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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Best Lines of the non-waifus of 100 Waifus:


A human life, thrown correctly, would skip across the lake of time, safely reaching Cute-sama's embrace on the other side, each ripple a moment of divinity so beautiful, so precious, that even God could not foresee or replicate it.  But change the angle or the force ever so slightly, and the stone would not skip.  Instead it would sink, producing nothing, going nowhere, just falling into an abyss of its own treacherous making.

The Ten Commandments were the only angle that could let a stone skip or a soul sing.

Vivio Takamachi:

"In our history class, we're told that gays are degenerates, they're despicable people who ruin themselves, families, even nations.  And they're discourteous people who demand everyone treat them equally when they're obviously not equal, they're degenerates who go around ruining everything.  But in our Arts and Literature class, Nanoha and Fate look really happy together.  Saki and Nodoka look happy together.  Father, even Yuu and Haruka look really happy together.  So which is the real truth?  I wanted to ask you this.  If you're so against girls loving girls, why did you show us all these beautiful love stories?  Why did you get my hopes up?  Why did you poison my heart?"  Vivio stopped and put both her hands over the center of her chest, giving me an anguished look.

Ushio Furukawa:

"Naitena, Papa. . . Papa, daisuki."  Ushio removed her hand from mine and patted my hip, which was the furthest she could reach to console me.

Yukino Heartfilia:

"Look Father!"  Yukino pulled on Christopher's sleeve to get his attention and brandished three zodiac keys in her outstretched hand.  "Mother arrived here with her ten contracted spirits, but she told me the remaining three were always meant for me.  When I asked Cute-sama she assured me they were scattered somewhere across the world, so I went on a quest to find them.  It took all these years, but now I can follow in Mother's footsteps!"

Zack Lockhart:

"That's nothing."  Zack interjected.  "Do you know how many Materia my mother came with in her backpack?  And every time she mastered one a new one was born, until the whole apartment was rolling around with them, and I got to inherit them all. . ."

Selphie Heartilly:

"My Mother's even worse!"  Selphie protested.  "She's always wandering around the city walking the dog and looking for 'draw spots,' so we never get anywhere on time.  And occasionally she'll make someone stop and perform an endless ritual on them in the middle of the street until she nods happily and proclaims '100!'  It's so embarrassing!"

Yushis Amsynth:

"Tifa!"  Yushis remonstrated with her step-mother in an exasperated tone, trying to be respectful and angry simultaneously.  "It's fine when it's around people like you, but Papa is a completely ordinary human who will die from a feather!"

Shiori Amsynth:

Eden had no college, so the later years of high school tended to allow more range and freedom of academic thought than usual.  Another way of saying it was the people of Eden were smart enough to condense all of school, including college, into the first eighteen years of life, so that they could then go out and actually live while they were still young enough to enjoy it.  Shiori was satisfied that any history worth knowing she had already learned, that school had done its job, and she didn't need it anymore.  Endless extra years of education weren't a strength, they were a crutch, an excuse to not become an adult and do something meaningful with your life.  She knew that men and women had vital contributions to society and neither of them could be spared without disastrous consequences.  She knew why the family, which included a man, a woman, and children, was the elementary particle of human existence and not the individual, which was prone to mental and emotional imbalances on one side or the other.  She knew why Christopher should continue ruling the world, because the alternatives were unthinkably awful.  She knew why it was important that she fall in love and start a family of her own sooner rather than later, so that she didn't get lost in a maze of hedonism and self-indulgence, but took up an overarching purpose and duty that could help shape her legacy and contribution to the community that had doted on her as the last and thus most precious and adorable child on Eden.  She knew that when it came time for her to rule over a galaxy or two, she would be a selfless but stern ruler like all the best examples history had provided, the rulers who had made their empires flourish instead of decay.  She knew that teaching history to the kids who followed after her, her own children included, was a good way to keep that talent sharpened until the day of its necessity arrived.  She even knew about Shiori Rin, the wonderful girl she had been named after and hoped to match someday.
She knew who she was and who she was meant to be.  Shiori Amsynth, the last child of God, and the first of the coming Galactic Empire, which would make all of human history worth it.

Chiharu Amsynth:

"It can't be some generic skill.  Skill at something and being a good person aren't related at all."  Chiharu rejected.

Kotone Amsynth:

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if you're good at sports, or cooking, or war, or making money.  What I want is someone who's good at loving me and my children.  Someone who will help me rule and raise children I can be proud of."  Kotone concurred.

Rei Amsynth:

"I'm not going to be a history teacher."  Rei announced.  "History is not the highest priority for me.  But I'll marry one of the five highest scoring participants in a history quiz.  Because I trust Shiori.  If she thinks a good guy will appear for me, then I'll take him.  It's not like I found one any other way."

Aiko Amsynth:

"I want to marry and have kids."  Aiko spoke plainly.

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