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Monday, September 12, 2022

Index GT 7 translation underway:

Over at baka tsuki the next Index book is currently being translated.  We're up to chapter 2 as of now.  So far it's been good, like most Index books are.  Plenty of humorous situations.

Mix S2 will air in the spring of 2023 and Bleach is going to be 4 cour (around 52 episodes) with breaks inbetween, so will end sometime in 2024.  The original Bleach aired for years on end without interruption, so I don't know why they need breaks inbetween, but oh well.  Whatever it takes to reach the ending.  I'm just glad Bleach is getting the respect it deserves and a proper full adaption like Naruto.

There were lots of thrilling overtime games in the first week of NFL and college football, but so many of them were decided by errant kicks instead of good plays that it's a little embarrassing.  Why is it so hard to kick a field goal, or even an extra point these days?

Kiniro Mosaic: Best Wishes is finally getting a translation thanks to Yen Press.  So at some point next year or whatever we'll get to see the true ending to Kiniro Mosaic.  I've happily bought several previous volumes of this manga so I'm sure this last volume will be great too.

I continue to believe the best way to end the Ukraine war is for Russia to mobilize a ten million man army and swamp their enemy in blood, fire and steel.  Putin continues to refuse to do this, so it's still possible for Ukraine to score victories.  But Russia still has the advantage even now.  It was forced to retreat from the Kharkov district but none of its troops were surrounded or destroyed.  Those same troops will be able to rejoin their compatriots elsewhere and form a denser defense line that Ukraine won't find so easily pierced.  Ukraine is taking massive casualties from its numerous offensives, which is usually the case for the offensive side, but multiplied in the case of this war due to the firepower/air power differences between the two sides.  Eventually they'll run out of steam and Russia's day to day artillery pounding will resume, for which they have no answer.

This is very similar to accounts of war in the ancient Greek period.  Light cavalry would surround a heavy infantry position and pelt it with sling stones and arrows.  The infantry would defend themselves with shield walls but inevitably a few missiles would slip through the cracks and they'd steadily take casualties while inflicting none.  The only thing the infantry can do in this situation is charge the light cavalry and try to get within melee range.  But once you charge, your shield wall is broken and now all that happens is you take yet higher casualties as the light cavalry retreat a bit and continue hitting you at range.  Nothing has changed.  The nation with better long range firepower will inevitably win in the long run.  Russia has proven itself to be the premier artillery power on Earth, and its air power is greater than Ukraine's, and its hypersonic missiles are the best on Earth, so how can they lose?  Ukraine is getting hit and hit and hit and they can't hit back, ever.  There is nothing within their reach.  What if they pushed Russia all the way back to Russia's mainland?  Russia could still bomb and bombard them from within Russia in their new positions, and Ukraine would be in exactly the same plight as before.

How can Ukraine neutralize the Russian artillery and air force?  Invade Russia?  Take Moscow?  Any such attempt really would mean a ten million man army being marshalled to stop them.  So the end result is always the same.  Ukraine cannot win this war no matter how many troops they have or how high their morale is, because they lack the all important reach advantage which determines every battle.

If, for instance, they managed to take back Donetsk and murder everyone in the city for their 'treason,' does the war end there?  Russia would no longer have anyone left to protect, so there's no point fighting to protect them anymore?  I don't think so.  The war aim would simply shift to punishing and avenging Ukraine for its crimes against humanity.  If Ukraine retakes Donetsk and doesn't massacre the civilians, does the war end there?  No, because those same people still wish to be liberated from Ukraine so Russia would just start its war of liberation of the Donbass all over again.  There is no possible move Ukraine can make that ends in victory.

Their only possible hope is that Russia becomes demoralized or bored or something and stops fighting on its own, but how could that happen?  When daily atrocity stories are told to the Russian public about what the Ukrainians are doing to their own citizens?  When Ukrainian forces are killing ten year old girls with artillery for fun, children well away from the front lines, just going shopping with their families?  No one who knows the truth of how evil Ukraine is could possibly get tired of fighting them.  There is no cause more holy or just than defeating these evil barbarians on their border.  And how can Russia abandon the people of Crimea when they are a constituent part of the federation just as much as Moscow or St. Petersburg?  To uphold their honor and pride as a nation, as a people, they must come to the defense of their own.  They will never abandon Crimea, which means they can never stop this war until ultimate victory.  Support for the war in Russia has never gone down since its inception, it has only increased.  It's impossible to demoralize Russia.

