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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Joukamachi no Dandelion translation resumes:

Joukamachi no Dandelion is back, with four new translated chapters this July.  This is a welcome surprise.  The rusty gears are beginning to turn again.  I gave up on Gendai Mahou so the total number of manga I'm following hasn't changed.

Meanwhile, I dropped two more songs from my music hall of fame.  'Afternoon in Konoha' was too campy, and 'Machinist Soldier Factory' is a remix of 'Iron Mechanism'.  The new total is 5,391 songs.

I finished season 3 of Hero Academia and added it to my runners-up list, the series I've watched in full but still shouldn't be considered great, in my top anime rankings permapost.

I downloaded the 9 available One Pace episodes covering the beginning of the Enies Lobby arc.  Sadly most of Enies Lobby remains uncovered, but these 9 episodes replace 15 of the original One Piece episodes, so I did save myself 6 episodes worth of filler.  Every little bit helps.  Yet again the total episode count of my top anime rankings decreased.

The United Nations has made its newest demographic projection using the newest 2019 data.  It predicts there will be 4 billion sub-saharan Africans by 2100, together with over a billion North Africans, and that African children will be half the world's children born.

The idea that Africa, still living in mud huts, will be half the 'human capital' on Earth in just the next 80 years, should fill everyone with dread.  This is the end of the world, or as I've described it, 'black world, coming soon to theaters near you.'  These people have no interest in staying in impoverished Africa.  They'll spread everywhere, and no one has the racist balls to say no to them, so nothing can impede their locust like passage.  If you're against 4 billion black Africans moving to your country, the only basis could be that you view them to be inferior, which is racist, and therefore banned.  Simply opposing the black tide is considered a hate crime punishable by incarceration in many countries now.

I see nothing that can stop the ever increasing breeding of Africans and nothing that can philosophically stand in the way of their open borders migration to every corner of the globe.  That's why my newest book predicts the world is going to end in 70 years by precisely this mechanism.  The United Nations essentially agrees with me.  No one has made a rational argument for how this coming doomsday will be averted.

Interestingly enough, Andrew Anglin (like Steve Sailer also a much more popular racist website than my own), practically quotes my book with his presidential campaign platform, calling for 'forced child marriage' and 'euthanasia for any woman without a child above the age of 25.'  I wonder if he ripped those ideas straight from my book without attribution?  We'll never know, but it's nice to see my ideas spread through whatever means to millions of readers.

As Andrew Anglin seems to understand, there's a difference between marrying young girls, (like humanity historically has always done, with 12 year old girls marrying commonly in the past and no one lifting an eyebrow over it.), and raping young girls.

If you break down people's objections to pedophilia, it becomes obvious that none of them are intrinsic to liking younger girls, all of them are ancillary objections that don't apply across the board.

Objection #1)  Sexual activity with young girls is physically painful to them.

Solution #1)  Don't do said sexual activity.  There are obvious alternatives.

Objection #2)  Girls of that age aren't interested in sex or love so it's emotionally damaging.

Solution #2)  So if the girl is interested there's no problem.

Objection #3)  Girls of that age aren't aware of all the better prospects they'll meet in the future so you're restricting their overall potential happiness by taking advantage of their naivete.

Solution #3)  So if you objectively give them a splendid life that anyone would be content with there's no problem.

Objection #4)  Girls of that age aren't mature enough to fulfill their marital responsibilities.

Solution #4)  So if the girl is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature beyond her years, as demonstrated by her behavior up until entering into marriage, there's no problem.

Objection #5)  People who are only attracted to younger girls will soon discard their young conquests in search of new young girls.

Solution #5)  So if you're attracted to girls regardless of age there's no problem.

Objection #6)  Young girls suffer from a power imbalance compared to adult men and are thus coerced into the relationship by said atmospheric pressure.

Solution #6)  So if the girl has magical super powers that allows her to easily defeat you physically, is independently wealthy, isn't your subordinate in any organization, has powerful allies, or in other words, if there is no power imbalance then it's not a problem.

Objection #7)  Young women need to focus on their careers.

Solution #7)  Why?  Most 'careers' aren't worth focusing on and are far less rewarding than family life in the first place.  Even supposing they were in a vital and rewarding career, they can balance their careers and their domestic life just like older women do.  If young women should focus on careers, it follows that older women should too, which would ultimately result in species wide extinction.

None of the objections listed above apply to any of the young girls in my book.  Any additional objections, like, 'it's icky,' or, 'it makes me mad,' aren't rational objections and can therefore be discarded as beneath contempt ahead of time.

Unless you can actually point out how a young girl has been victimized by marrying early, no immoral act has been committed.  If there are no victims there is no crime.

Now, obviously child abuse is wrong, whether it's sexual or any other type.  Rape is wrong regardless of a person's age.  But marrying a young girl with the intent to make her happy and then actually succeeding in doing so doesn't fall under these parameters.  History understood this.  Andrew Anglin seems to understand this.  My book also understands this.

I think the real victims in the world today are the people who never married at all, or married too late to really benefit from it.  How many hundreds of millions of women today, looking back on their barren and purposeless existences, would've jumped at the chance to marry a good guy while they were teenagers and start a big loving family?  And how many good guys have been left out in the cold for no reason by these stupid mistaken women?

Women are committing suicide at record rates.  Their reported happiness on various surveys is at record lows.  Every year the average age of marriage and childbirth goes up, and every year women are worse off than before.  Pedophilia isn't the problem, the lack of pedophilia is the problem in the world today.  There is no statistic one can cite that would contribute to young women's happiness more than marriage and children.

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