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Friday, July 10, 2020

Kanojo, Okarishimasu:

This was the last summer season anime I was interested in, and it was pretty good.  I don't know if I'll watch it to the end, but it had a thought provoking start.

What is the worth of a beautiful college age girlfriend?  A girl who actually loves you?  Well over a million dollars, obviously, because such girls do not sell themselves for a mere million.  Bezos was willing to pay $40 billion dollars or so for the right to date some 40 year old married hag.  So what's the price of a 19 year old college age virgin?  Is it even measurable?  Trillions?

This is a big problem for men.  If all the work they do in their entire life, all the money they ever earn, can't buy the one thing they want in life, the love of a cute girl and the path to children that implies, then what is the point?  In anything?

When Kazuya introduces his girlfriend to his family, they start crying in joy at the thought that their son would get to live happily ever after and continue the family line.  It was a stroke of good fortune well beyond winning the lottery.  They couldn't rejoice enough.  And why not?  Is there anything better that can happen in your life than to be loved by a cute girl?

Cute girls' hearts are the one true currency of the true economy.  You can't print them.  You can't mint them.  They are scarce beyond belief.  Treasured beyond compare.  No one would ever trade them for anything.  They aren't for sale at any price.

If you're born a girl, all men on Earth will worship you, they'd do anything for you, fork over billions of dollars (as Bezos is proven to have done!), die for you.  You need only favor them with a smile and the world's your oyster.  If you're born a boy, however, there's nothing you could ever do that would be enough to impress a girl. 

Even if you believe all the right things, do all the right things, say all the right things, none of that makes you special in a girl's eyes.  That would just make you 'tolerable' or 'acceptable.'  Not 'dreamy.'  It's not enough to tug on their hearts.  There is literally nothing you can do that would win them over.  Even if there were some clever rhetorical techniques and actions that can seduce a girl, it would only last a couple hours or days before they realize you were just pretending to be someone cool and then the charade would come to a crashing halt.  Since the only useful love is the one that lasts for your entire life, tricks and gimmicks are all meaningless.  Just like renting a girlfriend is meaningless because it doesn't last and it isn't real, tricking a girlfriend has the exact same flaws.

But if being yourself and doing what you can do as a mere mortal isn't what girls fall in love with. . .what's left?  Honestly, love doesn't happen naturally.  Perhaps if you save a damsel in distress by showing your dominance over other men while simultaneously petting a puppy to show how kind you can be to the innocent, her heart would kyun kyun, but how often do circumstances like that occur in real life?

The normal relationship, in the past, was one of convenience.  You found a normal decent guy who promised to support you and your children for life if you promised to treat him well.  It was sort of a rent-a-wife relationship.  There were no real feelings involved, just financial realities.  Romantic love was reserved for the story books.  Most relationships were arranged by parents anyway.  Of course the boys were overjoyed with their wives, because it's easy for a boy to love a gentle, young, beautiful, docile girl who fulfills all your dreams.  But at best the girls would only feel gratitude towards their husbands, not love.

Now that girls can support themselves, there are no relationships of convenience.  You have to genuinely make a girl fall for you like you're Gallahad straight out of the stories.  Anything short of a storybook romance and they aren't interested.

Even if you're a billionaire or a movie star, odds are you're divorced, odds are you've been dumped by multiple girls.  There is no amount of specs you can pile up that earns you love.  Plus, even when these billionaires get a girl, they tend to be complete mediocrities, not even good looking, that you'd never imagine these sorts of guys would have to stoop to.  Prince Harry, a literal freaking prince, had to ghetto dive for an old, divorced, black woman.  That's the best he could do.  A prince!  A combat veteran!  No other girl was interested.  That's how bad the imbalance is.

The Prime Minister of France, Macron, could only romance a woman twenty years older than him who was already married to another guy.  He seduced an old granny into cheating on her husband and getting with him.  So the Prime Minister of France is worth only a dishonorable hag.  It's all so laughable.