Supposedly Russia has lost 50,000 people trying to save little girls in Ukraine from their demonic oppressors.  Russia lost 500,000 people fighting Finland for the sake of pure territorial enlargement.  Why does anyone think Ukraine can browbeat Russia into submission when Finland couldn't?

With enough recruitment drives and enough western charity Ukraine can prolong this war but they can never win it.  Maybe next Ukraine will draft all their women and have them get shelled to death by long range artillery too.  But how does that get them any closer to victory?  Say this war lasts five years -- what then?  And after being shelled and bombed for five years, will you somehow be better off than if the war had lasted five days?

Let's say Russia runs out of its giant Soviet stockpile of ammunition, the most ammunition on Earth.  So what?  Russia is still the second largest arms producer on Earth, they can build more and better artillery and missiles, and keep pouring it into Ukraine indefinitely.  Perhaps the rate of fire will go down, but the damage done will continue indefinitely.  Ukraine will run out of people before Russia runs out of shells.  This should be obvious to anyone.  It's like declaring a clever strategy of breaking someone's fist with your head by letting them hit you over and over again until they collapse from it.

Oh, but Ukraine is receiving long range artillery from America!  So what?  America's manufacturing capacity for Himars rockets is pitifully small.  We can't produce as many rockets per year as Ukraine has already fired off.  Supposing we were generous enough to gift them with our entire war capacity they'd still be no match for their Russian adversaries.  The current estimate is Russia's artillery advantage is 10:1.  Ukraine can delay the inevitable by willingly taking more casualties but they can't change the central calculus of the reality on the ground.  All they are doing is slaughtering their own people -- by drafting them and forcing them into a hopeless, pointless conflict -- so that they can continue to slaughter other people -- the people of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea, who have voted quite clearly that they wish to be free of Ukraine, and their Russian liberators, all volunteers, who are empathetic enough to want to answer those pleas for deliverance.  Their goal seems to be murder for murders sake -- themselves, everyone else, it doesn't seem to matter.  Merrily shelling a nuclear power plant for months with no concern for the nuclear disaster that could sweep across the entire continent as a result -- what the hell is that?  Who does that?  No one in their right mind does that.

America has justified the invasion of multiple countries because they were 'killing their own people.'  Libya, Serbia, Iraq.  They have recognized the independence of multiple countries because their previous owners had abused them --  East Timor, Kosovo, South Sudan.  There is no coherent argument for why Russia can't do the same for the people of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea.  There is no coherent reason why Russia can't intervene militarily in Ukraine and save these people just like we intervened militarily in Libya and saved those people.  Are the people of Donetsk not worth saving?  Are their lives somehow less precious than Libyan lives?  What is the rationale here?

Or are we still going with the argument that Ukraine does not represent any threat to the people of Donetsk, Luhansk or Crimea?  Even though anyone can look up in Wikipedia the thousands of civilians who were killed by Ukrainian shelling for the last eight years?  Even though anyone can watch the videos of Ukrainian politicians bragging about their terrorizing of children in Donetsk?  Even though the very fact that the people of Donetsk and Luhansk are fighting so hard on the front line proves they clearly fear losing this war and don't want to be 'benevolently returned to the fatherland' or whatever Ukraine says is happening?  Even though multiple independent polls from western news agencies like Gallup have clearly shown over and over again that yes, indeed, these people do not wish to be part of Ukraine?  What evidence would be necessary for America to apply the same standards they applied to South Sudan, Kosovo or Libya in Ukraine?  If the whole issue is a factual question -- do the people of east Ukraine have reason to fear the people of west Ukraine or not, what evidence is still needed to resolve this question?  If videos, public speeches, Wikipedia, photos, shelling nuclear power plants, polls, referendum results, etc., are not enough, what would be enough?  And whatever would be enough evidence, wouldn't it be wiser to stop supporting the war and instead support the gathering of this evidence first?  Before we choose to side with demons?  We can always support West Ukraine's genocidal ambitions after we've determined they're in the right, right?  Why not a truce and a team of independent fact finders are sent in, where we can, for instance, ask everyone in Crimea which nation they wish to belong to, before we arm Ukraine for the express purpose of conquering Crimea?

