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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Pac-12 Vanishes:

College football is getting weirder than ever with the dissolution of the Pac-12 conference, which has been around for a century.  The premier teams went to the Big 10 and the second raters went to the Big 12, the remainder don't have anywhere to go.

Luckily none of this affects the 2024 football season, which has a great lineup of teams and matches.  But 2025 onwards is going to be chaos.

Meanwhile Megan Rapinoe personally lost team USA the World Cup, missing a penalty kick by a mile which, if she had hit, would have sent us to the next round.  So much for trans-friendly lesbians with dyed blue hair and tattoos.  Now she can retire in disgrace.

I really wanted to win that game, when we went up 2 penalty kicks, I was sure we were going to win, but then we missed two in a row.  We had more chances than them throughout the game, but their goalie was an iron wall we could not find a way around.  Sweden played well and deserved this win, but we also played well and deserved this win, if our penalty kickers hadn't completely blown it at the very end.

Meanwhile Zelensky broke his promise (he's good at that, isn't he?  Sort of like how he broke the Minsk agreement which is why the war started in the first place) not to use cluster munitions on civilian areas today.  He flagrantly cluster bombed the hell out of downtown Donetsk, a civilian area with no military targets whatsoever, killing and wounding civilians and setting a University on fire.  Biden solemnly proclaimed that he had been assured, assured by the saintly Ukrainians that the cluster munitions we shared with Ukraine would never be used against civilians.  So will Biden admit he was deceived?  Will he condemn Ukraine for betraying us?  Or will he silently watch on and pretend this never happened?  Or will he openly condone the mass slaughter of civilians with US provided munitions?  We all know what the US press will do.  They will lie by omission, by total silence, by not saying a word about it.  They will pretend it never happened while never actually saying it never happened.  And they will continue to lionize Zelensky as a great, wonderful, saintly, Jesus reborn and give him more cluster munitions and whatever else he wants.  Because we all knew Biden knew from the start what Ukraine would use our cluster munitions for and we never cared.  All that blather was just a smokescreen, squid ink, to make the USA not look like war criminals.  Everyone in the know already knew, and everyone not in the know still won't know.  If the press doesn't tell them it happened, did it really happen?  All most Americans know is Biden solemnly assured America that no cluster munitions would ever target civilians, and since no new news has aired about the issue, they will assume that's still the case.  This is how our wonderful independent free press works.

Ukraine is flailing and losing badly, they can't beat the Russian military so they're venting their spite on innocent civilians instead.  They've become ISIS.  Of course, they were always ISIS, ever since 2014, when they burnt all those unarmed civilian protesters alive in Odessa.  But now they're using specially made, USA weapons to become a more deadly ISIS than ever before.  Russia defeated ISIS in Syria and they'll defeat ISIS in Ukraine too.  Russia's army continues to grow, to modernize, gaining new technologies and capabilities and ever larger production volumes of the weapons they've found work best during the war.  Meanwhile Ukraine only ever loses manpower, ammunition and armored vehicles.  It is always weaker than the day before.  In the polls the west has lost interest in giving Ukraine a dime more than we already have.  No one wants to prop up this genocidal terrorist regime any longer, especially when it's so obvious they'll lose whether we give them random shit or not.

My opinion on Ukraine was right from the beginning, and yes, I was writing about this all the way back in 2014 and supported the Donbass back then too.  Soon that will become apparent to everyone.  Ukraine will surrender and admit total defeat, NATO will quietly go away and stop bothering Russia, which now has an army and more importantly a military manufacturing base more powerful than all of NATO combined, and the Russians of Ukraine will finally be safe and free.  Meanwhile Europe, without Russian natural gas, will continue to shrink economically while Russia grows with new trading partners and proven military goods the whole world will want to buy from here on.  They can export arms as a new industry on par with oil, they can now make enough for the whole world's needs.  No one will want the shit the USA provides, as it's all far too expensive, too few in number, too high maintenance, and still no better than the Russian alternatives.

The Rules Based Order, which said the west can openly brag about never planning to uphold the Minsk accord, but Russia must follow every Rule and Order the USA gives them, will vanish in disgrace, just like Megan Rapinoe.  In its place will be actual rules where both sides have to abide by them, that are spelled out in advance, and are not just some nebulous vague claim that whatever the USA says goes.

The USA can't win World Cups and it can't win wars.  It's through, it's a spent power, there's nothing competent or effective coming out of our country anymore.  We're just a bunch of indebted drug users, fatsos, faggots and pussies.  Our President is a senile corrupt rapist over the age of 80 with a crack smoking felon for a son who refuses to take responsibility for his out of wedlock children with strippers.  This is America.  Oh, and in this America, we arrest the leading opposition candidate for the Presidential race only one year away.  Indistinguishable from Pakistan, Brazil or any other shithole.  America is a shithole.  We are morally pure shit for giving cluster munitions to Ukraine, our athletes are shit for a World Cup record of one win, two draws and one loss, our scientists are shit for inventing the Covid-19 virus in a lab so unsafe it was bound to leak into the world populace and kill tens of millions of people, and then inventing a death jab that instead of curing Covid-19 created a yet worse catastrophe raising mortality rates a further 20% across the world, and our diplomats are shit for provoking a pointless war that destroyed the economy of Europe and the entire population of Ukraine while only empowering the enemy we were trying to 'put in its place.'

If only Russia would put us out of our misery and nuke all of America's major urban centers, but sadly, they won't lift a finger against us.  We're plenty capable of destroying ourselves.  All the moral remainder of the world need do is wait.

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