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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Defund Education:

Average public schooling cost per pupil per year is $13,000 in America.  If that $13,000 were instead deposited into a Fidelity account which made a conservative 5% return every year, for 14 years, by the time a child was 18 they'd have something like $250,000 accumulated.  Assume a 5% return on that and their interest income per year would be $12,500, more than enough to live off of, with air conditioning and a car and all the rest, for the rest of their lives.

My proposed citizen's dividend is $1,000 per month.  This would cover the entire citizen's dividend with a bit to spare.  All we would have to do is stop wasting the money on pointless schools and give the children the money directly (albeit indirectly, as it would be in an investment account and they could only garner the interest not the principal, so that they'd be taken care of for life.)

Once people died their account could be inherited by their kids and in this manner continue enriching the family forever.  No one would ever have to work again.

This doesn't even count college.  If we took the average spending per pupil for college and added that to the account it would probably double in size.

Why are we wasting so much money so that we can get a job when it would pay more to do nothing?  It would be easy for people to learn everything they needed at home via their parents and the internet.  Home schooled children outperform public school children.  But you don't even need to get a good education -- you're set for life anyway.  You could have a rotten education and you'd still be better off.

Let's suppose a few people are more productive than $12,500 a year or $25,000 a year if you count the college fund.  Could they not jump straight from home schooling into a good job by dint of their home education?  Companies always want to hire promising new talent.  Nothing would stop someone who earns a citizen's dividend from joining the workforce and making even more money.  So what is the drawback here?

If you're worried about EEOC Discrimination lawsuits because you hired someone without a formal degree, the answer isn't to destroy every child's life in America by forcing them to waste all their money on worthless paper certificates.  The answer is to abolish the discrimination laws and allow companies to hire or fire anyone they please without having to answer to anyone.  Companies always hire based on merit anyway, since it's to their own self advantage to do so.  There wouldn't be any discrimination either way, but now everyone would be receiving $12,500 a year for free.

This establishes beyond any doubt that school is not in the child's interest.  After all, they'd be far better off getting the cost of schooling for themselves than the effect of schooling on themselves.  So in whose interest is all this money going to waste?

Obviously teachers and administrators.  They directly get huge gobs of money.  But then, why do other people put up with random strangers robbing their children's inheritances and forcing them penniless into the world?  The answer all comes back to women's liberation.  Women want their children being babysat somewhere for 'free' so that they can leave the children behind and go to work.

Instead of raising the child and taking care of the child themselves, the traditional role of all women everywhere across history, they pay teachers to house them in concrete prisons half the day so they can have fun doing powerpoint presentations.  They are fine with their children emerging from this system with worthlessly small amounts of trivial knowledge instead of $250,000 which would be enough to take care of themselves for life.  They don't give a damn about what's best for their own children.  All they want is to do a powerpoint presentation, and if that means their kids go $250,000 into debt to go to college instead of having $500,000 of capital to live by, then damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!  The powerpoint presentation must go on!

We could eradicate poverty forever, today, at no extra cost to the taxpayer.  (Heck we could cut taxes).  But that isn't our priority.  For some bizarre reason, letting women pretend to be men and act like men all day (while never actually producing any results, which is unlike men), is our priority instead.

Ultimately, women's lib is the cause of every single problem on Earth.

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