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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


All hail the voters of Massachusetts! Ted Kennedy, one of the worst villains to ever live, who personally ushered the 1965 immigration act into law, promising, "This will not upset the racial balance of this country. Millions of immigrants will not flood in under this bill," who murdered jo kopechne through his drunk driving during an affair, finally died of brain cancer.

Today his failure is complete. The Republicans have won his former Senate seat with Scott Brown. Imagine that! A Republican winning a senate seat in Massachusetts! It's surreal! But it indicates just how disastrous Obama's first year in office has been, and just how terrified the American people were of Congress remaining filibuster-proof as it has been so far. Of course, if Al Franken hadn't stolen his election via multiple recounts in Minnesota to upset the actual Republican winner, none of this would have happened. But like usual, Republicans are spineless and whenever an election is close, they cede it to the democrats. This time it wasn't even close. And now we have a precious, precious Senate minority that can filibuster deranged democratic programs once again. Starting with the deranged and terrible health care bill. Then we will filibuster the deranged and terrible amnesty plan. Then we will filibuster the deranged and terrible cap and trade plan. Then we will filibuster everything else the deranged and terrible democrats have planned. And for the rest of this year, Obama won't be able to pass anything.

And in November of 2010, the real election begins -- and watch out Democrats. If you can lose in Massachusetts, you can lose anywhere. This might be a bloodletting on an unprecedented scale. It could be the Clinton years all over again. Clinton in 1992 came in with a democratic congress and immediately attempted to reform health care. As a penalty, he lost all his support in Congress and from 1994-2000 he had to negotiate deals with the Republicans to pass his budgets. We are watching the exact same series of events as before. Thank God! It appears Americans have not gone completely insane yet. If you push them too far, they really do dig in their heels.

Unfortunately, Republicans are just as foolish about legal immigration as democrats. This achilles heel means that a Republican government cannot save our country or our people from eventual extinction. But boy do they make life more pleasant in the interim! While Republicans seek to give the white race a mercy killing, democrats are hellbent on torturing us to death. And perhaps someday, when the consequences of immigration are visible for all Americans, even the dimmest and most brainwashed, they will dig in their heels and buck the orthodoxy -- just like the voters of Massachusetts did today when they showed they aren't democratic automatons, but must be convinced every election to keep supporting the same group. Even fifty straight years of voting democrat wasn't insurance against Brown winning this senate seat -- therefore even fifty straight years of rubber stamping legal immigration does not mean whites will never wake up and say, "enough is enough."

This vote gives us the short-term hope of salvaging a horrible presidency, but it also gives us a long-term hope -- that if things get bad enough, voters do desire change. No one is a 'lock.' That gives our dreams room to grow for many years to come.

Happy days are here again! Ding, dong, the health care bill's dead. Unless, of course, they use some maneuver or other to avoid a filibuster. *Sigh*. Pelosi did, after all, promise that the bill would still pass even with Brown elected. We'll just have to wait and see.

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