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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Mitsuki hole filled:

I added a little bit to Chapter 56 for a sweet love scene with Mitsuki, a girl who was (quite unfairly) generally marginalized throughout the novel:

  The year was 132 E.T. Sora was too good for me. They were all too good for me. I couldn't be with any of them remotely as much as they deserved. But I had come up with a brilliant stratagem to alleviate the concern. That morning at the breakfast table I stood up energetically to make my announcement: "At this point we may as well make it a tenth!"

  "You remembered!" Mitsuki clapped her hands together, equally surprised and overjoyed. Indeed I had. Back in the Fafnir days that had been her stated child target with me, and now I was finally able to grant her wish. Her love for me had always been that red hot, to the point that it had taken me 132 years to match it, one of infinite reasons I had picked her in the first place, but all 132 years were worth it for the instant I glimpsed that heartfelt smile.

  Of course, not everyone was as enthusiastic, but observing Mitsuki's reaction no one had the heart to object, so the motion was passed without further ado. Sae gave me a tired smile while Nekone beat her forehead against the varnished tabletop repeatedly.

* * *

This is all canon.  By amazing coincidence, the last novel of Juuou Mugen no Fafnir did have Mitsuki confess her desire for ten children, which is where my own book's well of children ended up at as well.  Given the alignment of the stars it would be foolish to not take advantage of it.  For any reader who starts reading with the 39th edition, it will look like the book was all planned around this moment from the beginning.  Sometimes I wonder if fate really is guiding my pen.  I mean, what were the odds that Myusel actually got in a polygamous marriage with Petralka after I had already written '100 Waifus'?  Or that the protagonist of Uma Musume Season 3 would be Kitasan Black, the same last name as Kuon's?  Every coincidence always plays out in my favor.

While I was at it I also edited an Iris sentence to rhyme (the edit is the bolded words):   "Remember I'm an otaku too, so date night with me is always as simple and easy as turning on the tv!"  Iris used her appeal time in front of the camera to devastating effect, holding up her index finger and smiling brightly.

Every time I read that sentence I automatically inserted 'with me' into the passage because it fit so perfectly, and I had to keep reminding myself that she hadn't actually composed a silly poem for Christopher, but I decided there was no point fighting fate and gave in -- from the 39th edition on poetry it was.

I also corrected Aisia's hair length description from 'short' to 'medium,' corrected ADD (attention deficit disorder) to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which seems to be the preferred parlance), corrected the spelling of 'yamato nadeshico' to 'yamato nadeshiko', and have waged a war on commas, deleting dozens of unnecessary ones.  World war comma has been very difficult, because sometimes it makes sense to let the reader pause and denote where thoughts separate, and other times it just trips the reader up and slows them down when the thought should be a united whole.  There's no exact right answer or grammatical formula, but overall I was using too many commas in too many places they didn't belong, so I fought the good fight and got things to the balance they ought to be.

I'm only about halfway through the book and already there were this many edits.  But I don't mind, it would be a waste to re-read the book if I couldn't find any ways to improve it.  This makes all my efforts worth it, it's a delight to see so many positive changes from when I started.  Hopefully when I read the book for the 40th time, which will now be necessary since the 39th edition showed I still had lots of stuff I missed correcting up until now, I can bask in an error-free book for the first time.

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