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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Look on the Bright Side:

If Democrats take the House, Senate and Presidency as expected, they'll keep power for all time by manipulating the census House redistricting, adding additional Democratic states for extra senate seats, packing the supreme court and ending the filibuster.  They'll also switch the electoral college to the popular vote and grant citizenship and voting rights to anyone who lives in the country, including felons.

None of this is scaremongering by the radical far-right.  All of it is what they've openly announced they plan to do themselves.  Which means this will be the last meaningful election in US history.  After the Democrats win this one they'll never lose again.  They will enact their full agenda on the country and going forward they will do whatever they please, forever.

It will be a calamity, but it will also provide Americans some valuable lessons they aren't likely to forget soon.

For instance, being soft on crime only leads to more crime.  Democrats will learn this first-hand once they empty all the prisons.  Their useless theories about how blacks just need more counseling and therapy will blow up in their faces and, after every program they attempt fails, they'll have to admit we were right all along.

Likewise with immigration.  Democrats currently believe third world, illiterate, welfare-dependent, criminal aliens enrich America.  Once the country is totally subsumed with them and the bills start piling up and basic public services start failing, maybe they'll think again.  Maybe they'll realize America was much better off as a small population of well educated, well behaved, similar people sharing a vast continent full of valuable natural resources between each other.

Once poor people actually have to start paying their sky-high electricity bills come the Green New Deal and buy an electric car at three times the normal price, they'll think twice before voting Democrat again.  So long as people get to daydream about saving the planet without any corresponding costs to their virtue signalling, they'll never change.  But once the option is starkly put in front of them -- do they want lighting and the right to drive again or do they want to lower the temperature worldwide by .05 degrees -- they might change their minds.

Imagine 10 or 20 years of Democrats passing every crazy idea they can think of, grinding people down and down and down.  Simultaneously, they've essentially abolished democracy so you can never vote them out of office.  Republicans will be simmering like volcanoes.  They will be angry that their lives were destroyed for no reason by dumb liberal ideas and that there is no remedy left available to them to change anything for the better.

Only then will they be ready to listen to the siren song of secession.  People sick of the Democratic nightmare will call for peaceful secession along state or county lines.  We will go back to the tried and true Republican policies that delivered a high quality of life for all.  And if Democrats refuse to let us go peacefully, we will hate them enough, after all the harm they've done to us, to happily fight a revolutionary war over it.  Since some of the seceding states will have nuclear weapons stationed in them, or some of the nuclear submarine crews will happily side with Republicans, they won't be able to intimidate us with nukes into submission.

The problem for white nationalists right now is not enough people have learned the lessons we're trying to teach in the only way they can understand -- direct experience.  Once they've experienced the horrors of multi-racial liberal America first-hand, long enough to realize this is their new reality and it will never improve because everything liberals thought and believed was false, then and only then will they entertain the solutions we've been offering from the start.

White nationalism is a solution without a problem so long as the economy is reaching record highs, the world is at peace, and crime and taxes are low.  Everyone scoffs and tells us America is the land of opportunity.  That if we just show some diligence and grit, fame, fortune and women will easily all fall into our lap.  That's the America they remember living through, even if it isn't true anymore. 

In addition, the powerful and successful people, the rich and prestigious, are precisely the people we need to lead a successful rebellion.  The Founding Fathers of our country were all people like that, with high class jobs and famous achievements, that's why people were willing to rally to them and follow their plan.

These powerful and successful people have no reason to rebel because America is currently structured so that they will continue to succeed.  They have no motivation to see anything change.

But that won't be the case once Democrats have destroyed America entirely with all their awful ideas.  Even the rich and famous won't be able to escape the anarchic crime and annihilated economy.  After watching all their businesses go under or burned down, after ten or twenty years of 100% taxation of all their profits, they'll sing a different tune.  Suddenly they'll be the most eager cadre for revolution, because the contrast between their current and past lives will be more severe than anyone else's.

Once we get the prestige and money of the billionaires on our side, the momentum will be tremendous and sweep all before us.  White nationalism will be where the cool kids are at, instead of the 'losers' the media likes to paint us as now.

By stamping out all political redress, Democrats will create a backlash so fierce that the country will split into at least 2, if not 5 or more countries.  And each new country will get to build its own ideal law code, having learned from the utter disaster of the Democratic reign.

If we can endure the stupidity of present-day Democrats, we will soon be free of them forever.  Everyone will have learned better and moved on from them and their failed policies.  The die-hard liberals will get to keep all the hundreds of millions of immigrants they flooded the country with, while the rest of America will be reserved for white rebels who are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore.

It's a shame most people are too stupid to foresee problems and avoid them ahead of time, but even monkeys learn through experience not to do things that get them into trouble.  No matter how stupid the ordinary American is, after a few years of Biden and company, they'll learn how mistaken they were good and hard.  This minority of Americans who wise up will soon also realize that they can never win a vote again, and the embers of their hatred will grow and grow into a conflagration.

All it will take is patience.  Even losing is a path to victory.

Meanwhile, Isekai Onsen came to a sudden cancelled conclusion.  One less manga to enjoy.  Oh well.

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