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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Megumin gets her own anime:

KonoSuba's spinoff novel series is also getting an anime, featuring the best character in the series, Megumin.  I wonder if it will come out before or after the already announced Season 3 of KonoSuba.  In any event it just makes my ranking of KonoSuba in my top anime rankings all the more accurate.  The more Megumin the better the series will become.

My summer anime first impressions are piling up as new series continue to come out.  I want to watch a few more debuts before publishing them.  But there's also other exciting things going on, like four new songs I'm scouting by Mami Kawada from Shakugan no Shana.  Once I've listened to them 100 times they'll be eligible for entry into my music hall of fame.

I've started reading Summer Pockets Reflection Blue.  Silver Ruins, Black Moon book III is only one chapter away from being fully translated.  I'm still playing Fire Emblem for no reason at all except that it's fun.  I'm rewatching Shakugan no Shana and have almost reached the start of season 3.  It deserves its high ranking of 94th.

20,000 casualties was an overestimate, Russia reports 5,500 casualties among Ukrainians trapped in the Lysichansk pocket.  I guess most of the Ukrainian army was able to successfully retreat before their inevitable doom.

Still, Ukraine doesn't have anything left to work with.  They're now requiring women and the disabled to sign up for draft duty.  It's all so absurd.  Even now they're still using what ammunition they have left to shell civilians in the middle of the city of Donetsk, just today killing a 10-year old girl for absolutely no reason save spite.  For this, for the right to butcher 10 year old girls in Donetsk, they're drafting their own women to die.  How twisted and evil can a country become?

The same military that just lost and retreated to Russia's forces are the people expected to stop the Russian advance tomorrow and next week.  Why could they do something now that they couldn't before?  Nothing's changed except they're more tired and weak than before, with worse fortifications than they had before.  No matter how long you prolong the war the result is set in stone, the only question is how many people have to die before you face reality.  How much of the country does Russia need to occupy before Ukraine's delusions of grandeur are popped?  How long can you, like Baghdad Bob, insist you're winning when you're so clearly losing?

Also, a recent household survey revealed that while only 4% of respondents reported a Covid death in their family, 8% reported a death by adverse reaction to the vaccine.  This vaccine is the deadliest thing on Earth right now, and it doesn't target only the elderly like Covid, it goes after all people, including the young and healthy.  The vaccine trials on children showed worse results for the vaccinated than the placeboed group, and yet still the FDA approved it for kids.  It's pure evil.  We are torturing and killing children for no reason.  If you think Ukraine is bad for killing one ten year old today, what to make of America for systematically torturing and killing millions of their own children?  We are the only nation on Earth which has approved this death jab for children aged 0-5.  This is because the science doesn't support killing our kids, only America's government supports this decision.  The rest of the sane world doesn't want to kill its own kids, so go figure we stand alone.

I wish there were an avenging angel which could punish governments for their sins, because normal people have no chance to avenge themselves.  It's unfair that the worst evil doers on Earth, who kill and maim way more people than common criminals, always get away with it scot free.  Whether it's Hillary Clinton or Fauci, even when we catch them red-handed, nothing happens, because the government is invincible.  Hopefully at least Zelensky is eventually caught and hung like what we did to Saddam Hussein, his military isn't strong enough to protect him forever.

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