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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rave replaces Shingeki:

My manga rankings are value added, which means they have no value if they're fully animated.  They must also be original manga, not light novel adaptions.  Shingeki no Kyojin is slated to be fully animated in 2020, so sooner or later I had to find a replacement for this series in my manga rankings.  The answer is Rave.  Hiro Mashima's earlier work only had the first 95 chapters animated.  The remaining 200 are in manga form only, and the artwork is as glorious as you'd expect from this manga-ka.  It's a rare find to have 200 chapters of translated, un-animated manga that goes all the way to the ending.  Such a manga can easily jump to 30th in my rankings, even if the plot isn't all that great.

Compared to a bunch of unfinished, or un-fully-translated series, Rave is the place to be.  I'm still in the process of reading it, but it's clearly among the best manga choices around for English readers looking for a long and plentiful diversion.

Now my manga rankings are future-proofed.  It's unlikely any of the remaining series in my value-added manga rankings will be fully animated some day deep in the future, and even if they are, it's more likely that a new good series will emerge before then, so I'll always have something ready to slot in.  Another hall of fame completed.

I also finished watching the Rave anime and duly added it to my runners-up list in my anime rankings permapost.  It's no Fairy Tail, but it's watchable.

It's clear that Trump's policies are the furthest right America will ever go.  Even Trump's policies are held up seemingly forever in the courts, never allowed to actually be enforced as law.  Now maybe someday Trump will appoint enough justices that the courts will start favoring him, but that could only happen four years from now -- right now he's only appointed 1/4 of the Supreme Court and the appellate courts.  Which means right when Trump finally is allowed to exercise his authority by the courts he'll be term-limited out and some Democrat will take over and undo it all anyway.

The few meaningful actions Trump has taken are of course all good -- building a wall, demanding legal immigrants stay off welfare, pulling troops out of endless wars, restricting refugees -- but it's doubtful the courts will allow any of them to actually happen.  And so long as the Senate maintains its stupid filibuster rule it's impossible for Congress to do anything either.  There will never be a time when Republicans gets a 60 vote majority.

So this is as good as it gets.  Given the current and future American populace, taking into account their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, class and ideology, this is as far right as things go.  Already, the majority of children enrolled in public schools are non-white.  It's far too late to do anything now.

After Trump's presidency (which I believe will extend to 2024 but maybe could end next year), there will be a tremendous left-wing backlash and America will whip all the way to the most left-wing it's ever been.  Obama will look right-wing by the time we're done.  Full socialism, the nationalization of virtually the entire economy, the banning of all fossil fuels, the revocation of all the bills of rights, the supreme court packed, etc, etc.  There won't be anything left.  The greatest economy in history, the freest country in history, will be replaced with a smoking crater.

In a situation like this, it feels pointless to keep endlessly repeating my arguments for why right wing politics and philosophy are the way to go.  If anyone were convinced by any future posts I wrote, they would have been convinced already by any of the prior posts I wrote.  I've already given up on America.  I want to join a new nation of already committed right wingers who don't need any more convincing.  Perhaps, once the leftists take over everything and make life miserable, ideological refugees will come together to form such a nation.  But so long as we're under Peak Trump, no one has any motivation to do anything.  That nation could be in some desolate corner of the Earth, on the open ocean, or on the moon.  It wouldn't matter where.  Life in any terrain is better than life under the rule of the left.  I already understand this as a worked out logical necessity, but apparently everyone else has to understand it physically with their bodies.  They won't wake up to the horrors of the left until they've directly felt the lash against their skin.

You would think the examples of the U.S.S.R., North Korea, East Germany, Venezuela and California would be sufficient, but it's never enough.  No one ever learns until they experience it first hand.

This is why my blog is now mainly centered around anime, manga, music, games, books and visual novels.  There's little to say about anything else, because nothing can be done on any other front.  At least we can still choose how to entertain ourselves with what little time we have left.  While the electricity is still running and the internet hasn't yet been quarantined.  Enjoy it while you can.  In California that's already questionable.  America will be following shortly.

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