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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Extreme Hearts Rewatched:

I marathoned the entire series in a single day.  Only a great series can be that rewatchable.  And it only ended a bit ago.  It was that fun to rewatch that soon.  If there was any doubt whether Extreme Hearts belonged in my top anime rankings, that doubt has been decisively removed.  This is no placeholder series meant to get me to the nice round number of 200, it's an elite among the elites that's going to stay in my rankings forever.

Michelle crying because Rise is too strong and she knows she's going to lose is so moving, and that's the enemy we're feeling compassion for.  It's like the demons in Kimetsu no Yaiba wishing they could've helped their sibling better so that it hadn't turned out this way, you end up rooting for the other side even though you know you shouldn't.

This was the only series left that could even be questioned as great on my list.  The other series I haven't rewatched yet are 'season 2's' or 'season 4's', i.e., I've already rewatched enough of the series that I can guarantee it to be great, even hypothetically supposing no further seasons had happened.  Also Ken Tensei and Eminence in Shadow are still on their 'season 1', but in their case I've already read the manga and so I already know they'll be good both this time and next time when I rewatch them.  It would be like reading the Naruto manga, and then the Naruto anime starting, and me being like, "well it might be good, it might not, hard to say."  No it isn't hard to say.  The manga was brilliant.  There can be no doubt as to the quality of the anime.  Whether I've rewatched Ken Tensei or not I still know how things are going to go, I know I'll approve from start to finish.

But having come this far, it might be reasonable to silence all doubters by rewatching everything, even the series that came out a few months ago, even the series that are coming out right now.  Once I've rewatched everything all 200 anime in my top rankings can no longer be questioned.  With Extreme Hearts done the only targets left for rewatching are things like Ken Tensei, as ridiculous a goal as that may be, given that only the first three episodes have even aired yet.

I listened to 'rise up dream' 100 times and rated it as a 3-star song.  Other songs were demoted to make room and eventually a Tales of Vesperia song by Motoi Sakuraba was kicked out of the 1-star hall of fame to make room.  Motoi still has hundreds of other songs in my hall of fame so I doubt he'll notice or care.  That finishes my journey with Extreme Hearts, until the second season starts.  I'm going to miss it.

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