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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Eiyuuden Chronicles is an unfinished game that ate my save:

So I was doing great, high level, good gear, I had recruited all the recruitable heroes except for Reid, who you can't really get until later in the game when more high level beigoma are available.  I had built out most of my town.  I had beaten the hardest mock battles.  I had done everything right, except I hadn't accounted for bugs.

So I innocently followed the plot guidelines when it said, "Nowa can't seem to sleep, try taking a walk."  I met Seign on the rooftop with the pretty moon overhead and we had a conversation.  I figured, okay, the cutscene has happened, now surely Nowa will go to sleep, so I went back to the bed in my room and tried to sleep.  When that didn't work I went to the inn and slept.  But I had already triggered the bug.  Apparently Nowa was supposed to talk to a lot of people, not just Seign, before sleeping in his room.  If you go to his room at any time during this event the game breaks and it's impossible to advance the plot.  You can walk for as many eons as you want, you're never proceeding.  And of course as is traditional I always save at the inn, so I can't undo my decision to enter my room either.  The save is lost.  All my work on the game is lost.

Supposedly, maybe, the game makers are aware of this issue and will release a patch to address it.  But is it that easy?  Can they really turn back time and let me continue having nighttime conversations with people other than Seign?  Since they're such shitty coders they didn't notice this problem in the first place, I highly doubt their ability to fix it now that I've already saved past the point of no return.

I don't understand how game testers didn't notice this bug immediately.  It's the perfectly rational thing to do to go back to your room to try to sleep when it specifically tells you you're trying to sleep.  And yet apparently none of the beta testers ever thought to do this?  And now I'm punished for doing the reasonable thing, which, apparently, no one else in the entire company thought someone might do?

This event occurs before the last chapter of the game.  I had already practically won.  Actually, I was so powerful I was curb stomping the bosses I'd been fighting recently.  I deserved to win this game.  The coders stole that away from me.  In the most despicable and underhanded fashion.  They sold me a game that doesn't actually work and should not be on sale.  An unfinished game.  Honestly I should be allowed to sue them for a million dollars or something, but of course somewhere in some small text I'm sure they said they're not responsible for any bugs and it's my fault for trusting them.

So unless a patch comes out, that's the end of that game.  This game most definitely won't enter my hall of fame.  Far from being a 'must play' game, it's a 'must boycott' game for betraying its customers and ripping them off.  Apparently this wasn't the only game-breaking bug in the game, and they've already done patches fixing other disastrous bugs.  The whole game was shit from top to bottom and they still sold it as a finished product.

At least Shogun was as good a tv series as advertised.  It fulfilled my expectations and merits its place in my tv hall of fame.

Unnamed Memory, on the other hand, suddenly turned the male protagonist into a rapist, who to make matters worse halfway through his rape stopped and said it was just a prank to put a little scare into her.  So he's a cowardly half-assed rapist too.  There's no excusing his conduct, no imaginable argument could be made for how this is somehow okay, so the series is dropped.  I've never seen something so outrageous as a show trying to make us follow the exploits of a rapist hero who likes to 'put a scare into' his love interest.

Actually I'm reading a similar story, called Imouto Death Game, where the story revolves around a spree killer and his imouto, who is trying to prevent him in a redo of the previous time-cycle from doing his crimes again.  This man also does nefarious deeds while still being a main character and I like the manga, but there's still a big difference.  No one thinks what this guy is planning to do is forgivable.  But in Unnamed Memory, the guy half-rapes a girl and no one blinks, no one calls him on it, and the lady involved thinks nothing of it and treats him like normal seconds later.  In Imouto Death Game the whole story revolves around how sinister and scary the older brother is.  It attaches gravity to his crimes.  There's a world of difference.

Hero Academy has resumed so the number of good series to follow hasn't changed.  And Kimetsu will resume in a few days, so the spring season is actually getting better not worse.  With Hero Academy, Kimetsu, Wonderful Precure, Hibike! Euphonium and Girls Band Cry it's still a great season, regardless of how many shows I've dropped so far or will drop in the future.

Someya Mako's Mahjong Cooking manga has finished.  It had great art and sweet friendly vibes from beginning to end.  This is why Saki is such a great manga.  All the spinoffs are great and the main series is great too.

I've finished listening to 'Raise,' the ending theme of the ending of Wano arc, 100 times.  My initial impression that it was a 5-star song hasn't changed, so I was right to immediately promote it ahead of time.  As for the Girls Band Cry songs, 'Void,' and 'Wrong World,' they're 1 or 2-star songs, and only those two are worth listening to 100 times.  Eiyuuden Chronicles has more musical potential, and since I can't play the game anymore, it would make sense to move on to the postgame music ritual like I did for Granblue and Unicorn.

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