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Sunday, May 12, 2024

X-men '97 is okay:

I loved the old X-men the Animated Series, so I had high hopes for X-men '97.  The art style is better than ever, and the voice acting is solid, but the actual plot isn't that good.  There's a lot of soap opera type drama of people getting together and breaking up, which is totally uninteresting because it isn't love, none of it is permanent, so it's just sordid sluttery.

On top of that is a lot of violence, but it always occurs so randomly and suddenly.  Sentinels keep appearing out of nowhere and attacking everywhere.  You beat one mastermind behind the Sentinels and it always turns out there's another, with another batch of sentinels.  The plot keeps bouncing around.  Basically the only way to enjoy this series is to give up on following the plot and enjoy the cool fireworks.

Meanwhile, Kimetsu no Yaiba has finally joined the spring anime lineup.  The first episode (really two episodes) was low key, as expected when you're at the start of a new arc.  The real question is how long do they intend this season to be, and whether it's going to be full of filler or not.  We still don't know the answer to those questions.  They're keeping their cards to their chests.  But at least we've finally reached the beginning of the full spring lineup.  From here on we can turn our focus to the upcoming summer season, and boy is it going to be good.

Russia has begun its long awaited buffer zone operation, and they've taken a lot of empty territory and evacuated villages.  So far it hasn't stopped Ukraine's indiscriminate shelling of Belgorod, which killed 15 more civilians when they took down an apartment building with a long range missile.  I'm sure Ukraine is very proud of itself.  But maybe eventually it will achieve something.  Just like I continue to hope Russia will drive Ukraine so far from Donetsk it can't be shelled anymore.  This still hasn't happened because just the other day Ukraine blew up a cafe killing three civilians.  Basically now we have two glacial offensives instead of one.  Wake me up when they take Kharkov.

Daily Stormer hasn't updated in a while, so it's reasonable to expect Andrew Anglin is incapacitated due to illness or dead, given that he's been struggling with brain problems all year.  He hasn't really been saying anything new for a long time, but his concise and humorous delivery of the opponents' way of thinking, his biting satirical take on their positions, was always fun.  He never led a healthy lifestyle, though, so this is the fruit of his own decision making.  Whether it was smoking, vaping or drinking he was always chemically altering his brain somehow or other.  I'm content to experience the real world with my real brain, which results in me living a lot longer than him.  I have a great plan for the world -- how about everyone experience the real world with their real brains, and we just make the world a nice enough place to live in that no one feels the need to escape it?  We could double human lifespans overnight.

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