The average American woman weighs over 170 lbs, ie, more than me, despite my being 5'11", or 8" taller than them. This is disgusting and a major reason why modernity is hell.
Women who lack hourglass figures are no longer women, they're just worthless slabs of meat that need to be strung up, cooked, and fed to black orc cannibals where their fat will finally see some use.
At their average height of 5'3", the healthy guideline is 104-127 lbs. So 170 lbs is obscene. It's probably better looking to be even thinner than that, so let's just round down to 100 lbs. The feminine ideal is 100 lbs and what the average height woman's diet should be aiming for. If a woman ever weighs 130 lbs or more at 5'3" she should be dragged out of her house and shot in the back of the head.
By destroying your sexual value and becoming unappealing physically, women are disrupting the marriage market and ruining men's chances at a happy life. If 90% of women are overweight and unattractive, even though by God's design all 100% would be marriageable and plenty good looking, then suddenly instead of 100% of men having a reasonable marriage prospect now only 10% do. So you've just restricted marriage to the top 10% elite male achievers out of the blue, simply because your fat asses can't stop eating. And those top 10% elite male achievers, who are graduate degree holders, making $100,000 a year or more, have to settle for nothing more than a healthy weighted female. That's the only hurdle she has to jump and she's already worthy of some damn prince. This is ridiculous.
The inflated value of normal looking girls means they don't have to put any work into their personalities at all. They don't have to stay virgins, be faithful, honest, kind, domestic, devoted -- anything at all. If they even stay thin they're already super high value, super elites that we must bow and scrape for, because the alternative is the average american pig woman out of some sort of nightmare hellscape.
So a girl stays a normal weight and all the men on Earth compete over her, including rock stars and billionaires, and she treats them all like mud but they still come yapping after her -- because every other girl in America is too fat to even consider as a romantic prospect. What position does that put a normal guy in? Most men don't even have a college degree. What chance do they have with a thin, hourglass figured girl? You know, the type God intended all women to look like, and all men to sexually possess?
But there are so few healthy weighted girls, we're not even talking college graduates. 13% of men have a master's degree or higher. So there are more men with post-college degrees than there are women who can even be looked at without blinding pain. Which means even if you took all the time and effort to build yourself up, to have a post-graduate degree career like doctor or lawyer, you can make millions, it doesn't matter. There are still fewer eligible women who even just look like women than there are men like you. You still have to bow and scrape and grovel towards those few women who still have tons of choices among other post-graduate men like you. They still have no reason at all to behave well in order to get you or keep you. They can always move on to some similar or better qualified man, no matter how high up the ranks you rise.
This ridiculous sexual market imbalance means there's no check on female behavior and no reward for male behavior. Since nothing you do can ever bag a decent girl (unless you become a billionaire, in which case maybe you're safe.), why do anything at all? Why not throw in the towel at the very beginning? You may as well just drink yourself to death -- no reward awaits you for your efforts anyway.
And since women can do anything and get away with it, why ever do the right thing? Why not sleep around, do drugs, cheat, lie, steal, promote abhorrent destructive ideologies, worship Satan and engage in witchcraft? Just stay thin and they have a free pass to the most distinguished happening halls anyway. They're already goddesses that all men on Earth worship daily.
With 90% of women taking themselves voluntarily out of the sexual market, where only blacks and other riffraff with low standards even bother, everything else is so skewed that the entire dynamic collapses in on itself like a black hole of fatness.
There are plenty of thin images of women in manga, anime, and visual novels. Normally speaking, a real live loving woman should be more appealing -- but that's if they aren't fat. Anything's better than a fat woman. Heck, a thin man is preferable to a fat woman. They look more like women than a fat woman does. What's to stop 90% of men to just sticking with manga images and never working a day in their lives since there's no woman to impress anyway?
I swear if men knew their options they'd always go this route. It's only because otakudom is still a niche culture that men haven't realized what a farce they're enduring completely unnecessarily.
Return all women to God's intended design and suddenly they'd have to compete via virtue again, like they did in the previous 2,000 years for men's attention. If you wanted a post-graduate degree holding millionaire, you'd have to do something comparable to get his attention, like stay a virgin and offer to marry him young, or have lots of children, or not nag him, or be a good cook, etc. Meanwhile, 100% of men would suddenly have a reason to get up in the morning and go do something, because there's a generous reward at the end, sex with a siren or dryad or elf or comparably beautiful being. Not sex with Jabba. Can you imagine the productivity boost for our economy? We'd be on Mars tomorrow.
Women, by sabotaging themselves, are sabotaging society. This is why libertarianism, ie, libertinism, is so stupid and flawed. There's no such thing as decisions that don't affect others. When you make these personal decisions they have important repercussions for everyone. Deciding to become fat doesn't just make you an eyesore to the rest of the community instead of a visual blessing, it doesn't just add to our health care costs, it doesn't just reduce fertility, it destroys the entire male/female bonding system and unravels marriage as a concept. No one wants to marry a fat woman, and no thin woman wants to be tied down by marriage when she still has so many options. Personal, libertarian decisions, in aggregate, have wide-ranging community effects. The community must control for bad behavior or it will always spill over into the community's wellbeing.
Men and women who don't pair up and have children early in their lives become unhappy, unhealthy, bitter adults who tend to take it out on society. So you have a doubling cube. First, they don't contribute anything, then, they start destroying. In the most basic form incels go on terrorist killing rampages. But the destruction can be just as deadly in a more subtle form. Women can push for greater access to immigrants like childless woman Merkel did. Or campaign for more sexual degeneracy or abortion or birth control or whatever to make society even more sterile than it already is. Death spreads through a million subtle paths and channels and people not making life are generally making death. It's like the Bible said -- idle hands are the devil's work. Idle wombs are also the devil's work. That gap has to be filled with something. If not the divine miracle of new life, usually you get Satan.
Obesity is replacing God's plan with Lucifer's. It's that simple. And it should be banned. The solution is also that simple.
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