Blog Archive

Friday, January 11, 2019

Yuuki Yuuna S2 available in blu-ray:

A year after the anime aired, we now have the blu-ray subtitled in English, though sadly just at 720p,  thanks to dmonhiro over at

We're still waiting on blu-rays for Death March, New Game S2, Berserk S2, Wake Up Girls, Shin Sho, Yama no Susume S3, and others, but at least this is a step in the right direction.

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition for PS4 is out.

There are only two untranslated chapters of Sakura Trick remaining.  So close yet so far.

Macedonia is renaming itself 'North Macedonia' so that it can join NATO and the EU.  I welcome their progress into the civilized world.  All of Europe should be a 1st world country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.  It's unforgivable for whites, with all their wonderful genetic potential, to be worse off than countries in Africa.

I combined 'We're still dying' with the 'isekai death' and 'killing slimes' (note the death theme) posts into one continuous chain of thought, all under the 'We're still dying' title.  I thought it was a very good chain of thought that is somewhat original compared to my other permaposts, so I added it as a 'see also' link under 'Homogeneity isn't Hate, it's the solution to hate,' which also mentions the drug epidemic.

With each new permapost addition, it becomes more difficult to add anything new that hasn't been said before, but 'We're Still Dying' shows it can still be done.  Let's hope I find something interesting to say sometime this year as well.

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