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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Midterms:

I've already voted straight ticket Republican for the midterms.  Essentially everything is at stake this election.  If the Democrats win two more Senate seats and keep the House, they promise to end the filibuster and legislate any bill they please.  This will include amnesty for illegal aliens, giving them the right to vote in all future elections, which would mean Republicans could never win another election and America becomes a one-party state.

Other bills they promise to pass once they end the filibuster -- a nationwide transgender surgery rights for kids bill, a nationwide abortion until birth bill, hundreds of trillions of dollars in new spending on everything, the addition of Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as states, which conveniently gifts the Democrats 4 free new Senators, a nationwide voting rights bill which would eliminate all voter security measures like needing to show an I.D., a nationwide covid vaccine mandate for any child that wishes to go to school or college and any adult who wants a job, stacking the Supreme Court with infinite additional Democrat appointees so that they automatically win every court case, infinitely higher taxes, open borders, etc., etc.

Basically, if Democrats win the midterms they will completely demolish America and end all of its democratic checks and balances, seizing total, permanent power for themselves.  They openly admit to this agenda so it can't be disputed.  This is just where we are as a society.  I thought America was finished two years ago but thankfully Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema went against their party line and refused to end the filibuster.  Due to that strange quirk of fate we still have a fighting chance in 2022.  We won't get so lucky again.  We need to win the election, put Republicans in charge of at least one branch of government, and thereby stop all the radical reforms Democrats are slavering to pass.

Republican victory won't result in a single change for the better -- Biden would veto anything like that -- but we can at least stop any further changes for the worse.  Since the lights are still on and food is still at the supermarket, America hasn't reached rock bottom yet.  Our votes can still protect what little happiness is left in life.  But we must win every election from here on, every time.  If we ever lose the Presidency, Senate and House at the same time again, including this midterm, Democrats have promised to end America and probably the entire world while they're at it, since they're trying to provoke a nuclear war with Russia and China simultaneously right now.

I don't want nuclear annihilation.  I want the lights to stay on, food on the table, and the rest of the new Bleach anime to come out.  So at least lets avoid war until 2024 and I get to see Bleach's last episode.  But I also don't want bio annihilation.  Mandating the entire population to take these deadly vaccines at least once every year (the vaccines wear off and must be 'boosted' continuously according to the science) will result in the death of the entire nation, one heart attack or cancer or stroke at a time.  There is a non-stop news article about some perfectly healthy, athletic child 'dying suddenly' of 'mysterious causes,' every single day.  Now multiply that by 16 more booster shots and there won't be anyone left.  People are dying 'suddenly' years after their injection, it's clear that once vaccinated, you are never safe again.  The insidious things this vaccine does to your body are permanent and incurable.  The more of this toxin you put into your body, the more it builds up in your body, since the original dosage is never cleared out.  Eventually you reach 100% death for all.

Most Americans do not want to inject their children with this deadly vaccine.  But Democrats plan to mandate it, whether at the national level or the state governor level or the city level.  Which means you need to win every single election at every single level to protect your children.  Of course, so long as you home school your children, they can't force you to vaccinate them.  But understand that even this right is at jeopardy.  Only Republicans support home schooling.  In Germany home schooling is banned, you must hand your kids over to the authorities so that they can raise your children 'correctly.'  Democrats will do the same if they get total power.  If they can stack the supreme court they can definitely end home schooling.  And most Americans care more about the convenience of school's free daycare than their own children's lives, so if forced to vaccinate their children they will do so, rather than resort to home schooling.  Which means Democrats don't have to ban home schooling, most parents, even though they don't want to vaccinate their children, will do so if it means their kids can go to school, so the next generation of America is doomed.

If the vaccines don't kill us Fauci will.  America is feverishly working away to develop new and deadlier viruses all across the country.  They are bioengineering new deadly coronavirus strains, new deadly monkeypox strains, new everything strains, and bragging about it in public on TV.  There can be no doubt this is happening, they are proud of it happening.  So what happens when these new bioengineered viruses leak out of their labs like what happened at Wuhan?  How many billions must die before we ban this kind of 'research' which is nothing but Satanic death worship?  Only Republicans like Rand Paul have opposed Fauci and his gain of function research.  If Democrats stay in power these experiments will continue, and eventually we'll all die to satisfy some researcher's curiosity.

