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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ukraine is a terrorist state and pro-Ukrainians are terrorists:

Let's be clear.  The Prime Minister of Slovakia was shot five times today in an attempted assassination by a 71 year old leftist who didn't like Fico's neutral stance on Ukraine.  Neutral isn't good enough.  If you don't hand over your entire GDP to Ukraine you'll be assassinated by terrorists.  This is the new rule going forward in the west.  Sky News reported the event like it was the doings of a vigilante superhero with full approval.

This is the problem with piling up so many false facts as to the nature of reality.  Eventually it becomes a logical necessity to assassinate your Prime Minister, or nuke Moscow, or end the entire world.  When you keep claiming Russia is 'brutal and unprovoked, brutal and unprovoked,' then of course being neutral towards someone so 'brutal and unprovoked' is equally abominable and unforgivable.  And then when you claim 'Russia won't stop at Ukraine, Russia won't stop at Ukraine,' of course any Slovakian patriot will realize that killing their Prime Minister is a necessary act of self-defense, because Slovakia's sole chance of stopping a Russian invasion is supporting Ukraine to the hilt and winning the war before it reaches their doorstep.

The terrorist isn't the 71 year old idiot who even failed to get the job done.  The terrorists are the people who put these ideas in his head.  All he did is the logically necessary act that follows from such assertions.  It's ridiculous to claim this person is a particularly bad person who did something wrong -- he has no criminal history and considers himself a hero, as does most of the West.  There's nothing unique or outlandish about him.  What matters is the ideas in his head.  And who put those ideas into his head?  Who is disseminating them?  Who is continuously repeating them like a hypnotic device?

Since 2014 the state of Ukraine has been an illegitimate, unelected body that took power in a coup.  They immediately started massacring innocent civilians in Odessa, Luhansk and Donetsk who objected to this illegal power grab.  Their origin is based around terrorism.  When Russia made an amazingly good deal with them -- that they could keep Luhansk and Donetsk and their coup-government would be recognized as legitimate if they simply respected the wellbeing of their Russian-speaking population -- they then immediately violated it from day one.  They admitted that they had no plans to ever fulfill the treaty they signed and were simply using it as a time to rearm so that they could start massacring more of their own citizens again in the future.  Their president bragged about intentionally targeting kindergartens in Luhansk and Donetsk with unrelenting shelling, which never stopped, even though obviously part of the Minsk peace agreement was the end of hostilities.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, it was a preemptive act of self-defense, given that Zelensky had already declared his intentions to steamroll over the people of Luhansk and Donetsk, develop nuclear weapons, and retake Crimea from Russia, a province that had already joined Russia in a referendum and was now as much a part of Russia as Moscow or St. Petersburg.  When a country announces it is going to invade you and take your land, and then mobilizes a gigantic army and places it on your border, what choice do you have but to respond?

After Russia's invasion, it turned out all the places Russia's military went were actually pro-Russian, wishing to be a part of Russia, so actually Russia hadn't taken a single step into Ukraine's 'sovereign territory.'  It was all stolen land that belonged to Russia and had voted for Russia to begin with.  So actually Russia never crossed Ukraine's borders at all.  It's unclear how much of Ukraine actually wishes to be part of this coup government, since elections have been canceled and the dictator Zelensky has banned any political party or press organ or even church from opposing him.  American citizens who stream videos critical of Zelensky are arrested and tortured to death without even bothering to go through a trial.  People all over the world who simply voice support for Russia are made assassination targets, including the daughters of philosophers.  In an environment like that, it's impossible to know who actually supports Ukraine versus who is just afraid of the gestapo.

And gestapo isn't even a metaphor, since the government of Ukraine officially honors their Nazi past and puts up statues to the Nazi SS war criminal Stepan Bandera, mass murderer of Poles and Jews.  They also wear patches and emblems from their Nazi days and indoctrinate their children to 'heil Hitler.'  I wouldn't have believed it except I saw a video of a classroom teacher leading his kids in the Nazi salute and chant myself.  The highest echelons of government, like Zelensky and Zaluzhny, are seen posing with the explicitly Nazi divisions like Azov and giving them medals and government positions.  These Nazi militias were described as Nazis by the western press all the way leading up to 2022, so this is completely not up for debate.

In any case, presumably there is some point where the word 'invasion' would make sense, but we haven't reached it yet.  So far every advance of the Russian military has solely and only been a 'liberation.'  Furthermore, just as it is appropriate for Russia to march all the way to Paris to defeat Napoleon, it is perfectly within Russia's rights to march anywhere in Ukraine it takes to end the evil Banderite regime.  Once a war starts the only way to end it is to stamp out all embers of opposition, regardless if whether the people there support their evil government or not.

