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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Patriotic European Countries must leave the EU:

The European Union was originally a nice idea -- a way to reduce continental tensions by allowing for free trade, free movement of people, a shared currency, a united defense policy, etc.  A continent that had been warring with itself ever since the fall of the Roman Empire finally found peace again, and not a moment too soon with the invention of the nuclear bomb.

But none of that matters anymore, because so long as you belong to the European Union, you cannot stop the third world hordes from flooding in, courtesy of the invitations from Merkel, Macron, etc.

Italy just learned that because it opposed Germany on immigration, it no longer has the right to set its own spending priorities.  The EU is going to decide for Italy what its tax and spending policies must be.  You cannot belong to the EU without submitting to the EU, and the EU wants to turn Europe into another black and brown shithole.

The people of the U.K. finally understood this and voted for Brexit.  It's unclear whether the politicians will ever honor the people's wishes, but at least the people of Britain understood and acted.  Now the remainder of the patriotic nations of Europe must follow their lead and get out while they still can too.  Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Czechia and Italy, who all elected right wing governments, need to abandon ship and save themselves.

The reason I painted all these countries red in my map of the world, in the same category as France and Germany, as doomed to swamping by the third world, despite having elected patriotic anti-immigrant parties to power, is because they still belong to the EU and ultimately it is the EU that decides immigration policy for these countries.  If you don't leave the EU you're all talk.  It's just whistling past the graveyard.

I was very excited about how well the people of Italy would do under a legitimate populist government, but that experiment cannot be held because the EU is vetoing Italy's policy platform.  They aren't allowed to actually be populist about anything.  It's time to rebel against this super-national body and reclaim your sovereignty that should never be pawned at any price.

Perhaps the patriotic countries of central and eastern Europe could form a new league with each other that carries on all the best aspects of the EU.  But the EU run by Merkel and Macron is toxic.  Either the EU must go or Europe will be utterly and totally extinguished.  Leaving the EU is Italy's only chance at survival.  The same for Hungary and all the rest.  Escape, eject, abort!  The EU has failed.  Get while the getting's good.

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