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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Choyoyu ends:

Fantastic franchises are ending left and right these days.  Today I read the final volume of Choyoyu, aka, 'High School Prodigies in Another World,' volume 10.  First the anime ended so I read the manga, then the manga ended so I read the books.  Now the books are over and the whole story is complete.  Volume 10 was great, in keeping with the entire series, which relies on philosophical debate instead of combat to resolve differences.  This volume was taken to the extreme -- the bad guy was so much stronger than them that there was no hope of resistance, even with an arsenal of nuclear weapons.  At that point the only thing you can do is persuade your opponent, and so that's what they did, in a believable manner that would persuade anyone -- an all you can eat buffet with hot soup, bunny girls and diamond jewelry.

It's a shame Tsukasa went with Lyrule instead of Ringo but oh well, you can't win them all.  Ringo has the greater glory of being represented in '100 Waifus,' so overall she wins.

With these tales' conclusions, 13 out of my favorite 28 light novel series are completed and translated into English, and 37 out of 75 of my favorite manga are the same.  They're both a little under half.  It's great for two different series of this worth to end on the same day, but as you can see we're still nowhere near satisfactory.  English translators need to step up their game, as do Japanese authors, and see all these works through to completion.  If I can do it so can they.

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