Amarimonogatari, the 25th volume of Bakemonogatari, is split into two parts. The first part involved Araragi solving a mystery with Yotsugi, 'Yotsugi Buddy,' and the second part involved Nadeko solving a mystery with Yotsugi, 'Yotsugi Shadow.' The first part was translated a year ago or so, but now, finally, the second part has been translated as well. It took a long time to finish reading Amarimonogatari but one more mission complete.
Naturally any story involving Nadeko is going to be great because Nadeko is the best character in this series. That's also why the author keeps returning to Nadeko and writing more about Nadeko no matter how much he tries to branch out and care about other people. Nadeko's life is just more interesting. The author and I understand and agree.
Yotsugi Shadow is very short and easy to read, the fact that it took this long to translate does not bode well for the three remaining novels. It would be nice if I could finish reading Bakemonogatari in three years, but I think that would be overly optimistic. Maybe it will all be translated in ten years? Who knows, all my life things have taken way longer than they should -- Final Fantasy 7 Remake for instance. Or the Space Launch System actually launching a rocket for the first time.
The website that contains all the translated tomes of Bakemonogatari is
Yotsugi Shadow can be found here alongside all the rest.
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