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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A society that doesn't offer a path to basic survival isn't worth keeping:

It boggles the mind that only 1/3 of Millennials are even married.  How many have 2.1 children and thus have actually replicated at a sustainable rate into the future?  How many of those children won't turn out sterile gays or transexuals?  How many kids do you even need to have these days to make sure you end up with 4.2 grandchildren, i.e., your genes are the same portion of the gene pool as ever?

Considering all the pitfalls your kids could fall into which would make them not have kids themselves, how many kids would it take?  They could commit suicide, get murdered by blacks, overdose on drugs, be gay, be trans, be asexual, overeat and die of a heart attack, die of alcohol poisoning, die in a car wreck. . .

Or most likely of all, they could be found unattractive by any member of the opposite sex and never gain the right to reproduce no matter how long they live.  Apparently this is the case for 2/3 of Millennials.  How much worse will it be next generation?

This is getting serious.  What kind of society gives the vast majority of young adults zero chance at reproductive survival, the most basic Darwinian standard of success?

Even the black slaves of the United States had a higher than replacement fertility level.  Which means black slaves had it better, were in a more just and rewarding society, than current day Millennials.

You have to go back to sugar plantations in Brazil or galley slaves in the Ottoman Empire to find a group that was worse off than Millennial Americans.  But here's the absolutely bizarre difference.  The Ottomans chained and whipped their galley slaves into submission.  They couldn't even leave their rowing pew because they were chained to it, so if the ship sank they automatically sank with it.

The sugar plantation blacks were chained and whipped too, though I guess not as often as the galley slaves.  Anyway, they died quickly and left no children all the same.

The Millennials, however, this entire time, have been free to roam wherever they like.  They have the right to bear arms.  They have the right to peaceful assembly and free speech.  They could organize, they could gather, they could form a militia, they could fight for their lives whenever they wanted.  In fact, they could fight and win whenever they wanted.  They are the mightiest military on Earth.  Millennials!  They are the army!

Galley slaves and sugar plantation slaves had an excuse.  They were whipped if they ever stopped working, much less assembling into armed militias or driving tanks and flying jets around.

What is our excuse?

Soy products?

We ate too much soy?

Sorry, I had too much soy sauce on my rice, so I guess I just have to lay down and die without any attempt to change anything. . .

What a despicable, pathetic generation.  And they call themselves men?

If you as a society have set up a system, a set of rules, a set of traditions and cultural customs, that lays waste to the vast majority of a generation by making them incapable of reproduction, you've done a tremendous sin against that group.  I'd call it genocide, and the U.N. would probably agree:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
But let's be nice and call it something else.  Inadvertent bugged programming or something.  If society has created such a bugged program that the sim-life bodies that go through your system all die at the end, that's when you re-think your program.  You say, huh, this is weird, nothing survives in my sim-life game.  Maybe my initial environment is bugged.  I should change it so that at least some of my sim-life critters make it to the next generation.

This is what you do in sim-life, sim-city, or whatever.  If your creation is dying you blame yourself, not the dying critters, for setting things up wrong.

For decades now baby boomers have been in power.  They have all the important job positions, all the money, everything.  They are absolute arbiters of the environment Millennials find themselves in.  They may as well be the programmers of this bugged game.  That's how arbitrary and total their power over us is.  Any sim-life results that have occurred in our generation were bugs churned out by their own decisions about how we should live.

These are the initial programming decisions boomers decided to make which has resulted in our wholesale annihilation:

1) The majority of Americans under the age of 16 are non-white.

When Boomers, with their 1965 Immigration Act and 1990 expansions thereof, decided to flood the country with non-whites, they made life hostile to whites, which depressed whites' ability to make a living directly, and also indirectly made whites rethink having children in the first place, because any such children would be living as minorities surrounded by a hostile non-white majority.  What child would be thankful for being born into such a future?

2) Women are better educated than men.

