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Friday, July 26, 2019

UchiMusume volume 8 read:

The series is finally finished.  Thank goodness.  The entire book is a description of various girls' dresses.  I have to admit, the volume is probably worth it just to see the drawing of the kiss at the end, but this has to be the dullest conclusion I've ever read to the end.  Did we really have to read about the reception ball and then two weddings in a row?  Everything that happened was implied by the previous books already.  Oh well, one more project completed.

Romances like these annoy me.  So a princess is conveniently abandoned in the woods and in need of rescue, and a dashing, literal hero, anointed by the gods with absolute power, happens to come across her.  He then defeats all her enemies as she depends on him for everything, including food, clothing, and shelter.  Under a scenario like that, any guy could bag a girl.  But if it takes that much to be weighted in your favor before a romance can bloom, what hope do ordinary guys living ordinary lives have?

That's why romance stories should never be between a princess and a hero.  It should be between an ordinary girl and an ordinary boy who could be anyone.  That way the reader can fantasize about actually enjoying a romance like the one depicted, as opposed to rolling their eyes and snorting at the ridiculousness of it all.  Da Capo and Clannad understood this and made the romance subjects normal classmates.  That's why they are the epitome of romance.  UchiMusume is some sort of cheat mode joke.

Oh well.  The author of this series isn't a professional author.  He was just a guy who imagined the cutest girl he could and then wrote a fun story about how cute she was and posted it online.  It was never even meant to reach volume 8, the story's popularity far exceeded the author's expectations.  This book also displayed Latina's cuteness, especially with that kiss drawing, so it fulfilled the writer's goal as well as could be expected.

Next up, Amagi Brilliant Park volume 6!

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