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Monday, July 15, 2024

'In Another World With 100 Waifus' read and edited for the 44th time:

Chapters 56-59 saw their own fair share of edits.  All the way to the last page, the last paragraph, the editing continued.  Mainly it was about deleting unnecessary commas and other words, but sometimes it was fixing drastic oversights like Yasuto not being listed under the Full Metal Panic name index.  Yasuto was newly added so I can see how this oversight could occur, but sheesh.

It goes to show that I couldn't relax my vigilance to the very end.  Literally to the very end.  I wasn't so much reading the book this time as editing it ever since Chapter 32, when everything started to fall apart.  The end result is a much better book, but also a mediocre experience reading through it.  I can only hope the 45th edition will be the experience I've always been longing for -- approaching this story as a fan instead of its creator.

The book should be done now that I've gone over it with a fine-toothed comb, so here it is ready to read for those who haven't experienced it for the first time:

This was my 44th time but the book was as sexy as ever, perhaps sexier thanks to the new Cheria sex scene.  That's some amazing longevity right there.

After watching the second episode of Nanare Hananare I'm yet more hopeful that the name change I did this time will work out for the best.  I'll obviously know for sure once the whole series is done.  But it's looking like the great anime I hoped it would be.

Now I can proudly proclaim that all 100 waifus are given a scene that shows off their adorableness.  That this book delivers on its promise of being 100 romance stories in one.  It's incredible that I could pack that much material into such a short book, which is the source of its strength -- density.  The density of content, of meaningful content per word, is higher than any other book on Earth.  As expected of the best book ever written.  If you ignore the long name galleries the book is probably half as long as the Wyrd Saga and yet competitive in quality.  It's like how Fairy Tail is better than One Piece despite being half as long.

It's also amazing how I can take the time to develop the romances of all 100 brides while still sticking to a singular plot following a singular direction.  The book is about 100 romances, but it's also about the utopia that emerges from a singular, coherent philosophy.  The fact that the utopia is given shape and form in the very process of romancing all these girls is a finesse of unparalleled elegance.

If this finished and fully edited book (which I assume it is now, but can't prove it is until I reread it for the 45th time) isn't a ticket to heaven, then nothing is.

Meanwhile Trump, who is leading in all the polls and whose bravery under fire will lead to yet more gains in the polls, named his Vice President today.  J.D. Vance is a guy I know and approve of, a great choice.  I've read and liked his autobiography.  He's against the war in Ukraine, against mass immigration, and for the common man.  He's a white male ex-marine graduate of Yale.  A man's man, the complete opposite of Kamala Harris, the obvious D.E.I. token.  J.D. Vance is so good I wouldn't mind Trump immediately resigning after getting elected.  After all the poor man is 78 years old and surely would prefer to be golfing rather than dodging bullets all day.  If he can just get Vance across the finish line America's future is secure.  I can't wait for election day when we blow the Democrats out.  At this point there's no point shooting Trump anymore, all it would do is promote an even more right wing person to the presidency.  I predict the assassinations will stop now.  If he'd nominated some neocon like Pence you can be sure he would've been blasted, but now the deep state is deathly afraid of the next in line and happy to stick with Trump.  This was the only nomination that could save America.  Honestly, since Vance is going to stop nuclear Armageddon, it was the only nomination that could save the entire world.  If Trump didn't agree with Vance on Ukraine he wouldn't have chosen Vance, so this makes clear that peace will be arriving shortly.  We just have to hold out for six more months.

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