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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Oshi no Ko S2 green-lit:

All my predictions are accurate.  I knew Oshi no Ko would get a second season, and now it's official.  I finished rewatching the series, including the episode that came out today (watched and rewatched), and promoted it to #160 in my top anime rankings to celebrate the news.  Nichijou took Oshi no Ko's place at #198.

Nichijou is funny and very well animated, but it's ultimately aimless and unrelatable.  Who am I supposed to cheer for or care about?  Everyone is crazy and doing stupid nonsense.  Who am I supposed to fall for?  The series leaves me feeling completely empty.  If some new show comes along I'd be fine replacing Nichijou with it, because humor for humor's sake is meaningless, it has to be attached to romance like Little Busters! for it to be worthwhile.

Meanwhile I finished reading Wizard's First Rule.  The best character in the book was Rachel, not Richard.  I was more interested in the adventures of Giller and Rachel (and her doll Sara) than Richard and Kahlan.  Rachel was the real hero of the series, using her wits and courage to navigate her challenges instead of taking the easy way out, 'magic power,' that Richard relied upon.  Unfortunately this is a long series and I think Rachel gets fewer and fewer scenes as time passes while Richard gets more and more, so ultimately Richard is the better character, but at least in this first book she's 90% of the book's worth.

I'm about halfway through listening to my 1-tier music.  Unfortunately there are a few songs I'd like to demote into oblivion, but I can't do so until I find more great music, so they'll stick around for now.  99% of the music is fine, though.  I'm looking forward to finishing this project and showing off a truly perfect playlist.

Some gay pride parade chanted down the streets, en masse, "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children!"  Obviously the proper response to this mass of self-confessed child molesters is to machine gun down the entire assembly.  But that would be illegal so I'd never endorse that.

But wait!  The news organizations explain.  They didn't mean they were going to rape your children, what they meant was that they were going to convert your children via persuasion to the LGBT+ lifestyle, so that someday they too could gleefully cut off various body parts, attend gay orgies, take lots of drugs and alcohol, be single and barren for life, and die early after long bouts of depression and many attempted suicides!  What's the big deal?  Are you against people persuading your kids to do something voluntarily?

Until you reject the libertarian philosophy that everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want absent force or fraud, you have no answer to this argument.  You can't say, "No, I don't want you to persuade my children into a sinful, degenerate dead-end, they're my children and I want them to grow fruitful and multiply, like all life forms should."  You're an individualist, you must let each child be whatever they want to be, it's up to them to decide!  You can't do anything for your children, you must simply stand by and let the gays have their shot at them.

The problem here isn't the Pride Paraders, it's the libertarians who are intellectually castrated and can offer no defense against their argument.  A collectivist, a statist, can say, "I will do what's best for society as a whole, and a society without LGBT's, much less LGBT recruitment of young kids, is what's best for society."  Then like Nazi Germany we can round up all the gays and eliminate them in gas chambers, which is legal because you're the state authority.  And the children can be raised in a wholesome manner, with continuous positive reinforcement about their future social roles in society and what they're expected to live like.  Then, 99% of people, raised like this, wanting to be liked and wanting a high social status, will go along with the State-directed program and live happily ever after.  And the remaining 1% of mutant freaks who just cannot get along will be gassed too, every generation, in a continuous eugenics program.  Instead of 40% of kids becoming worthless scum like our current libertarian 'let the gays come for your children' culture, we could have a vanishingly small problem that got smaller every generation thanks to Uncle Gas.

It's up to regular people which world they prefer.  The gay groomers are not the problem.  They could be eliminated within minutes, they're completely powerless.  It's the libertarians who say we can't touch them that are the problem.  It's always the libertarians who are the root of every problem.  Because every problem in the world has a collectivist, statist solution, and every time, some dumbass libertarian won't let us implement it.  And so society spirals into chaos and oblivion, and there's not a single thing we can do about it.  Because we're all individuals, and every individual has sacred inviolable rights, and so we can never do anything to stop any negative social trend, no matter how bad it gets.  100,000 overdose deaths a year?  Who cares, a libertarian somewhere insists drug users and drug sellers go unpunished!  50% divorce rate?  Who cares, a libertarian somewhere insists adultery and dumping men is a woman's sacred right!  40% of children are LGBT+?  Who cares, a libertarian somewhere says kids have the right to actualize themselves into their ideal shape!

It's all connected.  It all goes back to the Enlightenment.  Once you've ceded the idea that 'rights' trump 'duties,' the individual has primacy over the collective, this is what you get.  America is what you get.  There's no way out, the logic is inexorable.  The gay parade is the truest exemplification of America, our philosophy taken to its logical conclusion.

You either fly the swastika or the rainbow/trans/nonbinary/whatever flag.  You cannot serve two masters.  It's one or the other.  If you haven't noticed yet, Biden has already replaced the American flag, flying the transgender acceptance flag prominently in the middle of the white house to take its place.  That's the American flag now.  But the original American flag was already the gay flag.  Implicit in its founding principles were the rainbow stripes.  The American flag is also the trans acceptance flag.  If you want out of this nightmare, it's the swastika or bust.

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