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Friday, June 30, 2023

32 Songs Flipped:

The last step of this project was to listen through the 1-star tier of music and find out which songs were better than the 2-star tier above it, and flip those songs.  This was mainly to redress the grievance that deserving long songs were demoted in the past simply because they were long, which is why most of the 1-star songs promoted are very long, while most of the 2-star songs which were demoted were very short.  Now that things are being judged on merit again size matters.

There's no way a song that lasts 30 seconds can compete with a song that lasts 24 minutes. (yes, there is such a song I just promoted to 2-star, Beethoven's 9th Symphony part IV 'finale,'.  Yes, the Ode to Joy had been demoted to 1-star for being too long.)  Now all these discrepancies are fixed.

While listening to the 1-star tier I noticed Sarah Brightman's "You Take my Breathe Away" was a remix of "Free," so I axed it and added a new song, the ending theme to Oshi no Ko, in its place, 'Mephisto.'  Which I then gave a 2-star rating.  I also gave "Free" a 2-star rating since I'd unwittingly listened to it twice as often as I thought I had and still liked it.  Death to remixes!

Overall, 25/32 of the promoted songs were from western sources -- Western rock, western movie soundtracks, western classical music.  29/32 of the demoted songs were from Japan, almost all video game music.  My prejudice against the west was also partially alleviated by this flipping.

All the details can be investigated in my good music permapost, which now has an accurate ranking of every composer and an accurate rating of every song for the first time.  There are still six songs I'd like to drop from my 1-star tier, so my music hall of fame isn't quite perfect yet, but I assume I'll find six good new replacements by the end of the year, so it's not that big a problem.

Only six bad songs out of 5500 is a pretty good ratio.  The other 5494 songs really are great and deserving of their place engraved in history.

I can now construct an ultimate music playlist using these ratings, which will make real-life use of all the work I put in giving everyone a correct rating.  I give 1 point to a 1-star song, 2 points to a 2-star, 4 points to a 3-star, 8 points to a 4-star, and 16 points to a 5-star.  So to accurately reflect how much I want to listen to these songs compared to each other, I just need to add all the songs from my 1-star tier to the ultimate playlist once, and all the songs from my 5-star playlist sixteen times, and all the others in the same manner, and then hit the 'shuffle' button, and I'll get to hear all my favorite music in the exact proportion I favor them.  Which means on average I should welcome hearing every song just as much the moment it begins.  It's ingenious.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court banned affirmative action in college admissions.  That's great and all, but does anyone really think anything will change?  Racial quotas will still be met through some backdoor policy that technically fulfills the law while violating the spirit of the law.  That's how it always goes.  Liberals are in charge of everything so they'll always get their way no matter what the Supreme Court says.  California has banned affirmative action for a long time now but there are still plenty of undeserving blacks in California universities.  America has just become California writ large, nothing will change until whites get their own homeland and then they physically can't be discriminated against.  That's the only way to stop the liberals' thirst for equity.

Also, until the Duke Power Company ruling is overruled, that says if hiring is different from the demographics in your area that's sufficient proof of discrimination, America can never improve.  What does it matter if you can get a college degree but still aren't hired because of quotas in hiring and promotion?  When will the court overturn that affirmative action?

Nothing ever gets better in this country, it's always and in every way worsening.  There's no point getting our hopes up over minor victories like these.  There is no hope.

The new season of BanG Dream has started and it seems to be as good as the previous seasons, so another nice addition to my great anime episode count.  Hopefully Atelier Ryza is as good as Atelier Escha and it too can contribute to my great anime length count.  We'll see tomorrow.

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