When I see these arguments about how guys should get college degrees and high paying jobs if they want to impress the ladies, I can only throw up my arms in disgust.  Did that work for Donald Trump?  President of the United States, billionaire, and now on his third wife?  One of his wives even accused him of rape.  Is that the best you can hope for?

It doesn't matter how much effort you put in to yourself, anything you achieve is meaningless compared to the value of a cute young girl's face.  We know it and they know it.  We are the beggars and they are the choosers, even the Prime Ministers, Princes and billionaires.  It doesn't matter.  They're all begging for scraps right alongside the rest of us, and they only manage to get aged divorced blacks for all their pointless effort.

Let's assume you're 6 feet tall, make $100,000 a year, and have a PhD.  You'd have to be 40 years old for this to even happen, it takes so long.  What cute 19 year old girl would stoop to bother with you?  Wouldn't she much rather be dating the captain of the football team?

No, with specs like that, the best you could hope for is a 35 year old woman with a graduate degree.  Maybe your own assistant or nurse who works under you.  How else would you even meet?  Congratulations, if you're lucky she'll be fertile enough for one child before she goes into menopause.

The world is not tumultuous enough that every woman needs a male bodyguard, and with the power of the vote they can simply vote themselves all the welfare and public jobs they need to live by.  Humanity did not evolve under such slanted circumstances.  It used to be men were extremely useful to women.  Their muscles mattered.  Their brainpower mattered.  Even their indomitable spirits mattered.  Nothing a boy has matters to a girl anymore.  Women need men like fish need bicycles.  The sexual imbalance is not normal and it's not sustainable.

I've suggested using state power to correct the imbalance -- require women marry men so that men are a hot ticket again (they're your get out of jail card).  Suddenly men would be in huge demand again, princes, billionaires, or otherwise.

I've also suggested building attractive women from scratch.  AI girlfriends either in virtual reality or as robots, combined with the power of artificial wombs, could let men have their dream life and dream wife without ever having to appeal to the unsatisfiable distaff sex.

But I do not see any path forward, any suggestion imaginable, that would get men and women to fall in love 'naturally.'  Historically, they never did.  In the present, they don't.  Why would they in the future?  In fact, love is one of the most unnatural states in physics.  It's like watching a triple axel in figure skating or a tetraquark.  It's admirable precisely because under normal circumstances it's totally impossible.

Rent-a-girlfriend is about this paradox -- how great a loving girlfriend is, versus how impossible it is to ever get one.  It's a very modern series addressing a serious modern problem.  But I suspect it will have some sappy conclusion like 'if only the girl got to know me better she'd learn to love all the wonderful things about me.'  That will never happen.  Never.  In real life, every guy is full of wonderful traits and it doesn't matter to any girl in the least.  They use us, abuse us, and then dump us, laughing all the way.  After all, the next guy they meet will be full of wonderful traits too, right?  And they'll be falling over themselves and ready to do anything for the girl too, right?  Johnny Depp wasn't good enough for Amber Heard.  Brad Pitt wasn't good enough for Angelina Jolie.  Why do you think your wonderful hidden traits will do any better?

Rent-a-girlfriend will offer some false hope, some soothing lie, to all the desperate viewers out there, desperate to hold on to some hope that if they just try hard enough eventually they'll find a girl who loves them.  (No, fat ugly old women do not count, they are totally worthless, their love totally meaningless.  You may as well settle for a tapeworm's love at that point.)

But there is no hope outside of the two solutions I've provided.  In the age of machine labor, girls can get by without boys.  And in the age of nuclear bombs, girls can press big red buttons of doom just as easily as boys.  There is nothing we can offer them that's on level with what their cute smiling face offers us.  They know it and we know it.  The imbalance is tilted so far even billionaires and Prime Ministers can't do anything.

Right now, AI girlfriends and artificial wombs haven't been invented yet.  We should be working day and night to fix that.  There is no higher quality of life improvement imaginable than these two inventions.  Every boy, every billionaire, every Prime Minister, should be devoting all their resources to this project.  There is literally nothing better in this world to have.  But the fact is, we don't have them yet.  Which means there is only one solution, and that's mandatory marriage.  At least until the AI girlfriends are online, the modern world needs mandatory marriage.