When Boomers decided women were better off getting college degrees and getting high paying jobs than marrying and having children, and set their daughters off onto that course with both financial aid and praise/criticism accordingly, the most fertile and attractive years for girls were wasted getting useless trinkets and baubles of pure status.  Now the women have huge heads about what kind of guy they deserve, someone with an even higher degree and even better paying job than their own, which is basically nobody because there are more educated women than educated men, even when it comes to post-graduate degrees, at the very same time that their bodies have become withered husks or ridiculously fat blobs, meaning no man in their right mind would want them.

I cannot imagine a more effective way to sterilize the population than to tell all pretty girls to ignore their bodies and polish their 'minds' for the next twenty years instead, and only to think about marriage once their 'minds' are fully polished.

In fact, many think tanks have suggested this as the best possible way to lower birth rates in the third world and a path to a sustainable climate future.  They openly admit they're using this method to reduce birth rates and brag about it.

Inadvertent?  Intentional?  Does it even matter?  If you inadvertently make a mistake in sim-life and kill off all your sim-life, you still change your initial settings because you feel bad for the poor critters.  So what to make of a society that sees the effect of their decision and then just leaves it as is?

3)  Refuse to retire, keeping all the good jobs for yourself, and passing down no inheritance, so that kids learn 'grit.'

Baby boomers are living longer and working longer than any previous generation in history.  Our presidential candidates, on both sides, are both the oldest to have ever run for office.  This is indicative of the gerontocracy across the board.  The speaker of the House is 80 too.  The supreme court has people pushing 90.

At the same time these boomers are sitting on massive fortunes and, instead of helping their children with dowries and inheritances like all the thousands of years before, are wasting them on fun cruises and second homes.  They openly state that they intend to leave nothing behind, because their children need to learn to stand on their own two feet.  Strangely enough, all previous generations took it for granted that children couldn't stand on their own two feet, which is why they were all granted massive sums of money, as inheritances or dowries, before they were set out into the world.  Between the two traditions, which has worked better?  Now that we look back?

4) Instead of arranged marriage or matchmaking between parents, 'love' should randomly bring people together.

In the past parents spent a lot of time trying to find eligible partners for their children.  Daughters would be dressed up and shown off at balls, where sons would be allowed to come up and court them.  Likely good couples were paired off with each other through various 'dinner parties,' 'picnics,' 'outings,' and the like.  Parents were deeply concerned with their children finding happiness and marrying before they became old maids and would, if necessary, even command their daughters to pick at least someone on offer.  This isn't just in India or something, we're talking Victorian England here.

But Boomers have chosen a different path.  They don't care about their children's dating life and don't want to hear about it.  They have no suggestions and offer no help, much less any commands.  They provide no venues where young people might be able to meet, in Church or otherwise.  They're completely hands-off.  Sink or swim.  Well, how has that gone?  A lot of sinking and not much swimming, huh?  It's almost as if love doesn't happen randomly or naturally without a setting that can bring people together and give them a chance to even talk.  Who would have imagined?  Aside from those thousands of years of previous parents, I mean?

5)  Abortion and birth control, honoring gays and transexuals, living the high life.

Boomers actively encourage their kids to go party and have fun.  They legalized gay marriage and gave transexuals the right to their identities and free surgeries.  They legalized abortion and gave away birth control for free while promoting its use in school.  If you were trying to sterilize your population you couldn't do much better.

Even if, miraculously, a boy and a girl ever do have sex, given all the impediments in the modern world that the two would even meet much less find each other attractive, odds are the sex will be sterile.  The girl will abort the baby, use birth control, they'll have oral sex, or the couple will be trans.  Whatever works at killing the baby.  It used to be that sex at least had a chance to get girls pregnant, which would then be an incentive to marry and start a family over.  Now that never happens.  Never.  I've seen statistics where something like 30% of old marriages were 'shotgun' due to unexpected pregnancies.  That's 30% of couples lost to the modern era forever.

6)  Wages for non-college graduate men have been going down since the 1970's.

