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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Parchment and Wolf volume 8 read:

First I finished off Kamitachi volume 9, which did nothing to change my belief that this wasn't actually a great series, then I read the new Parchment volume.  I've been waiting for its free version for a long time so I was happy to dive in and see what I'd been missing.  The book was generally fine, with Myuri getting jealous of Canaan and meeting a fellow wolf-girl Lutia, up until the big plot twist 75% of the way through.

Supposedly, because Myuri didn't want Col to finish adventuring with her, she joined the enemy side and threatened to undo his beneficial work in the town of Aquent and even imperiled his life.  Sort of like the Gray Witch Karla from Lodoss War, her goal was for nobody to win so that the war could go on forever.  This sudden villain turn of Myuri is so completely out of character and impossible it makes you wonder what the author is smoking.  I basically have to pretend this event never happened to go on respecting Myuri.  The real Myuri would never imperil her brother's life no matter how much it might theoretically advantage her in the long run.  She cares more about him than herself.  That's what love means.  In previous books she repeatedly risked her life to save his.  This is the exact opposite of who she is.

The book weakly proceeds back to the status quo, where Col lectures Myuri for turning into a villain and she apologizes, and then they get back together, solve all the problems in Aquent, and move towards the ecumenical council which has the chance to reform the core practices of the Church.  In truth there could be no returning to the status quo, she betrayed his trust and thus can never be trusted again.  All her talk of love is exposed as phony.  But the author is forced to forgive her instantly because the story doesn't exist without her, which makes you wonder why the author saw fit to make her a villain in the first place.  And the sad thing is the book was perfectly good up until that plot twist.  *sigh*  Oh well, like I said, the best thing to do is pretend the plot twist never happened and just move on to the next book where things should be back to normal again.  It appears volume 9 is slated for translated release in September, not long from now.

More and more evidence is coming in that the secret service had a stand down order.  The ludicrous explanation given by the SS director that nobody could be stationed on the roof because it was 'sloped' is gainsaid by other agents deployed at that rally on more sloped roofs than the one in question.  Then we have the fact that the shooter was caught three hours before the event and released, then caught again acting suspicious 40 minutes before the shooting and again left unmolested, then for minutes and minutes was discovered yet again literally crawling into shooting position and aiming at Trump with a rifle, with endless radio warnings being given to the Secret Service, with the gunman in their scopes and eliminatable at any time, and the Secret Service did nothing.  They chose not to evacuate Trump to a secure location, or shoot the clear and present danger shooter, or do anything at all.  That's not called a 'mistake,' that's called a 'decision.'

It's obvious that the Deep State, in order to preserve its war in Ukraine, had decided to eliminate Trump that day.  (How did they know that particular shooter would be there that day?  Who knows, maybe they helped him plan the shooting over some internet chat room and promised him nobody would get in his way and that he could magically approach the nearest roof to Trump's speech without interference so he should go ahead and do it.  Otherwise, why did this guy assume there would be such a gigantic security loophole ready and waiting for him?  Or maybe they kept the security this low, deliberately, in every single venue for the past two years, and were just impatiently waiting for somebody, anybody to take advantage of their open invitation to assassinate Trump.  This is why I said we have to arrest and interrogate the powers involved in this situation.  They know the answers, I don't, so get the answers from them.)

By a miracle the shooting failed, and then Trump chose JD Vance so that the deep state understood America's Ukraine policy wouldn't change whether they killed him or not, and the danger is past.  But this creates the ironic twist that if they hadn't attempted to assassinate him, Trump may well have chosen some neocon warmonger as his running mate, and we really would have escalated to nuclear war with Russia.  Which means this failed assassination attempt just saved 8 billion lives.  The fate of the world actually depended on the inch-wide difference between the ear and the head.  It's a cosmic joke that the fate of the world could be determined by something so minor, but it's also pretty nice that we get to live on the winning side of that coin flip.  If ever there was a time to celebrate, this is the occasion.  The world is saved, perhaps forever, as America is the source of all wars in the world, and we're now getting out of the war business.  From here we can peacefully develop our spaceflight and get the hell out of here, such that no nuclear exchange can ever imperil humanity again.  (It's no surprise Elon Musk was also a big backer of JD Vance.  I'm sure he was telling Trump "JUST DON'T KILL US ALL OFF IN NUCLEAR WAR AND IN TEN YEARS I WILL SAVE HUMANITY FOREVER!)  By one inch we deviated two world lines that are absolutely perpendicular to one another.  It's the most amazing moment in world history.

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