While Russia was fighting this war in self-defense, and while Russia was saving the people of Donetsk and Luhansk from a planned Nazi genocide, which the United Nations has formalized as the 'right to protect,' which authorized all the American interventions in Kosovo, Bosnia, Libya, etc., they took care to cause fewer civilian casualties than any other recorded war in history.  All while Ukraine attempted to maximize the number of Russian civilian casualties by deliberately targeting Russian civilians with all manner of precision weapons, including banned cluster munitions they promised not to use in civilian areas.  This continuous act of war crime terrorism is still happening every single day with weapons provided to Ukraine by the west, making the west complicit in every terror attack.  The west knows exactly where the missiles they give end up, and yet they keep giving new missiles to Ukraine.  There is no difference between shooting a missile yourself and giving a missile to someone you know will shoot it at civilians.  It's like transferring a rock from your right hand to your left and then throwing it, and then saying 'I didn't do it, it was my left hand!'  Russia would already be within their rights to nuke Ukraine and the entire west to ashes -- if we can target their civilians then they can target ours.  But heroically, in Christ-like fashion, they have turned their cheeks over and over again and allow this continuous terrorist slaughter to go without reprisal.  Russia still to this day only targets Ukrainian military targets and tries to win in the cleanest war in world history.

To make clear how cleanly this war is being fought, Russia has caused fewer civilian casualties in its war with the entire West than Israel has caused against the people of Gaza.  Not out of weakness, it has more nuclear weapons than anyone else on Earth, and hypersonic missiles that can deliver any payload anywhere they want.  Out of pure Christian goodness.

These are the facts.  All these facts are checkable and none are in dispute.  So when you start spinning these facts with ridiculous adjectives like 'brutal and unprovoked,' when you claim without any evidence that Russia is doing all sorts of war crimes, when you label Putin a war criminal for the ridiculous charge of kidnapping children (i.e., evacuating them from the threat of Ukrainian shelling), when you claim without any evidence that Russia desires to conquer Ukraine, no, the entire world, out of generalized hatred for freedom and democracy -- while Russia holds democratic elections and Ukraine doesn't -- you get 71 year olds shooting their Prime Ministers.

If you distort reality thoroughly enough to make one side pure evil, deserving of death, and the other side pure good, angelic freedom fighters who are saving us, not even themselves, but us from certain enslavement or death -- terrorism becomes a logical necessity.  The only strange thing is that even more of this isn't happening.  Anyone who implants into someone else's head the necessity of terrorist acts is himself the terrorist.  The cat's paw is just another victim and honestly shouldn't even be punished.  I bet the leftist could be rehabilitated in a couple days if only any honest person would tell him the truth about Ukraine.  The real culprits are the press.  Like always.  The media is behind everything.  The media is the enemy of the people and the cause of all suffering on Earth.  If the media hadn't drummed up support for Ukraine all across the west, they never would have dared to go to war with Russia in the first place, and this entire slaughter could have been avoided.  They could have just followed the Minsk accord from the beginning and everyone would have been happy.

This world is plagued by lies, not men.  Men are well intentioned, all trying to be heroes, all trying to do the right thing.  But the lies are everywhere, controlling everything.  It's like Saint Paul said, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.'

Meanwhile, Eiyuuden Chronicles has finally released a patch fixing the bug that ate my save.  That's nice, but I've already moved on to other tasks -- rewatching Pretty Cure and re-reading '100 Waifus' for the 42nd time.  I'll get back to Eiyuuden when I have the time.  For now I'm halfway through '100 Waifus' and still haven't found anything in need of editing.  Hopefully the second half will be the same and I can finally declare the book complete.  I promised to keep rereading the book until I found nothing wrong with it, so here we go.  Here is my chance to fulfill that promise once and for all.

So far I'm loving the book, which should come as no surprise to anyone.  But reading it in paperback with everything properly edited is a real treat.  The sex scenes are as sexy as ever, actually more sexy than ever because somehow the paperback version feels more real than the electronic version.  The sweet or funny vignettes of the various girls getting along with Christopher each in their own special way constantly put a gentle smile on my face.  The minigame of remembering the origin of each and every name is fully in session and still engaging.  And the political arguments for why things are better on Eden than on Earth are as irrefutable and persuasive as ever.  They couldn't be phrased any better.

Speaking of well phrased arguments, I'm proud of my "Kanojo, Okarishimasu" post which came out long ago but may as well have been written yesterday, since it's as relevant as ever.  I should add it to my 'Women' permapost, even if it overlaps with other sections already present.

While I'm at it I'm listening to my music hall of fame.  I finished listening to the 2-star tier and have moved on to the 3-star tier, trying to find songs I can promote or demote for the sake of greater rating accuracy.  With sufficient 'demotion' slots pre-arranged I could fit in the soundtrack of Eiyuuden Chronicles while maintaining my 5,500 song balance, with five tiers of 1,100 songs each.  That's the plan at least, but first Eiyuuden's soundtrack would have to become available somewhere.  I'm still waiting on that too.

My Pretty Cure rewatch is heating up as I'm at the mid-season climax.  This is the traditional point where new Pretty Cure join the fold, villains are defeated, etc.  Watching all the seasons at once, all at their crescendo, is super fun.  It's obvious Pretty Cure deserves to be my 4th favorite anime, the only real question is whether it should be #1. . .

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