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Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Endless Malaise:

Right when millennials were graduating and seeking jobs, the 2007 great recession hit.  For the next nine years, the economy never recovered to what it had been pre-2007.  Median household income is a good measurement of this effect.  Labor force participation is another good example.  Then came Trump and the economy boomed.  Median household income hit a new all-time high and labor force participation was at least inching upwards.

Then comes coronavirus and we're in a new great depression.  So millennials had, what, 3 years of economic opportunity in their entire lives?  Corona isn't going away anytime soon, and then comes the November elections.

If Biden wins, which is now looking to be the case, he'll then implement the job-killing green new deal and open borders immigration of the poorest, most welfare dependent, and most criminally inclined people on Earth to all come streaming in and take over.  They'll then be granted the vote -- all the world's people! -- and install a permanent Democratic majority.  There is zero chance in these sorts of circumstances for the economy to ever recover.

So when exactly will millennials get the chance to build a fortune, a career, buy their own house and start a family?  They're not even allowed to go out and meet the opposite sex right now, all dating locations are illegal.  How are they supposed to create the next generation like this?  When have they ever had the chance?

This ties into the fact that non-college graduate men have been losing income ever since the 1970's.  Today's non-college graduate men are making less than they used to 50 years ago, before all the productivity gains of computers which should have made making money easy.  How is that attractive to a mate?  You just keep losing and losing to everyone they compare you to -- themselves (women's income has steadily risen), their parents (baby boomers did just fine), immigrants who quickly improve their lots in life (the 2nd generation does even better), college graduates (CEO's are making 40 times as much).

When in history have losers been attractive mating prospects?  But all non-college graduate men are losers for the last 50 years.  That's an awfully large share of the population.

And it all comes down to bad governmental policy decisions and bad luck.  What can you do when there's a recession followed by a worldwide plague?  And then suddenly fossil fuels are banned so you can't drive to work anymore?  The situation is absurd.  Who could win in a world like this?

Never in history has a generation had so little control over their own life circumstances.  I can't think of any similar string of events ever recorded.  We didn't even lose a war.  We never even got to fight one.  And yet we've been completely laid low, utterly crippled and dismantled, all the same.  We're all under house arrest for God's sake.

I'd feel so much better if we at least tried to fight for our rights -- a right to dignified remuneration and a life fulfilling family.  This would come in the form of secession, followed by the passage of a citizen's dividend in our new country that finally admits that the primary source of wealth in this world is machine/animal/plant/sun labor which should by rights belong equally to everyone (not a few privileged billionaires) and the mandatory marriage law which says the lowest unit of human life is not the individual but the nuclear family.  (Sort of like stopping at the atom instead of the quark -- since no quarks are ever found in isolation and it's physically impossible, likewise no human successfully exists in isolation which is why men and women cling together and children are raised by parents, not wolves)

But we're losing everything without even a struggle.  We're ceding it all away out of a misplaced sense of guilt and shame at our failure.  None of our misfortune is our fault.  Absolutely none of it.  It was bankers who caused the 2007 recession by wildly bidding up real estate, mostly and forthrightly declared as in order to help out people of color who were the main defaulters.  It was Wuhan that unleashed a plague upon the world.  It was government officials who unnecessarily locked everything down and destroyed our employment and wealth for no reason.  It was Biden's dream team that passed the green new deal and open borders thus perpetuating our poverty and insecurity.  We never did a single thing that put us in this position of penury and involuntary celibacy.

We have nothing to feel guilty about.  We never mistreated anyone of any race, sex, or sexual orientation.  We shouldn't have to pay reparations to anyone.  We are, in fact, the victims of our elders who have screwed everything up.  We are the perpetrators of absolutely nothing.

We have nothing to feel guilty about and no one we need to recompense by giving yet more of our birthright away.  We never failed at anything because we were never given a fair chance in the first place.  Non-college educated men are the victims of affirmative action, a stupid veneration of college degrees which mean nothing except adherence to the liberal narrative (which is all they teach in college these days), and greedy old people crushing us with infinite debt and ridiculously onerous laws no one can succeed under.  It's like Atlas Shrugged where Dagney Taggert is trying to run a railroad and every time she succeeds they just pass some new law making her job impossible again.

Soon enough there will be more retirees than workers all trying to collect Social Security from us.  How on Earth can we pay for all their medical bills when we still haven't even paid off our college debt?  It's absolutely absurd.  It's physically impossible!

Coronavirus is already a tax on the young for the sake of the elderly.  Half of all corona deaths are of people in nursing homes.  So here we are, banned from working, banned from courting the opposite sex in any neutral meeting place, all for the sake of elderly in nursing homes!  Why are we suffering for their sake?  Why don't they suffer for our sake instead?  They're dying?  Well, fine!  We're dying too over here -- if we don't reproduce we're as good as dead, and they're making it impossible for that to happen!  They've had their crack at life.  They're fucking 70 year old's for God's sake.  What do they need to keep living for?  We have a right to live our lives too!

