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Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Demon-Possessed:

Going with the theory that lies = Satan, I would say those fooled by lies are the demon-possessed.  They cease to have their regular, human soul that follows the regular, human program of desires and dislikes, and substitutes in these strange foreign substances which from then on control their brain.  They really do seem possessed and inhuman after these lies have wrought their changes on them.

People who in their normal, everyday life would never think of being mean or harmful will, once demon-possessed, countenance and support the most vicious and monstrous of acts.  They won't even realize the discrepancy, the demon possession includes a rationalization for why their demonic thinking is perfectly in keeping with their regular soul and there's nothing to see or think about here.  Just as the Aztecs were okay with ripping people's hearts outs and the Puritans tortured old women to death for being 'witches,' these people won't bat an eye as they shell downtown Donetsk for being 'Russian saboteurs' or whatever.  Only a demon would intentionally aim at busses carrying women and children going about their lives in the middle of a war where, presumably, every artillery shell is vital to defeating the enemy's military and could be used on a known military position.  And yet that's what's happening on the front right now.

The lame 'rationalization' used for the most recent burning of women and children alive in Donetsk was that the Russians hit an apartment building with a missile recently so it was only just to strike back.  The problem with this rationalization is that Russia fires thousands of missiles at Ukraine, many of which are diverted by anti-air interceptors, so it isn't a surprise that either by accident or by being diverted from their programmed targets they end up hitting an apartment building occasionally.  Also, lots of times it isn't the Russian missile that hits anything, it's the Ukrainian missile interceptor which misses the Russian missile that is doing the damage, and they just blame it on Russia.  We saw this happen with the missile that killed the farmers in Poland.  It isn't just then, though, Ukraine always blames Russia when usually it's Ukraine itself hitting these civilian targets.

Ukraine, on the other hand, is knowingly targeting women and children, an entirely different dimension of evil.  This isn't a case of collateral damage or Ukrainian incompetence, it's deliberate murder of innocent children.  Every war has collateral damage and friendly fire -- recently Russia bombed one of its own cities when a plane malfunctioned and dropped a bomb unintentionally (or maybe the pilot was jumpy and hit the fire button too early or something).  That isn't evil, that's just what happens in war.  What Ukraine is doing to Donetsk, what it's been doing to Donetsk for the last eight years, is pure evil.  But the demon possessed take this flimsy rationalization and input it into their brains and think it's somehow acceptable code and compile it without any problem.

Even though it's obvious that a misdirected missile is different from a missile aimed deliberately at children, they can't make that mental connection because they are possessed by demons and demons have evil pathways of thought that do not wish to reconnect to normal human thinking.

Piers Anthony displays the same problem of spooky parts of his soul being replaced with inferior, insane modes of thought in his Xanth book Xone of Contention.  He gives a thorough explanation of how IQ tests work and admits that blacks score on average 85 on IQ tests compared to whites, but then dismisses the results as obviously due to bias in the creators of the tests, who are racists and just want to demean blacks by constructing meaningless tests that don't measure anything important or real that just make blacks look bad.

There are so many obvious problems with this, but like usual his brain has already been hijacked so the simplest of rationalizations is enough for him to never think or debate this issue again.  He's just demonically assumed that the entire white race is conspiratorially out to get blacks, every last one of them is racist and does things just to demean blacks, and IQ tests are just part of an overall conspiracy to mistreat blacks in every aspect of life.  The alternative, that IQ tests are accurate measures of intelligence, and intelligence is a desirable trait that leads to many other good things in life, so lacking it will of course result in a worse overall lifestyle, which is why blacks do so poorly in every other measurement of social wellbeing, has been soul-hijacked and can no longer be discussed because of this obvious lie that anyone could shoot holes through.

IQ tests have been given for over a century by thousands of different prestigious institutions and research groups, and they all come up with the same results -- Black 85, Hispanic 90, White 100, Asian 105.  If IQ tests were designed by white racists, why do so many different groups all come to the same result, and why would Asians be on top?  IQ testing is the most reliable, in that any group can replicate the results, scientific data in the social sciences.  No one has ever produced an IQ test showing any different racial hierarchy, though they have all wished to because no one wants to be called racist.

IQ tests cannot be measuring 'meaningless nonsense' because the people who score well on IQ tests also score well on standard tests.  There is a strong correlation between high IQ and academic excellence in regular subjects.  IQ is predictive of scholastic ability.

There is a direct correlation between countries with high IQs and high average PISA test scores, which only test actual scholastic subjects.  There is also a direct correlation between IQ scores and SAT scores, which test actual relevant material.  SAT scores have been found to be accurate predictors of how well you'll do in college, and lo and behold, blacks score on average lower than whites on the SAT as well (and Asians score higher than whites, go figure.)

