Blog Archive

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Index NT 22 Reverse is halfway translated:

Supposedly the conclusion to Index NT, I still have no clue what will happen in the end, or if this is really the ending of Index as a whole, or simply a new beginning.  In any case, this book is more of a must read than any other Index NT volume, because it promises to conclude at least something.

The translation is available over at baka-tsuki.  Though of course my own book is much better.

Meanwhile, I dropped 'Go Go Naruto' for the same reason I dropped all the other Naruto songs.  Too campy, too silly.  That brings my music hall of fame down to 5,393.

Meanwhile, it turns out Boku no Hero Academia is a watchable series after all.  Once I catch up with the rest of season 3 I'll properly list it as a good series, and I'm now looking forward to season 4 starting this fall.

I'm afraid Lord El Melloi II is also only a watchable series.  The episodic murder mystery nature of the show isn't promising at all.  I almost never enjoy mysteries and El Melloi does not seem to be an exception.

Hopefully fall's Fate/Grand Order tv series will be an improvement.  It all comes back to the fall anime season.  Fall is going to be so amazing.

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