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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

White fertility = 1.64?

Here's another official statistic:

It shows white fertility at 1.64, asian fertility at 1.53, hispanic at 1.96, and black at 1.79.  Here's my problem with these numbers.  They admit that they're estimates of what white women will do before they reach age 44 based on past trends.  So they're ascribing phantom kids to these white women who as of yet haven't had any and then reporting our fertility rate as being x and so high.

I have no faith in these estimates.  Past trends are not good predictors of future behavior in such a turbulent time.  How will coronavirus shutdowns affect birth rates?  I suspect way lower than this old graph could have known.  How will Joe Biden getting elected, banning fossil fuels, and importing the entire third world affect birth rates?  I suspect way lower than this graph assumes.

No one predicted the transexual craze just a few years ago, how will that impact fertility in the long run?

What we know for a fact is that, as of right now, white Millennials have a birth rate of white children under 1.0.

We also know that Biden is leading in the polls and if he wins, it will mean economic Armageddon for the USA, further deteriorating family formation prospects.  It will also mean Democrats pack the senate with fake extra states like Puerto Rico, get rid of the filibuster, pack the supreme court, give felons the vote, give illegals the vote, and re-jigger the census apportioned House districts to favor them for all future elections.  In other words, if we lose this election we lose all future elections forever.  They may as well stop even having elections because everything will be predetermined Democrat anyway.

Due to the fact that the majority of Americans under the age of 16 are non-white, we were already destined to lose all elections in the future.  This is just speeding up that timetable.  If we lose in November we don't get the grace period we expected, it's full on full democrat right now.

Furthermore, Biden isn't likely to finish his first term, and he's likely to appoint a crazy black lady as his vice president to stoke the current racial fever in his favor.  Which means Democratic policies are going to be more radical than anyone can currently imagine within the next four years.

These policies will have real life consequences, most of which will be harmful to the prospects of white millennials.  (Did you think Democrats were going to cut Medicare and Social Security?  Oh, no, they're going to be raising your taxes instead.  It's young working people who are going to feel the burn.)

I honestly don't care if our flag, anthem, and statues are all destroyed.  I don't much like America myself.  I consider it a failed philosophy that exported itself like an octopus across the entire world that has dragged most of the world down with it.  Democracy was not taken seriously until America adopted it and now most of the world's population lives under it.  Everywhere it spreads, with it comes socialism, the decay of morals, and the decay of the family.  America's legacy will ultimately be an evil one and everyone who helped empower America was on balance empowering evil.  Specifically, egalitarianism is America's original sin.  Those words, "all men are created equal," will haunt us to the world's dying day.

I agree that Mississippi should change its state flag to not include the stars and bars.  The average Mississippean does not believe in the philosophy of the Confederacy or even wish the South had won the Civil war, so what right do they have to fly that flag?  It's a disgrace, not to modern Mississippi, but to the men in gray who died for a righteous cause.  It's stolen valor.  Wear that flag after you've fought for your freedom on the battlefield in your own war of secession.  Not before.

I'm actually fond of the people who set up that guillotine outside Bezos' house, too.  Bezos owns the Washington Post, which has been the enemy of the people for at least the last three years.  To hell with him and his lies.

But Democrats don't just want to guillotine Bezos.  They want to destroy the world.  The Green New Deal, Open Borders, abolish all police and prisons, and most bizarre of all start a world war with Russia.

Russia has more nukes than we do.

What the hell are they thinking?  How do they plan for this to work?  If the Democratic party platform was to tear down all flags and statues in America I could care less.  But nuclear war with Russia has a pretty detrimental effect on my livelihood.  It's almost certain to reduce those 1.64 fertility projections to below 1.0.

So I would throw that 1.64 number out the window.  I'm sure if this were the 1980's or 2000's the number would be accurate, but we're about to embark on the most crazed political upheaval in American history.  Total power wielded by people full of total moral conviction that everything must change, right now, and that everyone in their way deserves to die.  I'm pretty sure that's unprecedented in America.  There's precedent in China and Cambodia, but this is a first for America.

But honestly, even if it were 1.64, that's still awful.  It used to be 7.  That's a dying race that can't even replace itself.  It's a race on its way down, down, down.  At this point we're just discussing the rapidity of the fall.

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