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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Resistance is Futile:

Ann Coulter's newest book came out today, "Resistance is Futile."  It's hilarious, informative, and hard-hitting, like all her works.  What surprises me most is despite all the free weekly editorials you can read from her, the book is still full of new and interesting stuff she's never said before.  This is not just a collection of her previous essays, it's a well researched, wholly new insight into the world.

Ann Coulter may be the sharpest conservative thinker in the world.  Every time I read her I learn something worthwhile.  This book, like all her books, is well worth the money.

I also bought and read the latest volume of Btooom!, volume 22, which came out today.  It's been a good day for new releases.  I'm also still working on the new Kyoukai no Rinne, which is so massive it will take a while to bore through.  With all this fun stuff coming out there's no time for Battle for Azeroth, which really has nothing new or interesting to offer.  Maybe the game should have just ended with Legion. . .

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