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Friday, November 30, 2018

Isekai Skill Taker & Instant Death:

Two more eminently readable manga, both based off of earlier web novels, have joined my ranks.  The only problem is even with all this manga to follow, it's still not enough to fill up every hour of every day.

But at least I have something I like, the real problem is with the people who have been left with nothing at all.

Over 50% of people are single, they generally report having only one confidante in their life.  To them, family is just a dream within a dream.  They will go their whole lives barren and unloved.

They will never win an election, because it's impossible to win an election in the American electoral system.  The judges or the Senate filibuster prevent any change from ever occurring.  It isn't just Trump, Obama was incapable of passing anything either, and the next president won't do any better.

Most people by now realize God is just like Santa Claus, a pleasant myth told to kids.  For those who do believe in Him still, their relationship with Him is inconsequential -- it isn't enough to get them to actually read their own holy books, abide by any of their Prophet's teachings, expect actual divine intervention to occur at any point in their lives, have any impact on their immortal souls in the afterlife, etc, etc.  It's a completely phony belief that's only worn on the surface and never actually means anything.  It's doubtful they even go to church, but if they do it's for the social functions, not the actual religion.

Their jobs will never have a serious impact on the outside world.  They haven't even had a pay raise since 1970.

But whatever pitiful job you can get in the world today, you know that it won't actually improve anyone else's lives.  There's always someone (or something) else that could have done the same work as you, probably for cheaper.  Or people could have just foregone your service entirely, since it isn't an actual necessity.  Most of the time people would have been better off without your efforts -- that's why the government has to intervene so forcefully to *make* people consume your services and *make* employers hire more employees through all sorts of subsidies, mandates, taxes, government jobs, regulations, tax credits, etc, etc.

Even if somehow you're one of the chosen few people whose job actually benefits others, since these 'others' are all aliens who hate you and want to replace you with more scum of the Earth, since the whole country is going down the toilet and you're only empowering evil just like in Atlas Shrugged, no satisfaction can be gained even from a job well done.

It's like Sonderkommandos taking pride in their work at efficiently gassing their own Jewish brethren.  Who would do that?  How is that going to contribute to life satisfaction?  In a country where every drop of your effort is either taxed from you and lavished on benefits to undeserving foreigners or directly serving said undeserving foreigners, what pride can possibly be taken in doing your job well?

Only in a country where people were like you could you be happy to be of use to them.  If you're surrounded by parasites, invaders and degenerates, making them happy is the last thing you should want to do.

Bowling Alone actually quantifies this issue -- as a country becomes more diverse, people spend less time outside, join fewer social organizations and volunteer less.  They even become more averse to taxes and spending redistribution schemes.  Why should people want to help complete strangers?  Love and charity is meant for reciprocal kith and kin circles, not marauding barbarians here just to rape and plunder.

The same should be true of work as volunteer work.  If you don't see any reason to volunteer for your community, why should you want to work for them?  Yes, because you need the money -- but how much money do people really need?  They don't have any families to support, and they don't want to give it away in taxes, they don't pay tithes to any churches, they don't really have any expenses.  If you make even $6,000 a year you can get by with access to all modern necessities.

The main reason people work isn't for the money, it's because they seek self-fulfillment by being of use to others and receiving their commendation.  Also because they're just plain bored and want to have something to do with their free time.  If it were just about money, people would only work 2 hours a day.

However, it isn't fulfilling to receive praise or thanks from people you hate and despise -- nor is the praise or thanks of people who hate and despise you worth anything.  Nor does it make people feel good to see the people they hate and despise doing well due to their own efforts.

50% of Republicans report in polls that they believe Democrats are evil.  60% of Democrats report in polls they believe Republicans are bigots.  (which makes you evil according to a Democrat).  In a country like this, where your work is more likely to aid an evildoer or bigot than a good person and an ally, why work?

Who exactly are you empowering?  And why would you want to?

Work in America is treason -- whether you're a Republican or a Democrat.  No one in good conscience could contribute to the well-being of the other half of America, believing what they believe about them.

No faith, no family, no community, no friends, no activity worth doing, no future -- and you wonder why people are dropping like flies out there?

These unnecessary 117,000 deaths from suicide and overdosing are just the tip of the iceberg.  The vast majority of Americans are likewise suffering from the same ailments but just haven't gotten up the courage to kill themselves over it yet.  If we keep heading down this same course, the death totals will only keep accelerating.

