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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar volume 11 translated:

The newest volume of Grimgar is out on kindle for the low price of $6.99.  I love how much Grimgar has come out this year, but it's still not enough.  The author has already written volumes 12-13 while they were translating 6-11.  The journey continues.

Hopefully the translations just keep on coming, because there's nothing better than Hai to Gensou coming out these days.  We need all the light novels we can get.

After Trump's tax cuts, Democrats complained that tax revenue would fall drastically.  Instead, like Republicans predicted, it actually increased.  Due to economic growth spurred by tax relief, people went out and earned more, so even taking a smaller percentage of their income resulted in a larger pie.  This irrefutably proves the Republican tax policy correct.  The midterms should reward Republicans for being the better custodians of the economy.  What on Earth do people object to over these past two years?  Taxes are down, crime is down, we're more at peace with the world, we have better trade deals than ever before, business is booming, employment is up, ISIS was destroyed, the individual mandate is gone, the stock market doubled, etc, etc.

Why on Earth would you vote against this record of untrammeled success?  There were no tradeoffs to Republicans being in power.  Every single change they made was for the better, for everyone in America.  When does such a thing ever happen?  Unprecedented success, across the board, for everyone.  Why wouldn't you vote to keep on winning?

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