You're losing the last decade of your life -- what right do you have to take the decade of our lives that is necessary to accrue wealth, start a family, and achieve great things?  You're taking the absolutely best years of our lives to extend the absolute worst years of yours!  Where do you get the nerve?

And then once the corona tax ends (will it ever end???) boom here comes the Social Security and Medicare bills!  Have fun, millennials.  It's only 300 trillion dollars or whatever.  (who's counting at this point?  It's so absurdly high no one can actually fathom the number.)

Revolution is the solution!  There's no voting our way out of this -- Biden intends to bring in 500 million Democratic voters who will immiserate us forever.  Tell me how you beat that.  Revolution is the only solution.  If you're not a college educated man or a woman (who just gets free money from the state no matter what they do so they're fine either way), there is nothing in store for you along this timeline.  You are absolutely doomed.  What are you waiting for?  Everything is written in stone.  These are Biden's announced policies.  Social Security and Medicare are well known laws already passed.  There has never been a successful vaccine for Coronaviruses.  Do you think things will ever get better?  On what basis?  Divine intervention?

If we fought now we could win.  At least, if not the whole country, some little piece of it!  Even a sliver would do!  What the hell do we have to lose?  We're already under house arrest!

If Trump loses the next election the green new deal and open borders are a done deal.  I suppose you could always wait and see them actually come into effect, but then you'll have another 500 million enemies to deal with in the eventual civil war.  Is that smart strategy?  At the very least, if Trump loses, you must rise up right then.  Not once Biden has his immigrant legions to deploy against you.  Right now while the population of the USA is still a manageable 330 million and there's plenty of land for all.

If you don't fight for your future no one will give it to you.  In fact, the plan is for you to live, single, as a perpetual debt and tax slave at the service of people of color, until the day you die -- which will probably be by drug overdose and not old age.  These are the only two paths open to non-college graduate millennials anymore.

If you're a college graduate, maybe you can surf above all this as some high falutin' manager.  Odds are you can attract a wife who'd love a piece of that salary and prestige.  I'm not talking about you and I don't care about you.  You'll do fine in the brave new world.  You sold your soul to the devil by parroting the college course's lies and you'll be rewarded materially accordingly.  And if you're a woman, as a member of the permanent political majority, you'll always be given enough goodies by the government via the backs of your vanquished foes.  So I'm not worried about you either.

But non-college educated white men could win a war against all of the above.  We have the power, if we only chose to wield it.  We control our own destiny.  It is exactly and only this group which needs to get up off the floor, stop letting everyone and their uncle kick us around, and assert ourselves as deserving of something better than extinction.  No one else cares about us.  They all despise us and want us dead and replaced by immigrants as soon as possible.  If you can't tell from the current legislative code that we're marked men, what more will it take?

Affirmative action is against us.
Social Security and Medicare is against us.
The national debt is against us.
The federal reserve is against us (by printing trillions of dollars and giving it to a few old rich fatcats -- how do you compete with that???)
College debt and tuition hikes are against us.
Open borders are against us.
The coronavirus lockdown is against us.
Divorce courts and child custody laws are against us.
The new 'believe women' standard of rape is against us.
Duke vs. Griggs Power is against us (which says that no one can be hired unless they have a college degree or the employer is liable for a people of color lawsuit claiming discrimination)
The green new deal is against us (blue collar workers who actually require energy to do our jobs, like trucking and fossil fuel extraction).
Everything is against us!

There is no way to get ahead in this system.  It's laughable to play by their rules.  Where does that get you?  Oh, I know, with a falling income since the 1970's, a failure to launch in terms of family making, and the highest suicide and overdose rate ever recorded.  Let's by all means keep playing by the rules then!  I'm sure Biden will turn things around!  Open borders and the green new deal will grow the economy like never before!  Whoopee I can't wait for our bright new future!

Wake up, non-college graduate man!  They've got it in for you and it's an unwinnable game!  They make it look like maybe you can do something, and then they pull the rug from under you at the last minute, over and over again.  First it's the 2007 recession, then it's coronavirus, and then it's always something else!  They will never, ever allow you to succeed!  Because ultimately the system is designed to grind you into dust and will change the rules if that ever stops happening!  It's been smoothly grinding away since 1970 -- do you seriously think they're going to let up now?

Their rhetoric is more extreme and hateful than ever before -- you expect mercy from these people?  Your options range from kissing their feet and shining their shoes to the Haiti uprising and our full scale massacre.  That's all they'll ever allow.  Maybe a blow-up plastic sex doll in the corner of your cubicle-sized apartment if you grovel especially well!  And don't forget your beans!  We can always savor our meals of beans and insect jelly paste our betters have planned for us!

Eat your maggots, bigot!

Or civil war now, civil war now.  Your choice. . .

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