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Monday, September 23, 2019

Amagi Brilliant Park volume 7 Read:

This was a surprisingly good book for one focused on side characters and short stories.  I guess with a good enough author anything goes.  The best short story was Salama's house burning down.  The rest was just kinda 'extra.'  Even so, it was another $7 well spent.

The last novel currently written is due for translated release in a couple months.  Even if it comes out, though, it won't help us much, as the author hasn't concluded the story anyway.  I guess every little bit helps.

Not only were the short stories short, the book as a whole was short.  It wasn't nearly enough to tide us through the month of September.  I suppose Dracu Riot will have to do the rest of the heavy lifting.  At least in October the new fall anime season begins.

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