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Monday, January 25, 2010

Boilerplate Anti-racism:

Once you've woken up and start viewing the world through the lens of racial awareness, it quickly becomes apparent how unoriginal, simplistic, and ignorant our opponents are. Instead of trying to reason with us, they demonize us. Instead of engaging our facts, they dismiss them. Instead of trying to understand our values, they give them some sort of insulting label which is never really defined but just serves as a placeholder for '++notgoodthink.'

Many countries simply ban anyone from even saying anything about race whatsoever -- unless of course it's something anti-white. In countries where people are allowed to speak, however, few are ever allowed to listen. This is because no one has ever really heard what we think and why. Not a single moment in their lives do they ever listen to the source -- it is always translated and 'explained' through some hostile media group that sits between us and the people we need to reach. If people ever sat down and took the time to review our scientific literature on race, I am confident 90% of them would be race realists by the end of it. Our scientific case is supported by all the evidence. All of it. From every field of science. Almost all scientists, when polled anonymously, agree that IQ is predominately hereditary, that IQ tests are not culturally biased, and that they are valid predictors of real-life success.

There is a vast gulf between what the experts know, and what the masses know about race and IQ. This vast gulf is maintained by a hostile, lying media whose sole purpose in life is to cover up these facts and silence/demonize anyone who tries to publish them. There is another vast gulf between what people publicly profess, and what they privately think about race and IQ. This creates a surreal world that is only matched by Orwell's imagination and Stalinist Russia. In white people's private lives, they avoid non-whites like the plague. They live in all white neighborhoods, go to all white schools, worship at all white churches, marry all white partners, and vote for an all white party. In public, they say diversity is our greatest strength, that they have a dozen non-white friends and lovers, and that there isn't a racist bone in their body. Conjectures that after a few generations these barriers will break down have proven false. If anything, our country is more segregated than it used to be. (See books like 'The Great Sort.')

Nevertheless, every commercial on TV depicts ridiculous scenes that simply DO NOT EXIST in the real America: Two mothers are watching over a kid's birthday party, one white and one black, with white and black kids cheerfully playing together. Naturally, the imbecile white male father is dressed up as a clown, hurts himself, then screams and scares all the kids away. Three people are watching a football game together, two white and one black. Et Cetera, Et Cetera. If we were to believe the media, this country is 33-50% black, and blacks and whites live side by side in all places, the best of friends, with no differences in how they talk, dress, what TV they watch, how much money they make -- nothing. In addition, every criminal depicted in a TV commercial is white. Three whites storm in to rob a bank. A black starts messing with his phone while laying on the ground. A 'fully integrated,' 'buddy' white type whispers to him, "dude, don't be a hero!" Then the black explains he isn't calling the police or anything, he's just gleefully programming his hd tv to record his favorite show from afar.

The number of things that are wrong with this picture simply blows your mind. White males are either clumsy imbeciles who can't do anything right, or bank robbers, or home burglars. Blacks are always high class businessmen, or romantic reliable lovers, or your best friend (How many jewelry commercials have blacks giving their wives diamond engagement rings or anniversary necklaces, despite the fact that 80% of black children are born out of wedlock?) All women have a 'best friends forever' black equal who they party with, no doubt to discuss how worthless the white woman's husband is behind his back. These commercials would be halfway tolerable if they were at least only shown on 'lifetime' and 'oxygen' and 'Black Entertainment Television.' Unfortunately they air expressly on the very shows white men want to watch, the NFL Playoffs. They simply blast away, full tilt, against their own audience, dripping with hatred, venom, and derision.

Because the average American watches television over 4 hours a day but fails to read a single book per year, most of their knowledge of the outside world is whatever they picked up from these commercials and shows. Not only do the shows depict an alternate reality, so do the news channels, who carefully filter out anything or anyone who might make a non-white look bad, or have a realistic explanation for why countries like Haiti are the way they are. However, popular culture is kept permanently aware of 'racism' and 'racists.' Whites are daily reminded that most whites are racist and that racist white males are the cause of all the problems on Earth that are, have been, or ever will be. This creates a bias against people investigating what racists really think or really say when you actually stop and listen to their words. They don't bother reading well documented, peer-reviewed scientists like Rushton and Lynn. They have been told ahead of time that this is 'debunked pseudo-science.' Even though, of course, it has never been debunked, is completely modern science, and in fact most scientists agree with Rushton, Murray, Lynn, Cochran, Hart, Jensen, Watson, Shockley, Darwin, etc. But to learn this they would have to actually read the books these people have written, investigate the counter-arguments made against them, and then read the replies these authors have made refuting said counter-arguments. No one is going to take this much effort to learn the truth when they have been coached ahead of time by the media that only evil people ever speak about these things or listen to them.

