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Friday, September 27, 2019

Railgun Delayed to January 2020:

In a devastating blow, J.C. Staff apparently couldn't meet their deadlines and have delayed Railgun S3 another season.  This was supposed to be one of the main pillars of the fall season and 2019 as a whole.  I guess now it will be supporting 2020 instead.

2020 has some other delayed releases -- both Kiniro Mosaic volume 10 and Dimension W volume 16 are coming out translated on 3/17/20.  That puts us around 9 months later than when Japan received the same goods.  Well, at least it's coming out at all.

I already cleaned out my current anime weekly rankings for the new fall season.  All the summer shows will be over by Monday, so it's time to look forward to what's coming next.  The first episode of Honzuki ga Gekokujo is only five days away!

Meanwhile, the country has become ever more farcical as Pelosi has decided to impeach Trump for, get this, trying to uncover the corruption behind Hunter Biden receiving millions from a Ukraine gas company for no earthly reason.  He has no expertise in the field, has nothing to do with Ukraine, has never lived there, doesn't speak the language, is a freaking drug addict -- and yet was being paid mega bucks by this company while Joe Biden was vice President.  Any chance of a conflict of interest there?  Well, Trump thought there might be, so he asked about it -- and boom, Trump's impeached -- not Biden, the actually guilty party.

Trump has been a great president on all fronts.  He's reducing immigration even without Congress' help by trying out innovative foreign agreements and executive orders.  He's ensured three years (going on four) of peace and prosperity for all (minorities and women affected most!).  The stock market is up 50% since he took office.  The overdose rate is finally going down again, as is the murder rate.  There's simply nothing to complain about.  He's done a fantastic job given that Congress refuses to help him on every front.  So of course he gets impeached for trying to do his job, which as chief executive officer of course includes punishing criminals and dealing with foreign governments which might know about said crimes.

The Democrats are such revolting creeps.  It wasn't enough that they were caught red-handed doing satanic rituals and raping children (Epstein and Clinton were best of friends, it's all on the record, it's all on wikileaks.)  On top of that, Obama, along with his vice president Biden, tried to overthrow the results of a US election by inventing out of full cloth a fraudulent 'Russia Dossier' and sicked the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc on a witch hunt on Trump and all of his associates to try to dig up dirt on a political opponent despite the fact that he had done nothing warranting suspicion or investigation.  They did the exact thing they're accusing Trump of doing and impeaching him for -- making up crimes for their political opponents to overturn democracy.  Trump is investigating an actual crime that actually happened and is clear as day happened -- They were investigating a fake crime that never happened and was clear as day never happened.  Mueller eventually concluded that there was no collusion between Trump and Putin, so this is definitive now.  There was no crime, no reason for an investigation, it was invented out of full cloth simply to persecute a political opponent.  Why aren't Obama and Biden being impeached?  Why aren't they on trial?  Mueller has established that they began an investigation with no evidence of a crime and that in fact, there never was any evidence because it never happened even after investigating.  So why aren't they on trial right now?  Why is Trump on trial for looking at an obvious crime -- Hunter Biden receiving money without doing any work that could possibly justify said pay (did he actually do any work at all????)  while Joe Biden handles diplomacy with Ukraine to the tune of billions of dollars.  There could not be a clearer kickback bribe in all of history.  Why is Trump on trial for trying to root out corruption while Obama and Biden skate?

Can anyone explain to me how Democrats get away with everything?  Up to and including mass murder, pedophile rape networks and Satanism?

Let me put this another way -- why do Republicans put up with this?  Why does the mostly Republican military allow such injustice to reign?  The bad guys are never jailed while the good guys are constantly hounded for nothing.  Why don't they, in a fit of righteous indignation, simply hunt down and kill all the known criminals smarmily walking free right now all across the country?  Why do we allow the press to lie and lie and lie to our faces, pretending Trump has done something wrong when obviously it's Biden that's always doing something wrong?  He gropes little girls all day every day right there in front of the cameras!  And yet Trump is accused by a bunch of old fat hags who he's never met of rape left and right on a daily basis.  It's so patently absurd.

Kavanaugh is a gang rapist, but Clinton is clean as a whistle?  What world do we live in?  Why does anyone put up with this?  In the olden days, if someone defamed you, you could plug them then and there.  No one would lift an eye or a hand to defend them -- they had it coming.  Justice served.

We need old style western justice applied to every lying democrat in the country.  Every press organ, every deep state bureaucrat, every false accuser, every idiot who believes and repeats this bullshit.  Enough is enough!

The good news is I'm not the only one who's outraged and sick of this bullshit.  Impeachment is deeply unpopular and will only boomerang back at the Democrats next November.  I can't wait for election day where every single one of these smirking faggots will be thrown out of office.  Then we'll have another four years of peace and prosperity thanks to the greatest president of our lifetimes, President Donald Trump.  Stick that in your craws and choke on it, you pit of vipers, liars, criminals, schemers and coup d'etat attempters, for another four years.

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