.  Suck on that, liberals and Republican neocons alike.

Meanwhile, my appraisal of '100 Waifus' as the best book ever written received further vindication as well, it's now up to 121 favorites.  And I reached level 80 in WoW.  I leveled from 70 to 80 in less than two days with my all-powerful Retribution Paladin (Herald of the Sun heroic talents).  The litany of triumphs never ends.

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