For once this was a good book. There was no overlap with the anime, the whole volume was new content. In addition, it was about Seiya instead of the worthless fairies. Seiya got a magical powerup in order to deal with his increasingly difficult circumstances, which seems kinda deus ex machina but whatever. The important thing is Latifah confessed to Seiya and demanded he be happy in addition to running the park successfully, or she won't recover her health. I think that's reasonable enough. If you aren't happy what's the point?
Anyway, a good book from start to finish. Apparently the author hated writing it because it was 'too serious' and plans on goofing off with the fairies' perspectives again in the next volume, so I look forward to volume 7 with dread.
I'm all caught up on stuff to read, but luckily a bevy of new content is set to release on the 30th. Btooom! volume 25, Avengers: Endgame, and Youjo Senki volume 6. There's plenty of fun stuff slated for August too. It will be smooth sailing all the way back into football season.
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