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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Index GT8 read:

As Index books go, I guess it's average.  Anna Sprengel suddenly turns out to be a good person after all, so Kamijou's decision to save her last volume turned out to be correct.  He has good instincts.  The situation initially looked hopeless, but some of Touma's enemies started fighting each other so that gave him the leeway he needed.

I have no real complaints, but a mindless action book that only leads into a new villain and a new fight that needs to be won as a cliffhanger is not what an author should aspire towards.  Compare this to Ougimonogatari which actually spent most of its time making social commentary and psychology lectures on the social niceties of when an apology is appropriate or only makes things worse.  It let you actually think about things that matter in the real world and learn something about life.

I guess we can't all be Bakemonogatari, but you could at least make the attempt and not be wholly shallow.

In any case this book helped me listen to my music so it served its purpose.  I'm almost done listening to all my new songs (50 survivors) 100 times, after which comes the laborious portion of actually rating them and fitting them into my 5500 song tiered framework.  Thanks to Octopath II, there will no longer be any bad songs in my list, even the 1-tier songs will be presentable.  Such a dreamlike future is only a couple days away.

American officials are now admitting that the drone attack on the Kremlin was by Ukraine, which they pretty much had to admit once Ukraine bragged that they were trying to assassinate Putin and that they were behind every terrorist attack on patriotic Russian civilians that had occurred.  Now if only America would admit that Ukraine is deliberately targeting civilians in its shelling of Donetsk and Belgorod and the latest drone attack on Moscow we could finally realize we are supporting pure evil and then, just maybe, we could stop supporting pure evil.  Maybe Ukraine will helpfully brag that its targeting civilians and then the issue would be undeniable -- oh wait that already happened.  Poroshenko bragged to the press that kindergartners in Donetsk would have to hide in basements while the ones in Ukraine would happily go to school due to their continuous shelling.  Which means we've known this entire time that Ukraine delighted in targeting children and support them anyway.  But you would think that something, sometime, would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

By the way, I said I was wiser than the 'experts' who claimed the drone attack on the Kremlin was a false flag and said I knew better than them, and lo and behold, they now admit they were lying and I was telling the truth.  Maybe people should trust me on other occasions where I say I know better than the 'experts', since it turns out I do in fact know better and they even now admit this.

As more evidence that I always know better than the 'experts,' Israel released a study showing that not a single healthy person (with no comorbidities) died of Covid-19 under the age of 50.  Not a single one.  Which means no one under the age of 50 should get a Covid vaccine on the general premise that if there is no risk on one side and an unknown risk on the other, however small it might be, there is absolutely no reason to choose the unknown risk.  0 is less than any other number, however small.  So again I am right, no matter how risky or non-risky the vaccine is.  You were a fool if you vaccinated yourself and a sadistic monster if you vaccinated your child.  I said so at the time and this study now conclusively proves I was right.  You can't beat 0.

Meanwhile, in Canada, for whatever mysterious reason, excess deaths increased by 27% for people under the age of 44 in the year of 2022 alone.  The same people who are at absolutely no risk from Covid are dropping like flies from -- what?  Not Covid.  What could possibly have been different in 2022 than all previous years?  There is no other reasonable explanation than the massive vaccine uptake of this untested vaccine.  I guess you could say that all the other measures -- the face masks, the lockdowns, made people so miserable that the suicide/overdose rate dramatically increased, but that would still mean that government interventions I lobbied against but 'experts' supported are the cause of all these unnecessary deaths.  But it would also be odd to say people are only killing themselves now, after the face masks and lockdowns are over, and weren't killing themselves in previous years.  This is a 27% increase from last year.  Why weren't they overdosing then?  Another confounding factor is how many people are euthanizing themselves because they're in horrible health and pain because of -- you guessed it -- severe side effects from the vaccine?  So even if every excess death was by overdose, until you know why they decided to kill themselves it could still be the vaccine.

Bastard! S2 is coming out July 31st, I think all at once, which would make it another summer season anime to look forward to.  This time it's only 15 episodes but oh well, every little bit helps.  At least this time it will be covering material that the old oav's never reached.

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