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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fall 2019 Anime First Impressions: Part 2

Kandagawa Jet Girls:  When fanservice is put so front and center that it blots everything else out, it ceases to be attractive, instead sloughing into the realms of boredom and annoyance.  Couldn't they have been at least a little more subtle?  Fail.

Hoshiai no Sora:  Here's an idea.  If someone breaks into your house, beats you up and steals your money, call the police!  Then the guy is arrested and goes to jail, and you get your money back, and you never have to worry about him again.  A shame the Japanese are too stupid to think of this.  Fail.

Assassin's Pride:  A weird mix of Hayate no Gotoku, Black Bullet, Rokudai no Kishi, etc.  I guess it works for now.  It's pretty slathered in generic shonen tropes, though.  Does this series have anything new?  Pass.

No Guns Life:  I hate the art style.  Also, the main character is addicted to nicotine.  Can't take ten seconds away from his next drag.  Pathetic.  Fail.

Rifle is Beautiful:  This is a bait and switch.  It isn't really about rifles, but some weird techno-contraption called beam rifles.  This isn't a shooting club, it's a laser tag club.  The cute girls do cute things formula fails when the girls aren't cute, but it also fails when the thing isn't cute.  This time they got the girls right but not the thing.  Fail.

That concludes the new fall season.  Boku no Hero Academia and Chihayafuru will be starting soon, but they aren't new series so they don't count.  It's still been a fantastic fall, with 2 and possibly 3 great new series entering the rankings.  I have no complaints.

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