But then you could say that the PISA test, administered by nations worldwide, most of whom aren't white, is also designed by white racists in order to make blacks look bad, and the whole world is in on it because they love insulting blacks too.  And the SAT test is also designed by white racists to make Asians look good.  (Because we love anime?)  And the Armed Forces Qualification Test, which also correlates perfectly with IQ and also is highly predictive of how well you'll do in the army (to the point that the army requires you pass the test before you can join it, and will give you higher level difficulty tasks in the army based on how high your score is, and has been doing this for a long time because they found it's worked for a long time), is actually a biased racist test too, and the only reason blacks who score low on the test also do poorly in the army is racist army sergeants who are oppressing said blacks (but not the blacks who score well on the test, who the racist sergeants strangely let prosper and succeed).

It gets worse.  Somehow the white racists who design this IQ test also manage to ruin black marriages, because blacks who score low on the completely biased and meaningless IQ test are also more likely to get divorced.  They must personally intervene into each and every black home and spread scurrilous rumors or instigate adulterous affairs or something with each low scoring couple in order to ruin their lives.

And racist police must be checking on IQ tests before making arrests, because people with low IQ also are more likely to have criminal records.  Since the IQ tests are invalid and biased, it cannot be that stupid, impulsive people tend to resort to crime, instead it must be that there's a secret database of IQ scores in every police precinct and they specifically go out and arrest the low scorers just because they hate black people (though strangely they don't arrest the high IQ scoring black people, they are only racist towards low scoring black people).  Then they trump up random charges to put these innocent people in jail and every jury in America is racist so racistly convicts them at a higher rate, and every judge in America is also racist so allows these court travesties to go on before them unimpeded.  Even the black and Hispanic and Asian judges are racist against low-IQ-scoring blacks, even the ones elected by Democrats and funded by George Soros, they're all in on it.

And the hospitals are also racist, every doctor and nurse is out to kill black people, because low scoring people on IQ tests tend to have shorter length of life.  It cannot be that stupid people find ways to stupidly hurt themselves, IQ tests aren't valid and don't measure anything real, so it must be that there's a racist conspiracy to target low scoring people on IQ tests and ruin their health.

In addition all businesses are racist, nevermind that they all donate exclusively to the Democrats and have all sorts of affirmative action and diversity seminars, they must be racist -- because people who score well on IQ tests on average have higher income than people who score poorly on IQ tests.  Since we all know IQ tests aren't predictive of your true intelligence or merit as an individual, racism can be the only explanation for this strange correlation.

So there you have it -- IQ tests are biased and designed solely to demean blacks.  In order to believe this, the otherwise smart and knowledgeable and sensible Piers Anthony also believes that all soldiers, businessmen, doctors, cops, teachers, professors, juries, judges and politicians worldwide are racist and in on the conspiracy to make IQ tests look valid, which ordinarily they wouldn't be, all in order to demean blacks.  Chinese in China giving out IQ tests to track their children in school have nothing better to do than demean blacks so instead of making a valid test that accurately measures intelligence they go with the black-demeaning biased test instead.  He also believes that nefarious agents personally intervene into every black marriage and intentionally force a breakup, a divorce, for anyone who scores low on IQ tests, just to keep the IQ test looking valid when actually it isn't.

This is what demonic possession looks like.  It's as screwy as watching a person's head spin 360 degrees.  No one who is not possessed by demons would ever think like this or come to this conclusion, but for the demon possessed they can instantly, blithely, without blinking an eye, state these things with a smug, know-it-all expression.

In truth IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence and intelligence is an extremely desirable trait because 3/4 of all genes are expressed in the brain.  Intelligence is not due to a single gene but virtually every gene in your body contributes or detracts from your total brainpower.  And the way each gene does that is by either being the healthy human template of the gene or an unhealthy deviation, usually due to an error or unhealthy mutation from parent to child, which more commonly occurs the more often the mother took toxic substances before or during pregnancy, like drugs or tobacco or alcohol, or due to their advanced age where all their genes have become rife with errors just due to the wear and tear of time.  A clean bill of health will lead naturally to a high IQ, which is why the most intelligent people are also the healthiest and the most beautiful (beauty is basically looking in good health plus having a symmetrical face, that symmetry is determined by none of your genes being off-kilter, off-balance, off-template, which is just another description of being healthy.)