Now maybe this is fine.  If you believe most Americans should die off because they all suck anyway, if you believe that the beautiful people have strong intact families, close-knit communities, a loving God providing them with a purpose-driven life, lots of well earned money, not just a job but a 'calling' that allows them to do good in the world every day, lots of people to chat with about their daily vicissitudes, etc, etc, then maybe the system is working as intended.

If good people can rise above the failings of the weak and carve out all the happiness they need in life, then the devil take the hindmost, right?

I just don't see that happening though.  To me, it's the best and brightest who are tempest-tossed in this world, and the worst and dumbest that thrive.  It isn't the college degree holders with big loving families, it's the girls without college degrees.  It isn't the truth tellers who get ahead, but the liars and backstabbers.  It isn't the hard working providers who get the girl, but the bad boy criminals.  The people who end up taking drugs and committing suicide are the sensitive souls, who can see deeply into the nature of the world and find it so revolting that they make the ultimate rejection of it.

As evidence for this, it's white males who are dying the most from both these curses -- not black and Hispanic gangbangers, not the women who file for divorce 75% of the time, not the tax eaters, not Democrats.  It's our best and brightest, the engine of this country, who provide everything good for everyone else to leech off of.

I just don't see how primarily white males, the only group with a net positive tax contribution, the only group who votes Republican, the only group who wants to marry and settle down and have normal healthy children, dying in droves, how this can be a good thing.

I'm all for evolution in action and culling the weak, but -- is that really what we're doing?

What if instead we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs?  Would it then be wise to flippantly smirk about these numbers?

What if these people are suffering the worst from modernity's metaphysical contradictions precisely because they understand life best?  What if they're the canaries in the coal mine?  What if we're torturing to death the very best of us, who take spiritual matters more seriously, and are thus closer to divinity than the rabble content to keep eating their industrially manufactured slop?

I am anti-drug and anti-suicide.  I want people to flourish in the way God intended for them, by following a normal, happy, healthy life course like all our ancestors did in the past.  I have zero respect for anyone who chooses, for whatever reason, to abandon God's plan and self destruct instead.  But at the same time, I can't help but think that these people could have led very different lives, if the environment were just a little bit more amenable to them.  If we weren't just so incredibly out to get white males, if every single law in the country weren't out to get them -- what would have happened then?

How many wonderful people were there among these 117,000?  What about next year's crop?  The year after's?

We're losing an entire World War's worth of people every year and nobody cares.  I get it, there's 330,000,000 of us and rising, so who cares, right?  But. . .

I can't help but think Vinland could do better.  We should at least give it a try.  Why should we just have to sit back and be content with numbers like these?  Anything at this point is likely to be an improvement, just by blind chance.

Even without a wife and children, I'm probably among the top 1% happiest people on Earth.  I have 200 favorite anime, 75 favorite manga, 134 favorite seiyuu, 100 favorite waifus, 5368 favorite songs, 200 favorite movies, 10 favorite TV shows, 50 favorite video game franchises, 10 favorite visual novel franchises, 60 Magic: The Gathering decks, 100 favorite authors, and the chance to express myself through this blog.

I feel like the world has been good to me and I'm very blessed.  But without these things I'd be wallowing in the mud right now alongside 2017's casualty figures.  I'd be right there with them, suffering with every breath, wanting it all to end.  Because there is nothing natural about my happiness.  If I hadn't found the things I loved and had the intellect and personality to love them, I would have nothing right now.  Nothing came naturally.  Nothing about society or my environment led me to these things.  It was just blind luck.  I am fearful for the children being born into this world, born with nothing, who won't be led to embrace any of the things I have.  What chance do they have?

In Vinland they would have everything I have and more.  In America, odds are, they'll have the brief passing euphoria of fentanyl until they die.  That's the only thing they can possibly look forward to, because everything else has been taken away from them.  Any chance at a normal job, wife, children, community or calling has all been taken away by the powers that be.  The elites have deemed them all 'problematic.'  They prefer us chopping off our dicks and donning wigs.

It twists my stomach to think what a white male born into America today has to look forward to if they were to live out their full natural lifespan.  But I guess that's not a real risk, is it, because all white males will have killed themselves long before then, at the rate we're going. . .

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