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Monday, September 3, 2018

Ao Jumonji is the new #1:

Due to my good books hall of fame being rated by value added, ie, books who haven't been covered by a superior medium like an anime, SAO and Index could no longer sustain their #1 and #2 rankings.  They're both getting additional anime next month, which will eat away at their worths as books.

Meanwhile Hai to Gensou no Grimgar's final untranslated volume, #11, is set to be translated and released this October.  Hai to Gensou isn't getting an anime, so this value goes straight into the value added column.  Between Hai to Gensou's meteoric rise in translated volumes and SAO and Index's fall, that puts Ao Jumonji as the #1 light novel author of all time.

There's been very little to get excited about this year in terms of light novel translations.  One Spice and Wolf book, one Parchment and Wolf book, one Index NT book, one Eromanga Sensei book, and one SAO book that still isn't fully translated yet.  No Game No Life is getting another translated volume in October, so that will be nice.  Perhaps Hataraku Maou-sama volume 16 will come out before the end of the year.

But basically, it's been very slim pickings outside of Hai to Gensou.  Meanwhile, Hai to Gensou released volumes 5-11 all during this year alone.  That's equal to all other translators combined.

What gets translated has consequences.  Hai to Gensou has received a lot of love, and as a result it's reached the top of the world.  It's one of the only bright spots of the year.

(I caught up on Rokka no Yuusha, GATE, Death March and other translations this year, but they were already translated earlier so they don't count.)

(Volume 20 of Bake-(etc)-monogatari has been translated, but that isn't much use so long as volume 19 isn't translated.  Until we're sure it's not going to be animated, there isn't much use reading this series anyway.)

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