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Thursday, July 27, 2023

3 more songs flipped:

Omoide Good Night, Tashinya and Katana to Saya have been upgraded to 5-star songs, all anime and visual novel sourced, while two songs from Chrono Trigger -- Primitive Mountain and Burn! Bobonga as well as one song from Gettysburg 'Soldier's Irony & Close Call' were demoted to make room.

The playtime of anime/visual novel/J-pop music in my 5-star music hall of fame is now seven minutes longer than the playtime of the video game music, a 'clear majority' like I said.  ;)

Both demoted Chrono Trigger songs are by Nobuo Uematsu, who was only brought into the game due to a mishap that fried some of Yasunori Mitsuda's compositions.  Since there wasn't enough time left for Mitsuda to redo them all before the game released, they brought in Uematsu as a pinch hitter.  Obviously being rushed into a game and trying to fit another musician's style isn't advantageous so it's natural for Uematsu's songs to be worse than Mitsuda's.  It does make you wonder how good this game's music could have been if not for that stroke of misfortune.

Ukraine is losing tanks and armored vehicles hand over fist, 30 a day, for the sake of a few tiny abandoned villages on the front line.  I hope they enjoy them.  Meanwhile they're losing an equal number of tiny villages near Kupyansk that were left practically undefended due to everything being devoted to the Zaphorozya front.  Ukraine's offensive has been a complete disaster, like Kursk all over again.  They would have done better to stay on the defensive forever, at least then they can hide behind fortifications.  It's impressive how long they've held out in places like Marinka and Ugledar via that simple strategy.

But Ukraine is running out of time, so staying on defense wouldn't work either.  Trump will beat Biden in 2024, all the polls say so.  Meanwhile Russia's military manufacturing has increased twelve-fold and is making modern weapons Ukraine has no answer for -- Lancets, T-90's, Su-57's and the like.  Russia's military at the beginning of the war was smaller, less modern and less experienced.  Now it's twice as large, fully modernized and all veterans.  There's talk of calling up another 500,000 troops, which if Russia did would really be the dagger to the heart, as Ukraine has nobody left to mobilize.  They're already using 70-year olds.  Russia can escalate as much as it wants, it can always call upon more funding and more troops, Ukraine has already been using all its money and all its men in the war since day 1.  It's obvious how this war ends.

Every people has a right to self-determination, to be governed by people like them, people who like them, people who share the same language, religion, ethnicity, history and culture.  The Russians who were arbitrarily transferred to Ukraine in 1917 and 1954 by Soviet Dictators were never Ukrainians, they were always Russians since the beginning of time, in all the things that matter -- in language, in ethnicity, in religion, in historical memory, in the songs and plays and books they read.  Returning those territories to Russia is righting an ancient historical wrong, especially once Ukraine announced its desire to genocide the current inhabitants and proclaimed Stepan Bandera, a genocidal Nazi war criminal, as their national hero and who their new government wishes to take after.

When right and wrong is this blindingly clear, and the entire west, from Australia to Japan to Europe to America, all fails this blindingly obvious test and sides with genocidal Nazi maniacs, who use cruise missiles to target children's summer camps and shells the women and children of downtown Donetsk instead of enemy positions, it reveals something deeply, fundamentally wrong about western civilization.  You could not be this wrong by accident, no one can make a mistake of this magnitude, when things are this clear.  The only reason you would ever side with Ukraine in this war is if you are pure evil.  There is something wrong at the core of western ideology, and I think I've identified it -- it's the new God Thomas Jefferson invented in the declaration of independence.  Everyone who worships this new God is actually worshiping the Devil, they're heretics, and once you realize that, it all makes sense.  Of course devil worshipers would support the shelling of women and children, it would be odd for them not to.  It's what Satanists do.  Take any value, invert it, and that's what the dark side supports.

We have to go all the way back to before Thomas Jefferson and his newly invented ideals if we want to find morality again.  It cannot be found in the west because the west has completely signed on to Jefferson's moral vision.  America has exported Jefferson to all its vassals, all its conquered territories abroad.  Jefferson has devoured the world.  Honor and duty, what actually motivated people to be moral, has been substituted for freedom and equality, neither of which encourages morality.