The very fact that the west has no interest in finding out these sorts of facts proves they already know what any fact-finding mission would find -- that Russia is completely and totally in the right.  That this war isn't about deterring Russian imperialism (Russia was absolutely fine with the Minsk accords for eight years before Ukraine broke their promise and threw the agreement out), it's about deterring Russian counter-culture.  We in the west cannot allow an ideological challenger to emerge and present to the brainwashed and enslaved people of America and Europe a different and better way of life.  One without Black Lives Matter, Gay Pride Parades, child gender affirming therapeutical surgeries, endless Covid-19 booster shots/mandates, homeless people everywhere, fentanyl overdoses in the hundreds of thousands per year, joggers being kidnapped, raped and murdered off the street by already convicted hoodlums released from jail when we already know exactly what they're going to do the moment they're free, Antifa riots, weird speeches by senile maniacs proclaiming half the population in their country are terrorists, 'green' energy laws that mandate we all freeze or burn to death because no energy ever actually replaces the fossil fuel and nuclear energy that was banned, 'green' fertilizer laws that mandate we all starve to death because for some reason nitrogen is worse for the environment than famine is for humans, open Satanists serving in the Cabinet in order to 'coordinate our Monkeypox response,' (so apparently our response to Monkeypox is to worship Satan more?), and on and on and on.

Russia has a lot of problems.  They still drink 50% more than the rest of the world.  Their divorce rate is ungodly high.  They're poorer than us (though on par with many other 1st world countries.)  They have a huge corruption problem which ruins entrepreneurialism within their borders.  It's damn cold over there.  Really cold.  And their soil is acidic.  But they aren't slated to be majority non-white in 20 years.  There are no Satanists in their cabinet.  They can still provide energy and food to their people.  They aren't mutilating their children.  If America and Europe were allowed to see worked examples of functional nations with functional cultures, life-affirming cultures, like Russia and China, they might try to overthrow their openly Satanic governments and get some of that functioning life for themselves.  That's what this war is really about.  Preventing the existence of anything anywhere being better than life in America/Europe so that our governments can continue to lie to us that this is the best of all possible worlds.

Ukraine had successfully been integrated into the west.  In their classrooms they teach children the wonders of transgenderism.  In their streets they celebrate massive gay orgy parades.  Ukraine was part of the globohomo culture.  Therefore they were our allies.  Russia is not part of that culture, they're still building beautiful cathedrals to glorify God, so they're our enemies.  That is why America sided with Ukraine.  If it were for any other reason, we could do a fact finding mission and find out if that reason is valid or not.  No fact finding missions have ever been proposed or allowed, therefore clearly we aren't interested in investigating any of the facts on the ground.  We know all the facts on the ground.  We know that Ukraine supports child transgenders and Russia doesn't.  Those are the only facts on the ground we care about.

But one of the wonderful benefits of belonging to a functional, life-affirming culture, is that those sorts of cultures also win wars.  No matter how many monkeypox infected Satanists get together, and no matter how many weapons we arm them with, they will always lose to God worshipping real men who can see right from wrong and are willing to do what it takes to see right triumph and wrong end.  Russia will win any and every conflict they get into with the west, as will China, for the rest of time, until the west abandons Satan or Russia abandons God.  Ukraine will be the first proof in a long line of proofs that their way of life is better than ours.  And as we continue down our trend line and they continue down theirs, the proofs will become clearer and more numerous every day, until even the blindest can see.  Good always wins in the end, which is why we are now a spacefaring species when before we struggled to light fires with stones in caves.  It isn't that might makes right, it's that right makes might.

And when Russia is victorious over Ukraine, I, who sided with the right side from the beginning, who encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine before he even did so, will also be proven right, the lone righteous person in America surrounded by all those millions of blue and yellow flag waving morons.  And if I was right on this topic, maybe more people will listen to me when I talk about others.  Maybe I'm right about a lot of things.  Maybe it's about time people start listening.

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