Without mandatory marriage, a series of bad things inevitably occurs:

1)  The birth rate drops, and drops, and drops, eventually all the way to zero.  In South Korea it's already down to .96.  That's already most of the way to oblivion.  There is no modern, women's-rights-honoring country on Earth with a sustainable birth rate.

2) Men lose all motivation and joy in life and cease even trying.  After that it's just going through the meaningless motions -- pornography, video games, drugs, alcohol, until it all mercifully ends somehow or other.

3) Women grow old, ugly, bitter and fat all too soon, putting their youth, fertility, innocence and charm to absolutely no use.  They then realize, too late, that their life is empty and meaningless.  Perhaps they'll adopt a cat.

4) Everyone is miserable and then everybody dies.  The children aren't even born.

All women's rights creates is a giant sucking sound, a vacuum of nihilism with no future.  Once we've obliterated ourselves, some other group of people who don't respect women's rights will move in and take over.

A group of people who treat women far worse than the mandatory marriage law.  These people have no problem mutilating girls at birth, beating them daily, starving them, keeping them uneducated, raping them, locking them in purdah -- anything you can imagine.  Sometimes they even bind their feet so they can't even walk anymore.

This is the inevitable alternative.  You can have women's rights and no children, or no women's rights and lots of children.  Who do you think inherits the future?


Anonymous said...

I can agree that women these days expect too much from men, while we are allowed to have no expectations about them because it's "sexist". But I don't see why there is no meaning to a man's life without a woman in it. We can lead a long, happy, fulfilling and meaningful life even without a woman. What's more, it seems likely that as medical technology continues to advance, we may find a cure for aging and indefinite lifespans may make the need for reproduction to replace human generations unnecessary.
Also, doesn't Israel have a high fertility rate (despite having women's rights)?

Anonymous said...

Women are taking advantage of the fact that men are gullible and willing to do anything to impress them. We must stop this idiocy right now - no more wasting our time, money and attention on women who just take from us and take from us and give us back nothing in return, not even their love. The great men of this world who have accomplished everything (explorers, warriors, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.) did so because they wanted to, no to get the attention of a woman. There are very few to no women who are worth giving up our freedom for. We are better off without these selfish creatures.

Diamed said...

I thought about Israel, but that's a unique situation. A lot of the fertility rate is driven by Palestinians living in Israel, or orthodox Jews who live on welfare, or patriotic war fever that encourages people to outbreed their enemies. It's not really a 'modern' country, more like a total mess.

If Israel ever became a truly Jewish nation at peace with its neighbors and maintained that birth rate I'd reconsider.

Statistics show single men without children live at least ten years shorter on average than married men with children.,risk%2C%20compared%20to%20married%20women.

"The researchers found the risk of death was 32 percent higher across a lifetime for single men compared to married men. Single women face a 23 percent higher mortality risk, compared to married women.

In real numbers, “under the worse-case scenario,” single men could die about eight to 17 years earlier than their married male friends, says Roelfs, citing that nearly all of the data was gleaned from studies conducted in the last 60 years. Women don't fare much better. They could die seven to 15 years earlier than their married female counterparts."

So it may be possible for people of the right personality or mindset to get by without a family, but it's not a good bet. We evolved instincts to want women and avoid loneliness, it's stressful to go against your instincts. Eventually that stress leads to depression if ignored too long. If men cope with the stress via smoking or drugs they shorten their own life, and if they don't cope with the stress at all it likely ends up at suicide.

Even if people live forever they would need children. The longer you live the more entertainment you need. If there's nothing on offer you haven't experienced before, what's the point of living any longer? Children, however, can view the whole world from a fresh perspective which is still interesting to them. I suspect people's lifespans wouldn't change much even if they were immortal -- everyone would just die of boredom instead of disease.