If people are free, they're free to sin, and no one can tell them otherwise.  That would be imposing on their sacred freedom, their inalienable right to pursue happiness.  Freedom is a synonym for licentiousness.  When America says it is defending freedom, it means it is defending the freedom of Ukraine to conduct genocides against its own people while putting up statues to a known genocider just to make their stance completely clear.  This is the freedom we are fighting for, the freedom to genocide the people of the Donbass and Crimea, and yes, it is a genocide when you start indiscriminately targeting women and children for murder, and yes, it is a genocide according to the U.N. when you abolish an entire people's culture -- banning their language, books, music, tearing down their statues, etc., etc.  Ukraine is guilty of genocide by every definition, the only reason the death toll isn't as high as previous genocides is because they tried to genocide Russians, and Russia didn't take kindly to that, so Russia nipped it in the bud.  The intentions of Ukraine are vastly more evil than what they've accomplished so far, but they've made their intentions completely clear, in law after law, in speech after speech, so for America to be supporting Ukraine, they clearly support these intentions, which morally speaking is the same as supporting the deed itself.

The opposite of freedom is duty.  Your duty to yourself, your fellow man, your country and your Maker.  The more freedom is expanded the more your duty shrinks, until you end up doing nothing for anyone, a completely worthless blob of freedom.

If people are all equal, then there is no need to strive to be better.  You're automatically as good as the next guy and deserve as much as the next guy whether you put in any effort or not.  This is why it's okay to be a single mother, fat, ugly, a criminal thug, a layabout, a drug user, a grotesque mockery of the opposite gender, a sodomist, slut, whore or drunkard.  Everything's fine and everything's equal.  If you don't end up with what you want you should be given reparations or it's okay to go riot and burn down half the country.

The opposite of equality is honor.  We honor people for being unequal, for being superior in some way.  We used to honor people who were good looking, productive, well educated, well mannered, well spoken, virtuous, victorious, or inventive.  Now we label those people 'privileged' with a sneer and demand they resign their positions for the sake of 'diversity.'  It's obvious that incentivizing people to try hard for the sake of being honored by their fellow man, or at least to feel honorable in their own soul, results in more good things than a giant leveling, a giant sucking sound, demanding everyone be and act like everyone else and never any better.

Thomas Jefferson attacked the two pillars of morality, honor and duty, and replaced them with two precepts of destruction, freedom and equality.  Communism is the equality of the grave, the end result of equality, Cambodia is its perfect exemplar.  And any black city center, with its 20% clearance rate for murder, is the perfect representative for freedom.  In these black city centers nothing is against the law and there are no standards whatsoever.  0% of the school-going population has any proficiency in any school exam, they don't have to learn a single thing, it's freedom perfected.  Why did we ever think these new values should replace the old?  Where have they ever worked in history?

We have reached Jefferson's endgame -- Ukraine and transgenders.  They're as evil as humanity can get, and we've embraced that evil, because it's in accord with Jefferson's teachings.  That's all we do, that's the extent of moral thought in America today, "is Ukraine trying to be free?  Check.  Therefore, we must support Ukraine.  Never mind what Ukraine is trying to be free for, what it's trying to be free to do, the point is it's trying to be free and therefore, as a good American, we must support it."

"Are men and women equal?  Check.   All people are created equal.  Therefore of course they can transition from one to the other, there's no fundamental, unbridgeable difference between any two people, so they can be whatever they want.  And since children are equal to adults, they can choose to switch genders at any age, even as young as three, it's their reasoned and completely sensible decision at any age to undergo permanent mutilation."

The smart set, the elites, think they're oh so great because they can follow Jefferson's logic to its logical conclusion -- just like the killing fields of Cambodia did.  They think they're more logical than us because look, the logic dictates!  But that's only if you accept their rigged game in the first place.  Freedom and equality are not moral necessities, they do not have to be the moral compass we are guided by.  These values were imposed on us by a single man, Thomas Jefferson, and one stupid paragraph.  The Greeks didn't agree with it, the Romans didn't, the Bible doesn't, science doesn't agree with it, nature doesn't agree with it, it's the conceit of a single paragraph out of the head of a single man pushing an agenda. (treason, which is probably not a good basis for any radical new morality or God).

It's okay to judge moral questions by different standards.  It's okay to not support Ukraine and transgenders.  That doesn't make you dumber than your opposition, or unable to correctly apply logical derivatives of initial principles.  It means you've broken free of the shackles Thomas Jefferson imposed on this country since its birth and have returned to the true God that Jefferson rebelled against while he was also rebelling against his sovereign.

America and its demented ideals must perish or the world will perish.  It's that simple.  If we continue pushing freedom and equality there won't be any humanity, everyone will be gay, feminist and sterile, the economy will become entirely parasitic, and America will keep pushing the world into endless wars until everything is consumed by nuclear fire.  But if we go back to the old ways, the old values, of honor and duty, entire new vistas open up.  Suddenly life looks promising again.  We could venture into space, start a family that doesn't immediately break up, strike down evildoers, write about heroes of accomplishment instead of heroes of suffering, and teach our children about our glorious deeds instead of accusing them of endless atrocities.  A paradigm shift with implications in every field and sector of life.  A new beginning.

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