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Monday, June 15, 2020

'In Another World with 100 Waifus' Read and Edited for the 22nd time:

It took a while, but I finished my 22nd read-through, something I doubt many readers can say of any book they've ever read or written.

There were very few edits left to do and most of those I already addressed in an earlier post.  I'd like to change out more names in my fictional character hall of fame, but for that to happen I need new series and new characters that are better than my current choices to emerge.  Maybe someday.

As for the main text itself, I can't find any way to improve it any further.  None of my edits changed the content at all, it was only proofreading and name changing this time around.  I'm sure it could be improved if God were writing the book instead of me, but this is as far as I can go.  It's already the best book ever written so go figure it's hard to find a way to improve upon things.

One thing that really struck me this time around was dang this book is ecchi.  You'd think by the 22nd time the descriptions would be less impactful but nope.  Powerful as ever.  I can't imagine what it must read like to first time viewers.

It's a long book and a lot is going on with it.  It's equal parts sex, romance, civilization building and name galleries, so it's important to be in the mood for that kind of stuff when the story shifts from one genre to the next.  That's one of the reasons I took so long to read it this time, I wanted to enjoy every part as much as possible by being in the right mindset as each new category arrived.

I think every waifu was given a proper moment in the spotlight, however short, so I'm really happy with the balance struck between moving the plot along and honoring the initial pledge of the title's daunting number.  It's an unprecedented feat only to be found within these pages.

It's actually pretty sad.  With this 22nd edition finished, other than my fictional character hall of fame, I don't see anything left to change, which limits my future excuses for re-reading the book as well.

As always, I encourage everyone who hasn't read this book to read it, the best book ever written, as proven by my ability to re-read it 22 times.  Here it is in five parts:

This book tries to show how happy people would be if they lived in the manner described and were around people as virtuous as those described.  Not only is this the best book ever, it's also the happiest book ever.  It doesn't have to stay a daydream in a book, though.  We have the power, collectively, to seize this happiness for ourselves.  All it would take is will.

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