Since each race evolved separately they each came up with their own suite of intelligence genes, so a particularly healthy black might max out at 110 IQ while a particularly healthy white would normally be 130 IQ and a particularly healthy Asian 140 IQ.  This is because intelligence was either more or less important to that race's survival and reproduction ability over the last 60,000 years.  Intelligence is not equally necessary in all climates and walks of life -- if so there would be no such thing as roaches or vermin, who reproduce just fine with very limited intellects.  There are equilibriums even among hominids that benefit more from other traits at the expense of intelligence, like disease resistance or just looking or acting 'sexy' to the other sex.  Jocks tend to get more girlfriends than nerds, which goes to show that intelligence isn't everything in the reproductive world, which is all evolution cares about.  So it isn't surprising that only in areas where intelligence was brutally necessary did races evolve high intelligence.

Places that had to survive brutal seasonal cold weather which intelligence can predict, plan against, and overcome are the only places you would expect intelligence to evolve.  Likewise, intelligence gets a boost when your prosperity depends on your wits, like in China where people were promoted based on how well they passed exams, or if you're a merchant culture that has to convince people to buy your wares or sell you stuff for cheap (Jews or Armenians or Copts), or if you're fine craftsmen who have to make watches just right or they don't do anything at all (Swiss).  So you see a cline of intelligence starting in rural areas which at least have to be smart enough to overcome winter weather developing into greater and greater intelligence depending on the regular lifestyle of the people in town, with the most intellectually demanding lifestyles evolving into the highest average IQ groups.  It isn't surprising that Brahmins in India, the highest caste, whose job it was to flimflam everyone else prating about religion and how it means the Brahmin caste should be given money and power, is the most intelligent (deceiving others takes a higher IQ than the people you're deceiving).

But no matter how intelligent you are, no matter how healthy, beautiful, non-criminal, long-lived, stable married, high income, high education you are, that is no guarantee against demon possession.  The most competent people in all other fields will strangely accept one lie or other, one demon or other, into their soul, and end up completely bodysnatched.  They will act normal and competent in everything except the subject matter at issue, where they will start saying and doing wildly ludicrous things.  People who understand math will suddenly start saying that 3 = 1, if they're Christian.  Or people who abhor violence will nonetheless say God commands us to genocide our enemies, if they are Jewish or Islamic.  Or people who condemn the Holocaust will say Ukraine should eliminate their Russian-speaking minority by any means necessary, and shelling women and children in the Donetsk is an acceptable price for this final solution.  Their eyes go blank and there are only swirling vortexes of gray smoke left over, the demon has completely taken over, and then if you blink and talk about turkey or football or something they're completely back to normal.  No longer discussing the need of human sacrifice or burning witches, they talk about how pretty the new lace pattern on their embroidery is.

Like in invasion of the bodysnatchers, you can run from household to household, all over town, and never find a real human being anywhere.  Every time you think you've found a souled human, it turns out with a little extra conversation that they've already been bodysnatched, they're one of them now, the demon-possessed, and you must continue on your journey in the hopes of finding someone, anyone, who is still human and possesses a rational, sapient human soul.

Piers Anthony is right about one thing, intelligence is not what matters, what matters is integrity.  And integrity means not falling prey to all the various lies that suffuse the Earth and replace people's souls with Satanic beliefs that are as bizarre as they are evil and destructive.

Integrity means when you hear an argument, you don't dismissively throw it away with a crude 'debunking' which doesn't actually debunk it, and then never think about it again.  It means actually listening to their argument and realizing that they have an answer to your 'debunking,' which has already debunked your debunking, and that they know about your arguments and have already moved on from them.  It means studying the issue long enough to actually know what you're talking about and having the relevant facts instead of the ones the press has hand-delivered to you, which are either outright lies or irrelevancies that don't contradict the actual core issue at hand.  If Piers Anthony were made to actually think about IQ tests and sit down and address all this data that supports their validity, he would of course admit that IQ is real and not biased.  He's not an idiot.  But he is demon possessed, in other words he lacked integrity so failed to keep the demonic lies out, which means he never will stop and think and take into consideration the facts from the other side.  He'll just keep repeating like a mantra "the tests are biased, the tests are biased," and never accept any new information on the matter for the rest of his life.  This is how you live a lie.  You actively shield yourself from the truth by taking some flimsy argument, easily torn apart by the other side, and never listening to the other side again so you never have the flimsy argument torn in your mind.  So you never have to think about it again, you've arrived at the conclusion you like and stop exactly there.

People like this aren't human, they're demons, zombies wearing human skin.  They've lost their souls.  They're terrifying in abstract, and they're everywhere.  As Jesus said they are Satan's brood, for that is who they take after, the lord of lies.  It's his world, we're just suffering through it.

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