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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Girls und Panzer das Finale ova 4 available:

The subtitles aren't ideal but the ova is so good it doesn't much matter.  I watched it and loved it.  If you're a fan of frenetic tank skiing then this is your episode.  It's amazing how much action was packed into so few minutes.  It feels like more happened in this sports match than the 3 hour long Dune movie.

Meanwhile, Tsukimichi is dropped due to the episodes being boring and pointless.  Once your main character reaches a certain power level it's stupid to continue the series based on defeating enemies.  It's like Superman fighting common criminals.  That reduces the winter anime season down to a measly six shows.  Thank goodness March is full of great video games so we don't need anime.

Trump has clinched the presidential nomination.  Nikki Haley had to admit defeat now that Trump swept Super Tuesday.  One more annoying warmongering gadfly out of the way.  The same for Victoria Nuland, the architect of the Maidan Coup who started this World War III, retiring.  Best news ever.

I don't object to the number of minigames in FF7 Rebirth like most people do, I just wish they weren't so difficult.  It takes me forever to clear each one even at the most minimal score level.  Also, the 'Head Case' combat simulation is too hard.  It's impossible to kill the mindflayer before his little friends self destruct or die somehow or other.  On the bright side, I've finished the events of Cosmo Canyon.  I'm now up to speed on all the side characters' back stories, except I guess Cait Sith.  It would be pretty funny if they spent ten hours talking about the robo-cat's tortured past.  We're still awaiting the big reveal of Cloud's misremembered past.  I guess Vincent and Cid's pasts will be revealed in game three.  There has to be some content in game three for a game three to make sense.

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