America, the entire world, has never been so threatened as it is today, and almost every problem can be traced back to the Democratic party.  They caused the Ukraine crisis, first in 2014 by overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine and putting in a rabid-anti-Russian coup government in its place.  Then in 2021 by violating the Minsk agreements, escalating the shelling of the Donbass, and completely ignoring all of Russia's requests for mutual security.  While Trump and the Republicans were in charge, we kept the peace, but now with Democrats in charge we are prodding both Russia and China into war.  It was Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, who flew over to Taiwan to show China who is boss in a completely pointless and dangerous stunt.  What did Taiwan gain from this provocation?  What did America gain?  All we did is disrupt the status quo which had let Taiwan live peacefully right next to China for the last 70 years.  Now China feels the need to reassert its side of the argument so that trends don't tip completely against them.  You have created chaos where there was perfectly good peace.

The economy has been wrecked by Democratic policy.  Its spendthrift spending bills caused runaway inflation and the collapse of the stock market (due to rising interest rates in order to fight the inflation that never need have been).  Its provocation of Russia into war and mindless sanctions policy have ruined global energy and food markets, the most necessary to life.  Its pointless, ineffectual Covid lockdowns have led to a shortage of virtually every necessary item, from baby formula to computer chips to aluminum to lumber.  By banning pipelines and frakking, there is a worldwide oil shortage, and now America is reporting a shortage of diesel fuel.  We can't keep shredding the economy like this indefinitely.  Two more years of Democratic stewardship of the economy and we'll be eating bark for a living.

The Democrats are satanists who openly tatoo themselves with upside down stars embedded in circles.  They tatoo themselves with the sentence "I will hurt you."  These people aren't kidding around, they are openly evil.  They desire evil, and their cause is as much evil as possible.  They are adamant in their desire to mutilate your children at any age, they seek to brainwash children into changing genders from kindergarten on.  They represent switching genders as a universal good idea, all women would be better off as men and all men would be better off as women.  They are not content until every last kid in a classroom has 'transitioned' to the other side, something they've actually achieved in some classrooms.  Parents aren't even informed that this is ongoing in their school or that their child has already 'switched sides' without them ever knowing.  In fact, children can, on their own initiative, go to a doctor and get their dick cut off all without the parent even knowing the child ever had a problem.  California has guaranteed this right as a 'sanctuary state' for all children in the nation.  Stacey Abrams says the solution to poverty isn't to restore our economy with cheap energy and low taxes, it's to abort your children so you don't need any money.  They openly desire the death of all children in America.

This election can protect your child from mutilation or 'sudden, mysterious death' or nuclear fire.  It can restore your job and your paycheck.  It can save democracy from a permanent power grab of the Senate and the Supreme Court.  It can stop the relentless flow of illegals from the poorest and most criminal corners of the Earth and the relentless flow of drugs they bring in with them.  Drugs which are killing over 100,000 Americans a year.  It can at least hold the line until 2024 and a Republican can take back the presidency and save us from the worst policy decisions in American history.  We are literally on the brink of nuclear annihilation.  It has never been this bad, and if Democrats win again it will get irretrievably worse.

Please vote for Republicans and against the Death Cult which has seized Washington D.C., that wishes to kill us via gender-affirming care, drugs, crime, nuclear war, 100% lethal 'vaccines,' newly developed bioweapons developed just for fun and kicks to see how bad they can make a disease, and straight out starvation and freezing to death due to a completely wrecked economy.

If we pick up a handful of House seats and one seat in the Senate we can save our country.  This is not mission impossible.  This is something we can genuinely do.  If everyone goes out and votes this is an achievable goal.  I'm not asking for Utopia here, just one more Senate seat and we can save the country.

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