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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Konosuba read:

I started today 40% of the way through book 14.  And now I've finished book 17.  My claim that it was easy to read 3 volumes in a day has been proven true.  I read over 3 and one half books in a day.  The last two books gave Kazuma a satisfying power up followed by a satisfying storming of the last dungeon and defeating of the last boss.  I have no complaints there.  But I have a huge complaint with how the romance of this story worked out.  He never officially got with Megumin.  For all we know he ends up with Lalatina, Iris, Eris, Aqua, or some random schmo we've never heard of before.  I guess that's a good way to satisfy fans of every possible ship.  Kazuma suggests non-seriously becoming a harem king but we don't get a serious answer from the girls on that.  Maybe he doesn't get with anybody.

I read so many volumes with the hope of seeing Kazuma and Megumin get together.  So many books thinking maybe 'this is the book.'  ::shakes head::  I would've been fine with Iris too, or Eris, so long as somebody got to be happy.  But this takes the cake.  What a ripoff.  Compare this to '100 Waifus' where Christopher actually gets to get with all the girls happily ever after.  Why on Earth do people read anything but '100 Waifus?'  Look at the torture all other authors put you through!

By the end Kazuma was pretty cool, for a guy.  But Megumin was infinitely cooler and cuter so my initial instinct about this series was correct all the way through.  The last book is more a showcase of Megumin than Kazuma.  Ah well.  It was a comedy and it was fun while it lasted, that's all you can ask of a series.

Without romance this series can't move beyond last place in my good books rankings.  Everything else about the series is fine but it really should have had a romance.

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