This of course leads to the next problem: If people will not believe your facts, which are the foundation of your reasoning, even though they are straight out of the mouths of PHD scientists in peer reviewed journals or footnoted books, they cannot follow the logic of your opinions. This is why the media delights to explain the goals, motivations, or opinions of a racist -- "X, who has associated with Y, has called for the separation between the races and that this well-known evil historical figure or time period was in the right." If you simply blurt this out like someone with Tourette's syndrome, everyone recoils in confusion and loathing.

However, if taken in context, with full knowledge of the facts, these same words would sound like music to people's ears. If taken from the context that whites are being exterminated from the face of the Earth via mass immigration, miscegenation, and below replacement birth rates, if taken from the context that at this rate we only have 100 years left before we effectively cease to exist as a people, if taken from the context that our countries are going bankrupt supporting less productive, criminal underclasses with our tax dollars, if taken from the context that the world is overpopulated and groaning under the masses of third world baby-factories who even in the midst of utter poverty continue to, unfathomably, have 6, 8, or 10 children a piece, if taken from the context that the Soviet Union lied about what it found in Poland after WWII to discredit its defeated foe, if taken from the context that Indians were a barbaric, savage, evil stone-age civilization that practiced cannibalism, self-mutilation, and human sacrifice on a horrific scale, if taken from the context that blacks were treated better by their slave owners than they would have been treated in their native lands and that the black diaspora lives an infinitely better life at any period in American history than they would have had staying in Africa, if taken from the context that Islam is a totalitarian religion bent on world conquest that has no problem with killing non-muslim men and then enslaving and raping their women as booty, if taken from the context that Jews were the inventors and the main supporters of Communism in the past, and the watered down 'liberalism' of the present, if taken from the context from all the necessary facts a white nationalist must know before he comes to any informed opinion -- nothing he says is surprising or extreme in the least.

The media, by simply informing people of our goals, of what opinions we've formed, of what policies we endorse, of what historical figures or eras we admire, creates a completely distorted picture of the debate. Unless and until the media also informs people HOW WE CAME TO THESE CONCLUSIONS, and WHY WE BELIEVE WHAT WE DO, and gives people full access to the facts we used to come up with our conclusions, and then fairly and accurately admits that all these facts are true, above-board, well-documented, and proven beyond any doubt, they are not allowing people to listen to what we have to say. Freedom of speech requires two elements, not one. The speaker has to be allowed to say what he wants, and the audience has to be equipped with the ability to listen if they want. When listeners are conditioned to shut us out, when facts are buried and never allowed to inform people's discussions, when groups are demonized without being given a fair hearing, freedom of speech is reverse engineered in such a way that people can say whatever they like, but people can't hear anything but 'diversity is strength,' 'freedom is slavery,' 'war is peace.' '2+2=5.'

So what I'd like anti-racists to do is to stop and think to themselves: "If this person has spent years studying the facts behind these issues, and I have never once investigated these facts, who is more likely to have an informed, and thus correct, opinion?"

"What right do I have to criticize another person's facts, or opinions, when I haven't even investigated the material myself?"

"What if everything I've been told has been a lie and this is the first honest person I've ever met?"

"What if this person is completely normal and just has access to different information than I have ever had?"

"What if his facts are right -- are his opinions extreme then? Would he have something to worry about if his facts were true? What solutions would I envision if I believed all the facts he did?"

"Is it likely that people would adopt such unpopular positions out of anything else but a genuine, principled, and self-sacrificial devotion to Truth?"

"What harm would there be in setting up two parallel societies, one under our principles, and one under theirs, and letting people migrate to whichever one they prefer, and then compare the results of the two over the next century to see who was right and who was wrong?"

"What if all my ancestors were right and I'm the one who's wrong?"

"What if all the greatest philosophers and scientists of the past were right and I'm the one who's wrong?"

You might just see the light.

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