In an era where Conan is not required to massacre enemy bandit savage hordes, the main use of men to women is their salary.  When that salary is going down, men are less attractive to women than ever before.  When Boomers end labor unions, import hundreds of millions of immigrant labor competition, outsource all our manufacturing jobs, require massive health care costs for employers, ban the use of fossil fuels, take 15% of our income to pay for their social security and medicare, etc., etc., through their policy actions they drive down regular wages for young working men.  They are driving down men so low that they're below the threshold of attractiveness to women and can no longer find a marriage partner.

Every single wage-killing policy was a choice.  It didn't have to happen.  It wasn't previously the case.  Boomers changed the law to be that way.  They killed our jobs.  They killed our wages.  And they effectively killed us.

If this were a game of sim-life and you set the oxygen content in the air to 0%, made volcanoes go off every five minutes, and made it rain sulfuric acid instead of water, you would not tell your choking, suffocating sim-lifers to 'suck it up,' and 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps,' to 'sink or swim,' or 'put down their video games.'

You would apologize and reset the parameters until something worked and life started greening the planet again.

I listed six deadly parameters boomers have saddled us with, there's probably a hundred more I could scrounge up if I wanted.  It's a miracle 1/3 of Millennials are married.  I'm actually pretty impressed we're doing better than sulfuric acid volcano land.  Because short of galley slaves, these are the worst conditions I can imagine for new families.

So okay.  We deserve better.  We've clearly been screwed by parents who, paradoxically, have it in for us and straight out hate us.  This is a bizarre situation never before seen.  All previous parenting generations wanted their kids to marry and succeed in life, but this time they actively loathe and mock us and think we deserve to die.

But it's not like we're chained up galley slaves.  We could fight back.  These are old people in their 60's and 70's we're talking about.  They can't put us down with bayonets or anything.  So my next question is why?  Why do we just sit here and take it?

I guess the answer is:

7)  A media, entertainment, church and school system that taught kids to either hate themselves and the idea of perpetuating themselves, or to attach so little value to it that any bauble or trinket would be enough of a bribe to overcome such a life plan.

I think this might be the worst sin of all.  Millennials were taught from birth to not give birth.  From every angle, from every side, they were told, whatever you do, don't marry and have children.  Do this, or that, or the other.  Hang-glide, scuba dive, cut off your genitals -- anything!  Just don't marry!  Whatever you do, never do that!

There were articles actively arguing that, due to the climate, it was a sin to give birth.  There were also articles arguing that single people without children were just so much happier than married folks.  But this wasn't the real thrust of the attack.  This wasn't the checkmate killer.

Really it just came down to praising people who were getting an education and furthering their careers.  That praise, and all the tv shows and movies and stuff glorifying them, and the open mockery for 'house wives,' and the like.  That's the killer.  They shamed people who wanted to have kids and ennobled people who wanted to work.  And this media saturation was everywhere.  You couldn't escape it as a Millennial.  It was on TV, in school, in church, everywhere you went.  It was imbibed by osmosis.

If you're taught since you were a baby that it's probably evil to have kids but, even supposing it isn't, only losers do it, cool people are like *insert this tv show hero and that movie hero*, go figure kids might not be your priority.

So for the first time ever we have parents actively trying to kill off their kids, and kids who passively don't give a shit that they're dying.  The passivity is due to the activity.  It's just another flanking attack of the same clever stratagem.

Millennials could change the system, the volcanoes every five minutes and the carbon dioxide atmosphere and all that.  They physically have the strength to impose any system they please upon their granny opposition.  But they also can't.  Because you can't do anything you don't want to do.  And if you've been brainwashed since age 0 to not want something, you're not going to want it.

So there's no way out.  Like the Phantom Train in Final Fantasy 6.  No escape. . .no escape. . .

Okay, there is a way out.  For whatever sliver of Millennials where the brainwashing didn't stick, for whatever reason, maybe they're too smart, or too stubborn, or genetically weird.  These people need to get together and escape, escape.  Eject!  Abort!  Control-Alt-Delete!

A new community is viable with only 1,000 members.  There must be millions of us.  If we came together we could change the rules however we liked and make the future amenable to life again in our own little patch of a homeland.  Why don't we come together?  Millions of us, all dying separately, pointlessly, withering away.  Why?  That's the one thing I don't get.

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