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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

3 songs flipped:

Meiya Kadenrou, the first opening to Katanagatari, has been promoted to 5-star.  It's a big oversight because the 2nd opening was already 5-star, and I actually prefer the 1st opening over the 2nd.  It replaces Asram's theme from Lodoss War, a short instrumental piece that's no match for a long vocal.  'Stand your Ground' from FF 15 replaces another short instrumental Lodoss War song, 'Shrine of Death.'

I also promoted Character Creation from FF Tactics back to 5-star after a very short demotion period, as it's clearly better than 'Star', a random song from Fushigi Yuugi with many suspect elements.

Now my 5-star tier should be perfect, after all, this was the result of checking over everything, so what could be left to check?  The only problem is I still found spelling errors in my 37th edition of '100 Waifus' so obviously I'm not very good at checking things.

In Cyanotype Daydream, regardless of what route you're on, the way you get the girl is the same.  You display some sort of artistic merit, as a writer, playwright, or photographer, and you give the girl valuable advice that averts her from some sort of self-destructive behavior.  She cares about what you think because of your merit, and then is grateful to you for changing her life as she applies the lessons learned from you and sees the positive results, and voila, you get the girl.  The problem with this formula is that girls who either a) don't take advice and refuse to change or b) don't need advice and are living happily, are apparently immune to romance.  It implies that the only way to get a girl is to find someone homeless on the streets or fleeing the law.  There should be a simpler way.  Like, for instance, a romance starting because a guy and a girl agree about certain philosophical premises and realize they could raise good children together.  Or a guy and a girl have fun together pursuing some hobby and don't see why they couldn't continue having fun together for the rest of their lives.

A recent study showed that there are twice as many liberal girls as guys aged 18-30 (possible targets of romance), and twice as many conservative guys as girls 18-30.  So basically half of all girls and boys can't engage in a romance (why would you date someone you regard as evil?).  This is the fault of our education system.  Because girls are conformist but boys aren't, when you lie about basic elementary, obviously visible truths, only girls will believe your lies.  This creates a gigantic divide between the basic values of girls and boys, as girls are taught that conservatives are evil for thinking you can't wish your sex to magically change by thinking it in your head, or whites are evil for not giving away all their wealth to blacks or letting all blacks out of prison, or whatever.  Boys can't swallow this education because it's too unbelievable, no matter how much they wish they could believe it in order to be appealing to girls, it's just too far over the top.  But girls will swallow anything.  They will believe anything they are told, so long as it's by an authority figure.  So now girls are toxic waste dumps of terrible ideas which men can't approach just like you can't approach nuclear waste.

In order to give young people a chance at love and romance, we would have to change the education system to only teach true things that both men and women can believe.  Then, with ideological alignment, romance would run smoothly and no one would hate or despise each other.  Cyanotype's plan will work for like .01% of romances, but my plan would help out 50% of them.

This just goes to show how important transgenders are.  People say, "why can't you just leave transgenders alone, they're only 1% of the population."  (nowadays it's more like 10% but whatever.)  The answer is the issue of transgenders affects 100% of the population.  Because of your insistence that transgenderism is a thing, now 50% of all potential romances are stillborn.  That suddenly had a larger impact on life than a meteor.  You just killed more people than cancer.  When you insist on teaching an untrue thing, reality unravels rapidly.  There are secondary effects you don't consider when first instituting the lie.  You think you're just helping out a narrowly tailored minority with a little white lie that makes them feel better, when in fact you just dissolved half the love lives of the country, perpetually dooming them to loneliness and misery, and halved the birth rate.  The majority should never, ever be sacrificed for the sake of the minority.  This is where minority rights thinking leads.

We need utilitarianism instead of human rights.  The greatest good for the greatest number.  It's so simple and obvious.  But to do that we must first abolish America and its awful Declaration of Independence, which founded this nation on a bunch of illusory 'rights' we can never alienate, so we're stuck with forever.

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