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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Vocals > Instrumentals Redux:

Continuing my quest to replace instrumentals with vocals, I flipped another 6 songs from 5-star to 4-star and vice versa.

The new 5-star songs include my new Aimer recruits, One and Last + Zankyosanka, Gurenge, ZERO!!, Star * Frost and Sunny Day Song.

The downgraded songs are still really good, they just aren't what I'm aspiring towards right now, Feywood, Middle Layer, Lavos' Theme, Gypsy Heart, Barheim Passage and Dreadnaught Leviathan Bridge.

Even after all these changes we're still talking less than 100 rating changes from my initial rating, or less than 9% of the ratings were inaccurate.  That's a fine job as first drafts go.  As we can see I'm still correcting errors in my 31st draft of '100 Waifus.'  Perfection can't be expected on the first try of anything.

I don't predict any further changes unless wholly new songs are introduced (like the new fripSide opening to Shikkakumon), because even to get these changes I had to scour my 5-star playlist like a merciless tyrant probing for any hint of a sign of weakness.  I've listened with a hostile inclined heart to every last song, methodically going down the line one by one.  There just aren't any victims left, the remaining survivors are bulletproof.  I have the vocalists I wanted and I've expunged the instrumentals I wanted.  These are definitely my strongest 1100, now all properly placed in the highest bracket. (34% anime/visual novel/j-pop, 63% game, 3% western)

Editing my music and my book at the same time has been fun.  I'm correcting errors, yes, but mainly I'm just reading the best book ever written while listening to the best music ever composed.

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