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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump nearly assassinated:

As recently as June 28th I wrote on this blog:  "The entire Democratic press admits Biden is doomed now.  Trump won the presidency today.  If they want to stop him they'll have to kill him."

Like usual I was right.  All my predictions come true.  A couple weeks after foreseeing what the Democrats would try next, they tried it.  The shooter is dead, so we'll never know who he worked with.  But what we do know is that prominent Democrats, including President Joe Biden himself, have been calling for someone to assassinate Trump for years now.  Just last week Joe Biden said it's "time to put a bullseye on Trump."  They are all equally culpable.  They should all be tried for attempted murder.  The press has shamelessly been describing Trump as Hitler, a Dictator who would execute his enemies, the ender of democracy, etc., which logically implies you should assassinate him, so they're all co-conspirators too.  The shooter is dead but everyone else is going to get away with it scot free, like always, until they set up their next try.  And there will be a next try, precisely because there are never any consequences for the powers that be that are actually behind all this.

What we do know is that the rooftop shooter was allowed, unmolested, to bring a long rifle to a roof less than 150 yards from where the President was speaking, and for two minutes people in the crowd were shouting to the police and the secret service that there was a shooter on the roof and they took no action to stop him.  This ridiculous 'negligence,' this insane 'incompetence,' cannot be explained.  It's the most basic of the basics to set up a security perimeter large enough to account for all snipers before a President makes a speech, and yet somehow this guy was allowed to walk up with a gun to basically point blank range.  The secret service had to be in on this hit.  There's just no other explanation.  No one is that incompetent.  A 5 year old would have secured that roof, knowing it was an obvious threat, but the secret service didn't?  And they ignore the warnings from the crowd that there's a shooter on the roof for two minutes?  Come on.

Every single member of the secret service at that event needs to be arrested for attempting to assassinate the President via intentional negligence.  Then we need to interrogate them for how far the orders from the top went for them to intentionally neglect to stop this shooter.  If they don't start talking we should make use of the 'enhanced interrogation' techniques we learned at Gitmo.

It's also rumored that Trump's team had been asking for more security from the secret service and the Department of Homeland Security refused it.  If that's true then again everyone involved in that refusal needs to be arrested as co-conspirators and interrogated to find out where their orders came from.

The shooter is dead but the culprits still on the loose are legion.  None of them will ever be punished or even criticized, because this is the Satanic States of America, where up is down and left is right.  And then they will try again.

I encourage Trump to name his Vice President before they succeed, so that the Republicans can't nominate Nikki Haley or some other neocon banshee as our candidate for November.  "Oh it's such a shame, I pray for Trump's family, but here you go America, Nikki Haley!  This is the Democratic Process for you!"  Right now, without a Vice President who shares Trump's values, both the Republican and Democratic deep state has an incentive to assassinate him.  He could at least half his enemies by naming a VP now.

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