Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


The distribution is quite simple now, with 100 songs left, however fewer songs than 1100 you have, that's the percent number of songs that can be distributed to your tier left.  I've maxed out my 5-stars, so for the next 100 songs they can receive 0%.

The others are in slightly better situations -- 1-star is at 9%, 2-star at 7%, 3-star at 27%, 4-star at 57%.  Like usual the 4-star section is the one giving me conniptions.  Why don't 4-stars fill up at the same speed as everybody else?  What's their deal?  I generously apportion everything that could remotely be called 4-star as 4-star and still it's never enough.

Well, my problem child aside, everything will be evened out and fixed after the preliminary ratings are completed, so sooner or later the 4-star tier will be as big as the others.

The remaining 100 songs are all quite long, so it's still a rampart of 11 hours of continuous music I have to storm.  No easy feat.  The 10th is still a reasonable date of completion.

Gray Lensman is a lot worse than the previous books so my progress has slowed down that avenue.  Kimball becoming a druggie to infiltrate the enemy was already done in First Lensman by Virgil Samms.  Fighting Overlords was already done in Galactic Patrol.  The Eich confronting Arisia is pretty much a repeat of when Helmuth did.  There's nothing genuinely new or interesting introduced in this book.  Well, I'll finish it soon enough.  I need something to read during these final 100 songs.

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